The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3


photographing babies is so hard -_-, I learned though, and next time I will be more prepared.
they move so much that I had to use a fast shutter speed, but I had poor lighting in my room so the pictures would come out dark, and I was already shooting at 1.8 also
Next time I'm going to have an umbrella so I can use an external flash, i didn't want to use the flash today because I didnt want to irritate the baby
Anyone here have any experience with wide angle lenses? I haven't used my gear in a long time and realized my Sigma 10-20 wide angle may have a soft left side. Looking at this pic from a Dodger game i went to last year i used the lens here and the left side of the picture seems extremely soft, could also be some image blur as i shot this hand held, looking at exif data i was at 5.6 with a 1/30 sec shutter speed 400 iso. Didn't really wanna bump the iso up so i tried to stay as still as possible.

 I took the lens outside yesterday and shot this little plastic bunny my mom has outside the house, used the lens and the image is really sharp, i don't know if its my inexperience with wide angle lenses that i'll always have distorted or blurred sides. Anyone with some knowledge chime in and let me know what you think. Thanks

Originally Posted by Jeezy Louieezy

Quick question, is it possible to attach a hand strap to a Rebel T1i without having to use a battery grip?

I don't think so? I remember reading a thread about this on POTN. Most of the replies were no you need a battery grip. But I could be wrong.
Anyway, some recent work w/ Poreotics. Please excuse the large watermarks




Bonus: too lazy to post the original.
Used Mac automated to scale all the pics, looks like it LOST alot of it's quality, hope you get the idea though, pics are much sharper on my comp





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