The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

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holy **** guys. once again very nice photos from everyone. very inspired by everyone's work!

My first usable shot :pimp:. Shot in RAW, semi edited in NX2, converted to JPEG. Used auto....
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^Have you tried using Lightroom? It's pretty powerful and you might be able to get more of the green to pop. Looking good though

Here's the link if you're interesting in downloading the free trial:

Can I get some thoughts on this please. Went for the cooler look with the dramatic sky. I'm trying to stay away from the HDR look. I'll clean up the light poles, handicap sign, and weeds behind the car when I have time but the clone stamp tool is such a pain to use.

I think i have enough now. Lol

Im loving this 50mm. Going back home to Chicago this weekend. Going to have fun with it!

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Can I get some thoughts on this please. Went for the cooler look with the dramatic sky. I'm trying to stay away from the HDR look. I'll clean up the light poles, handicap sign, and weeds behind the car when I have time but the clone stamp tool is such a pain to use.


Personally, I like the handicap sign and poles in the picture. I think they add some elements to the shot without detracting from the main subject. In fact, the other cars in the background bother me more than anything else in the background. That could just be me though.

Agreed on the weeds though.
^lol never thought of that

Looks like I'll be saving up a bit more to cop. Thanks for the suggestion. Because of the number I kept thinking NEX 7 was better than all of these until someone corrected me.

[COLOR=#red]You will not be disappointed.[/COLOR]


One key feature I like over the NEX-6 is the mic.

Do you use E or A mount lenses?
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Photography is so much smoke and mirrors haha. Have to love it. I'm leaning heavily towards the A6000. The lenses are a concern of mine because I'm thinking that it may be smarter for me to get the Nikon convertor and use some of my lenses. Considering skipping the kit and probably buying the 50mm or something wider.
Let me start off by saying i know these questions get asked a lot, actually someone just asked like a page back but maybe if i give some more information you guys can help me better... I'm currently looking into buying a DSLR, I've been using my brothers Canon Rebel t3(not t3i) over the past year or so but borrowing it every time i want to get some pictures is annoying so I'm looking to purchase my own DSLR. What i plan on using it for, i want a camera that can get high quality images but at the same time, I like to record a lot of video so I'm looking for something that can get the job done in both of those aspects. I want a camera that can handle low light situations because I'm often out with friends or at concerts and i plan on using my camera in low light scenarios.

Budget: I can spend up to around 850 maybe a little more depending.
Portability: Does not matter
Brand: Nikon, Canon whatever anybody suggest.(Even though my brother has a Canon its just kit lens so doesn't matter if i switch brands).

If anybody would rather PM, any form of answer is fine with me.

edit- And lets say i wanted to buy a Nikon D7000 refurbished is buying refurbished from Amazon reliable?

New to the thread but thought i could help. I own a D7000 that I bought refurbished. You should check out if you're not familiar with them. I got a great deal on my D7000 and it comes with a 6mon warranty (extensions available).  KEH is my go to place for used gear!

Here's a different one. I shot in maunal with this one. I didn't use a flash so I had to brighten it up....Please provide feedback :D
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