The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

sooo, my sigma lens is done and pick them up just an hour ago, and i straight out testing the lens in my backyard with some flower, pretty much 70-80% photos that i took are on point but the other 20-30% is still the same :smh:
im going to test it out tonight tho, still kinda dissapointed by this lens a bit

and one more thing, the body i use is 6d and there is 11 focus point, whenever i manually selected the centre focus point, the image always sharp but when i use the left/right corner focus point, the image always focus or something else/not that sharp

do you think i get a bad copy of a lens or what?
and what should i do now? sell it buy the canon 35mm mark 1 or what? cause from the review that i see on the net, is that sigma is better from the mark 1 35mm 1.4

i ask the service centre about getting a new one for replacement, and the CS said that its kinda hard for them to give a new one just because the Focus issue :smh::smh:
From what I've read, the problems you're having are common with the Sigma Art series lenses. Most people do believe the 35 Art to be sharper than the 35L1, but only when you have a good copy. I've read some people going through several copies before they find one that they're content with.

The 35L2 surpassed the 35 Art in terms of overall sharpness and image quality, but as an owner of the 35L1, I can say that I've never had any problems with it and it quickly grew to become one of my favorite lenses. I tend to not shoot wide open at 1.4 very often, and I would say that at 2.0 and up, the 35L1 is plenty sharp for me. Chromatic abberation is a problem, but you can fix most of that in post.
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Just bought a new camera. I've been using my Nikon D40 for 9 years now and it's done well but I want something better. I was just going to buy a d3300 as its good value but I went to get it at a local place and they had an offer on the d5200. Everything I looked st said it's a little better and it was only about $100 more so I got that one. I've still got the box and everything for my old one so should be able to get $150 or so for it.

New tripod coming too - I've lost my big one (driving me crazy because I'm convinced it's in the house somewhere) and I bought a cheap one for $20 - it's a piece of crap. It isn't stable and it's already been back once because a leg fell off. Bought a much more heavy duty one which I'm looking forward to trying.
Just bought a new camera. I've been using my Nikon D40 for 9 years now and it's done well but I want something better. I was just going to buy a d3300 as its good value but I went to get it at a local place and they had an offer on the d5200. Everything I looked st said it's a little better and it was only about $100 more so I got that one. I've still got the box and everything for my old one so should be able to get $150 or so for it.

New tripod coming too - I've lost my big one (driving me crazy because I'm convinced it's in the house somewhere) and I bought a cheap one for $20 - it's a piece of crap. It isn't stable and it's already been back once because a leg fell off. Bought a much more heavy duty one which I'm looking forward to trying.

Post some pictures after you take some with the new cam :pimp:



I went to the Air Force Academy graduation last week, where President Obama gave a speech. It was a really fun time. The thunderbirds performed their show after the ceremony. One of the thunderbird jets crashed after the show while returning to the AF base they were stationed at. Luckily, the pilot ejected safely and there were no injuries on the ground.







yo, i have to say these images really convinced me to check out an air show! thunderbirds were scheduled to perform but canceled, still a pretty awesome event, i had no idea it would be as packed as it was but it was pretty impressive all around and it was free to the public!...i don't know that i would have went were it not for seeing how good your shots were...i took an insane amount of shots; manual focus at an effective focal length of 750mm is not easy #captainobvious but my hit rate is looking decent so far...
sooo, my sigma lens is done and pick them up just an hour ago, and i straight out testing the lens in my backyard with some flower, pretty much 70-80% photos that i took are on point but the other 20-30% is still the same :smh:
im going to test it out tonight tho, still kinda dissapointed by this lens a bit

and one more thing, the body i use is 6d and there is 11 focus point, whenever i manually selected the centre focus point, the image always sharp but when i use the left/right corner focus point, the image always focus or something else/not that sharp

do you think i get a bad copy of a lens or what?
and what should i do now? sell it buy the canon 35mm mark 1 or what? cause from the review that i see on the net, is that sigma is better from the mark 1 35mm 1.4

i ask the service centre about getting a new one for replacement, and the CS said that its kinda hard for them to give a new one just because the Focus issue :smh::smh:

You sure it's not user error?

