The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3






some beginner shots, and me eating raw horse meat.... pause
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Anybody know how i can put a black boarder or white boarder on pictures?

like letterbox style.
You mean like this?

Rectangle marquee > Edit > Stroke > choose how thick by number of px >choose color > Inside or Outside (never Center) > Hit "Okay" > Deselect

One from me today:

Originally Posted by solemunchies

Haven't posted in a while and I see a lot of good shots on the thread

But anyway, haven't been shooting much but here's one from this morning:

my S13 is headed for the elites of the high mile club
Mines broke at 205,xxx lol 

time for a swap
very nice use of natural light 23kidd, perspective is awesome too.

sorry for the pic overload, have not uploaded alot of my past sessions to my flickr in a

this is from last early fall, took my niece out for her 10 month session at the seaport




My brother-n-law and his little girl






I apologize NT fam, I havent really contributed here in a while and i got a little "posting happy"

Jason and Luong....don't stalk me now, haha.....funny, I used to go to EC, Class of 93, only if I lived here when I went to school, haha.

Thanks guys!

For those shots I used the 135L....that lense is amazinggg.

I was thinking about pulling te trigger on the 85L but a few weeks ago I second shot a wedding with this photog from NYC and he let me borrow his sigma 85mm...I have to say for more than half the cost, the built quality might be cheaper but the lense is a much better performer when it comes to focusing and the bokeh is to die you guys in the market for the 85L should consider the sigma..
Oh and young718 my setup is usually the 5dmkii, 135L, 50L and 35L

Nice shots some more
Originally Posted by crisone

Jason and Luong....don't stalk me now, haha.....funny, I used to go to EC, Class of 93, only if I lived here when I went to school, haha.

It's too late now. Kidding, I'm around that neighborhood here and then.

KSteezy, which lens did you use for the last two? Dope.
Isn't a 135mm lens on a full frame equivalent to a 85mm on a cropped frame? As much as I hate shooting with a long lens, I think I should practice with one to get the feel of it. Pictures and bokeh always look so much better then say a 50mm.

And sup Cris. Actually I don't know jack about South City but brother just bought a home out there and he dropped me off at Bart and I remember seeing that Costco with those houses next to it. Cool little setup knowing that you can get literally just hope over to Costco and get anything you want. Those 2 foot dry salamis for $15 are so damn good.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Oh and young718 my setup is usually the 5dmkii, 135L, 50L and 35L

Nice shots some more
Very nice. I wish I had enough money to afford that 
. Nevertheless beautiful shots
I just got my camera back so you'll be seeing a lot more photos
Haha Cris why in the world would you ever give up that lens!

Fong - I think you might fall a bit short of 135mm with the 85L on a crop, however the 135L doesn't take half the practice the 85L needs to get the focus right, I've heard nightmare stories from pro wedding photogs when it comes to that lens....when you get the shot right though...the bokeh is unmatched
Luong - for the last 2 I'm almost positive I used the 50L...shot these a while back and can't really remember, but I'm almost sure it was.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Haha Cris why in the world would you ever give up that lens!

.............At the time, I wanted a 24-70L and didn't have the funds to get it and needed it in record time, so I made a decision to sell the 135L to purchase the 24-70, now that I have it, I want the 135 again, bokeh is so creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeamy.

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