The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

What software do you guys use to convert and edit RAW files. I'm playing around with RAW right now and only using the digital photo professional software that comes with Canon cameras. Any good free software out there that's better? Thanks.
What software do you guys use to convert and edit RAW files. I'm playing around with RAW right now and only using the digital photo professional software that comes with Canon cameras. Any good free software out there that's better? Thanks.
i use the proprietary software when i get raw files. capture1pro DB is free, phocus for hasselblad, and if not, photoshop RAW if your settings are up-to-date.
Some shots from tonight.

What software do you guys use to convert and edit RAW files. I'm playing around with RAW right now and only using the digital photo professional software that comes with Canon cameras. Any good free software out there that's better? Thanks.

I have read somewhere that the software that comes with the camera is actually the best for editing the RAW files your camera produces.. I use Lightroom... Got it for free >D
I have been wanting the FujiFiml X100 for a while now, was about to pull the trigger but saw that a X100S is coming out in March... wonder if the X100 will drop in price then. Kinda wanting to save up so that new model tho, I need sometime smaller than my DSLR for an everyday carry camera.
I'd wait on the X100S personally, that hybrid AF system is supposed to be a lot quicker. Also it'll have the X trans sensor, no AA filter = sharper shots. I shoot with a Fuji XE1 and my only gripe is the sometimes-frustrating AF.
I'd wait on the X100S personally, that hybrid AF system is supposed to be a lot quicker. Also it'll have the X trans sensor, no AA filter = sharper shots. I shoot with a Fuji XE1 and my only gripe is the sometimes-frustrating AF.

I think this is what I'll do, maybe preorder when my taxes come in. Might as well spend the same amount to get the upgrades and fixes. Unless I can snag a X100 on sale or something...
Hey buds, just got a message on FB....maybe some nyc nt'ers will grab this oppurtunity and it leads somewhere...

Looking to hire somebody in NYC who is good with photo/video with a DSLR that wants to come to a LOT of parties this weekend. Any takers?

the person is called Newmindspace and their on FB so you can look them up....the do that pillow fight thing in union square and light saber battle in washington square park.
Does anyone here shoot club photography?  

I'll be doing this tonight for the first time and I had some questions.  First, the ceilings are about 10' but are black so bouncing light might be difficult.  I was thinking about using the Gary Fong with the dome attached and pointing it straight up to take pics of people.  Will this work fine?

The other idea I had was to use a white card on my external flash to bounce light and put a tupperware over it to diffuse the light a bit.  Could anyone comment on these ideas or maybe suggest a new one?  Thanks
Hey guys, totally new to photography here, but I've been doing a fair amount of research prior to making my camera purchase. So far I'm thinking D5100, it's not much more than the D3100 and has a better sensor/screen. 

My biggest question is the lens. To be honest, I'm sure the kit 18-55mm lens would be fine, but I'd rather get something more scalable if possible. Primarily interested in landscape/cityscapes. Thanks.
Hey guys, totally new to photography here, but I've been doing a fair amount of research prior to making my camera purchase. So far I'm thinking D5100, it's not much more than the D3100 and has a better sensor/screen. 

My biggest question is the lens. To be honest, I'm sure the kit 18-55mm lens would be fine, but I'd rather get something more scalable if possible. Primarily interested in landscape/cityscapes. Thanks.

I have the d5100. I love it. Only gripe I have is that I would love more autofocus points, but its standard on entry level dslrs. go with a wide angle for landscape.
i need a new normal everyday lens. any recommendations?
Sigma 30mm on sale at most sites with the new Sigma ART coming out soon... New lens will be like $600 but the current is at $284.

I've had mine for a week now... its awesome.

You could also buy my 18-135 or 40mm pancake off me.
Thanks man. It's one of my favorites.

Since we have so many fans of street photography in this thread I figure many of you would enjoy this:

What I would do to be able to shoot anywhere in that time period.

It seems like it was so much easier to get great photographs in that time.

The reason for me to believe this relates to the attire and the cars of that era.

Even the poor dressed in formal attire (which at the time was simply considered casual), not to mention the ones who were well off.

The cars all had a very similar design.

All this repetition helps in creating an image that is very aesthetically pleasing, without having to worry about distractions in the background.

Different times man... different times.
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