The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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KD doin the opposite of what we all had to do growing up in black households. Don't brush his hair nor put on lotion. Something wrong with bro.

KD was that kid who hated taking showers. N_ hop in bed fresh off 5 good hours of playing outside.

Mama gotta keep reminding him to put on his “play clothes” and take off his “school clothes”.

Hard headed mfer

LeBron is feared as a player but if we're talmbout scrapping (which I believe he is) I get what SAS means. If you were to put paws on Bron you are likely not concerned about if he would take you or not because he likely wouldn't retaliate. At the same time, players have not and do not go at him because of "respect" but more so they know his fanboys would go crazy, the league would issue an overly harsh penalty and they might be blackballed.
Malika knows what she is doing. She is wearing fits like this because she is trying to protect herself from the heathens like YALL.

Wonder what that Camera Roll looks like, though :nerd:
Malika is doing great work. She is drawing all the attention away and leaving a pathway for me to get at her lil sis

Wonder what that Camera Roll looks like, though :nerd:
That's between me and my woman

Here, go fetch

Maybe JJ means financially or like because Bron had pull in the league. I don't think dudes scared of Bron physically. He's tall af, but much slimmer in person. He looks jacked on tv, but visually, he's average bball player. Not intimidating. Not like we've seen him scrap.
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