Does your camera have a microadjustment feature?

What apertures?

Have you tried using a tripod?

Do you have any photo examples?

Sorry for all the questions. Just want the most information to try and help you out.
From what I've read, the problems you're having are common with the Sigma Art series lenses. Most people do believe the 35 Art to be sharper than the 35L1, but only when you have a good copy. I've read some people going through several copies before they find one that they're content with.

The 35L2 surpassed the 35 Art in terms of overall sharpness and image quality, but as an owner of the 35L1, I can say that I've never had any problems with it and it quickly grew to become one of my favorite lenses. I tend to not shoot wide open at 1.4 very often, and I would say that at 2.0 and up, the 35L1 is plenty sharp for me. Chromatic abberation is a problem, but you can fix most of that in post.
Yepp, finally sold the sigma for the same price that i bought it :D and now im stress free hahaha, going to cop some 35mm L 1.4 Mark 1 soon, anything to look out before buying a used lens bro? Im going to meet the guy in person tho, so not like sigma that i cant test them till the lens arrive at my home.

And how to check the front/back focus while meeting the seller of the lens? Using the line paper?
And about the chromatic abberation, do you have any example picture of the issue?

One more thing, does production date that can be checked via serial number affect the performance of a lens?
Cause theres 2 candidate of used 35mm lens, one made in 2010 and one made in 2012


just saw this thread on other site :

do your 35mm need some micro adjusment bro? or its sharp straight out the box?
You sure it's not user error?

Does your camera have a microadjustment feature?

What apertures?

Have you tried using a tripod?

Do you have any photo examples?

Sorry for all the questions. Just want the most information to try and help you out.
Im sure its not my fault because the focus kinda f-up
Havent tried microadjusment and i already sold the lens :D
Wide open at f1.4
Nope, but tbh if its only good while using tripod i still hate that lens because i always shoot with my bare hands

Unfortunately i already deleted all of the picture from the sigma lens because how i hate that lens already lol

Dont be sorry man! I need this kind of answer! :D
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just saw this thread on other site :

do your 35mm need some micro adjusment bro? or its sharp straight out the box?
Im sure its not my fault because the focus kinda f-up
Havent tried microadjusment and i already sold the lens :D
Wide open at f1.4
Nope, but tbh if its only good while using tripod i still hate that lens because i always shoot with my bare hands

Unfortunately i already deleted all of the picture from the sigma lens because how i hate that lens already lol

Dont be sorry man! I need this kind of answer! :D

Not sure if you were asking me about the micro adjustment, but no, I don't. I use a mirrorless system so no need to worry about micro adjustments since there's no mirror.

Sorry to hear you sold the lens. The Sigma Art line is usually fantastic.

Just know that depending on the camera, center focusing will be sharper than anything else. Nowadays, things should be sharp across the board, but depending on the camera, sometimes things not focused in the center aren't as sharp.

The reason why I mentioned a tripod was for troubleshooting purposes. Not saying that's the only way to get a sharp photo. What was your shutter speed? That comes into place as well.

For the money, the Sigma is definitely the better lens coming in at half the price of the 35L II. Really sorry to hear about your experience. Hopefully, whatever you end up getting will make you happy!
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Not sure if you were asking me about the micro adjustment, but no, I don't. I use a mirrorless system so no need to worry about micro adjustments since there's no mirror.

Sorry to hear you sold the lens. The Sigma Art line is usually fantastic.

Just know that depending on the camera, center focusing will be sharper than anything else. Nowadays, things should be sharp across the board, but depending on the camera, sometimes things not focused in the center aren't as sharp.

