The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Originally Posted by lokiD40

Architecture - "Lines"


Century City Mall? 
thread finally made it back to page 1... i need to stop being lazy and upload some pics.. its been a while

BTW: What happened to RiKaN HaVoK? Haven't seen him post in a longgg time 
NikeAirsNCrispyTees wrote:
They're not ridiculously overpriced, for one (not trying to be a douche, just trying to be helpful and possibly save you money). My newest body (no lens) was $2K and was more than worth it. If it's overpriced to you, don't buy a DSLR. Those of us using a DSLR are shooting seriously nearly every single day, and not just pics of friends.

Part 2 of your question: Yes. Yes. Yes, several times over. Then a flash, external lighting, filters, memory cards, et cetera. Learning to shoot in different "settings" is a serious time investment and will take you about 6 months or more to fully understand, and after you understand them it may not be worth the time and effort. The settings you're referring to probably refer to terms such as: aperture, exposure, ISO, shutter speed, composition, rule of thirds, bokeh, et cetera.

What is sounds like you're looking for is DSLR resolution photos without the hassle. In that case, you're looking for a Canon G9, G10, or G11. When making that purchase, remember that more megapixels doesn't mean better. My D40X (as stated above) made several 11x17 inch prints that had no problems no matter how close you looked. Most people don't actually need more than 5-6 megapixels, realistically.

If you still think a DSLR is for you, welcome to your next terribly expensive hobby. We'd be happy to help you spend that money.

Thanks for the info my dude.  Seems long lol. meh...i'll get back to it when the time comes lol.



bonus pic... we won the state title last night!!! (obviously not my pic considering i was playing, but i thought it was a great pic worth posting)
Originally Posted by norcalballgirl23

hey everyone, lots of nice stuff going on as always. i took a break from schoolwork last wknd. here a few shots



THAT GG PARK! good stuff
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