The reason why I mentioned a tripod was for troubleshooting purposes. Not saying that's the only way to get a sharp photo. What was your shutter speed? That comes into place as well.

For the money, the Sigma is definitely the better lens coming in at half the price of the 35L II. Really sorry to hear about your experience. Hopefully, whatever you end up getting will make you happy!

yepp they're fantastic when you get a good copy, but sadly mine, i dont think so :frown:
and from now on i think i will be staying to canon lens not with 3rd party lens.

but i tested my sigma and canon 50mm stm on the far left/right corner focus point and canon win that comparasion, for the center point, both gave the same result, but when i shoot some portrait, canon alwayssss win the comparasion, 50mm stm will give me a sharper focus


^ this photo was taken with 1/4000 ss and 100 iso at f1.4, if you ask me, that picture caused by lens focus issue but, what do you think about it bro?

i hope so bro, and thank you for the wish! ill be buying the canon 35mm L 1.4 1 in 2-3 days prolly and hopefully and IT BETTER BE a good copy one! hahaha :D
Yepp, finally sold the sigma for the same price that i bought it :D and now im stress free hahaha, going to cop some 35mm L 1.4 Mark 1 soon, anything to look out before buying a used lens bro? Im going to meet the guy in person tho, so not like sigma that i cant test them till the lens arrive at my home.

And how to check the front/back focus while meeting the seller of the lens? Using the line paper?
And about the chromatic abberation, do you have any example picture of the issue?

One more thing, does production date that can be checked via serial number affect the performance of a lens?
Cause theres 2 candidate of used 35mm lens, one made in 2010 and one made in 2012


just saw this thread on other site :

do your 35mm need some micro adjusment bro? or its sharp straight out the box?
Im sure its not my fault because the focus kinda f-up
Havent tried microadjusment and i already sold the lens :D
Wide open at f1.4
Nope, but tbh if its only good while using tripod i still hate that lens because i always shoot with my bare hands

Unfortunately i already deleted all of the picture from the sigma lens because how i hate that lens already lol

Dont be sorry man! I need this kind of answer! :D
yepp they're fantastic when you get a good copy, but sadly mine, i dont think so :frown:
and from now on i think i will be staying to canon lens not with 3rd party lens.

but i tested my sigma and canon 50mm stm on the far left/right corner focus point and canon win that comparasion, for the center point, both gave the same result, but when i shoot some portrait, canon alwayssss win the comparasion, 50mm stm will give me a sharper focus


^ this photo was taken with 1/4000 ss and 100 iso at f1.4, if you ask me, that picture caused by lens focus issue but, what do you think about it bro?

i hope so bro, and thank you for the wish! ill be buying the canon 35mm L 1.4 1 in 2-3 days prolly and hopefully and IT BETTER BE a good copy one! hahaha :D

Yeah, that does look pretty out of focus. What were you focused on and what focus area did you focus with? I know this sounds dumb, but are you half pressing, waiting a bit, and then pressing the shutter? Or Just pressing the shutter outright? The latter is the only scenario that I can come up with that would cause that bad of focusing.
Yeah, that does look pretty out of focus. What were you focused on and what focus area did you focus with? I know this sounds dumb, but are you half pressing, waiting a bit, and then pressing the shutter? Or Just pressing the shutter outright? The latter is the only scenario that I can come up with that would cause that bad of focusing.

andd 80-90% of the picture that i took always came out like that :smh:

yep i did press it half way and the focus point is right around the guy face and yet this lens failed miserably.

i think the only right thing to do rn is just to buy the canon lens lol

any tips buying a second hand lens and what to check when i meet the seller?
thx bro!
andd 80-90% of the picture that i took always came out like that :smh:

yep i did press it half way and the focus point is right around the guy face and yet this lens failed miserably.

i think the only right thing to do rn is just to buy the canon lens lol

any tips buying a second hand lens and what to check when i meet the seller?
thx bro!

Just gotta test it. Make sure you shoot wide open and stop down as well. Look for any scratches on the element and any indication of it being dropped. Check the manual focusing too. Check that it focuses freely and smoothly.

and people asked me why i thought sigma was trash :rofl:

You can't be serious :lol: This is based off of what, one opinion? There numerous other variables that we don't and won't know.

Yes, previously, Sigma was garbage. With their Art line now, they're definitely gaining the respect they deserve.
Just gotta test it. Make sure you shoot wide open and stop down as well. Look for any scratches on the element and any indication of it being dropped. Check the manual focusing too. Check that it focuses freely and smoothly.
You can't be serious :lol: This is based off of what, one opinion? There numerous other variables that we don't and won't know.

Yes, previously, Sigma was garbage. With their Art line now, they're definitely gaining the respect they deserve.

checked all the things and even sending it to sigma for them to re-calibrate it + doing their things and came out just bit better other than that its still trash

maybe i was getting a bad copy or whatever i dont really care anymore about sigma lol

comment from this video : "Goddamn, the Sigma is so sharp. Too bad you have to win the Sigma lottery in order to find a lens with working AF."
and people asked me why i thought sigma was trash :rofl:

truuuuu :smokin
andd 80-90% of the picture that i took always came out like that :smh:

yep i did press it half way and the focus point is right around the guy face and yet this lens failed miserably.

i think the only right thing to do rn is just to buy the canon lens lol

any tips buying a second hand lens and what to check when i meet the seller?
thx bro!

Just gotta test it. Make sure you shoot wide open and stop down as well. Look for any scratches on the element and any indication of it being dropped. Check the manual focusing too. Check that it focuses freely and smoothly.

and people asked me why i thought sigma was trash :rofl:

You can't be serious :lol: This is based off of what, one opinion? There numerous other variables that we don't and won't know.

Yes, previously, Sigma was garbage. With their Art line now, they're definitely gaining the respect they deserve.

Seeing as you're the only non sponsored by sigma person i've come across holding it down for them, yes.

Every pro wedding photographer i've worked with manages to work in their disappointment with sigma.

And let me say again, for that type of money, their art lenses better be good :rofl:
Seeing as you're the only non sponsored by sigma person i've come across holding it down for them, yes.

Every pro wedding photographer i've worked with manages to work in their disappointment with sigma.

And let me say again, for that type of money, their art lenses better be good :rofl:

Guess I'm not hip then.

Though, if I was a pro, I wouldn't be using SIgma. I was and still am recommending Sigma on the basis of a regular consumer.
Yeah, that does look pretty out of focus. What were you focused on and what focus area did you focus with? I know this sounds dumb, but are you half pressing, waiting a bit, and then pressing the shutter? Or Just pressing the shutter outright? The latter is the only scenario that I can come up with that would cause that bad of focusing.

andd 80-90% of the picture that i took always came out like that :smh:

yep i did press it half way and the focus point is right around the guy face and yet this lens failed miserably.

i think the only right thing to do rn is just to buy the canon lens lol

any tips buying a second hand lens and what to check when i meet the seller?
thx bro!

i'll say this, focusing wide open with a fast lens on a full frame camera, isn't always easy on a camera's AF...

as buying used lenses, obviously you want to bring/have your camera with you, test both the af, manual focus, & images, listening for any weird sounds, look through the lens (both the front element & rear element, good thing you brought your camera right!), i also like to ask why the seller is selling or what their experience was with the lens

and people asked me why i thought sigma was trash :rofl:

every lens maker has copy variation, granted some more than others but if you think about it, that sigma dock is kinda genius, if it works that maybe allows sigma to both maybe get a little leeway in manufacturing & looking at it from the other way saves the consumer having to send in lenses.

from this past weekend

cars-N-coffee by a0, on Flickr

Untitled by a0, on Flickr

Untitled by a0, on Flickr

Untitled by a0, on Flickr

Untitled by a0, on Flickr
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