The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

The more I see people in here making the move to mirror less makes me think I made a mistake by getting the 6D and should've gone mirror less instead.

I don't regret getting a 6D, but I am curious as to how mirror-less cameras compare to DSLR's out in the work field.

i feel like at this particular moment the only reason not to give mirrorless serious consideration is if you absolutely NEED full frame (but that's changing quickly with the sony a7 series), shoot fast action (most of the mirrorless cameras don't seem to have as big buffers or do as many fps as their dslr counterparts), or already pretty invested in a particular system. or maybe if you just like the bigger form factor (which comes along with more dedicated buttons and displays) of the dslrs...

otherwise the past couple of generations of mirrorless cameras are just about as capable, the only thing that hurts them slightly is consumer perception, they tend to a bit more pricey both lenses & bodies, and they don't quite have the lens selection of canon & nikon though the m4/3rds has pretty decent catalog...
^ I see what you mean.

Couple more of my homies Z.


i feel like at this particular moment the only reason not to give mirrorless serious consideration is if you absolutely NEED full frame (but that's changing quickly with the sony a7 series), shoot fast action (most of the mirrorless cameras don't seem to have as big buffers or do as many fps as their dslr counterparts), or already pretty invested in a particular system. or maybe if you just like the bigger form factor (which comes along with more dedicated buttons and displays) of the dslrs...

otherwise the past couple of generations of mirrorless cameras are just about as capable, the only thing that hurts them slightly is consumer perception, they tend to a bit more pricey both lenses & bodies, and they don't quite have the lens selection of canon & nikon though the m4/3rds has pretty decent catalog...

Since this is new tech I guess most people are still skeptical of it but I'm sure in time they'll be on the same level as DSLR's. Maybe in two years I'll make the switch depending on what I'm using my camera for at that time.

Question to my photog bro's. What did you guys major in school? I just had a mini panic attack thinking about the future and still being in school, worrying about getting a job etc. I love photography and would love to one day make a living off of it but with majoring in bio I don't know if I can have the best of both worlds. I know @ksteezy is a nurse? Yet he manages to balance both. Don't mean to take the thread off course with this.
^^^I can chime in. I went to school for graphic design but going into it without really knowing what it is. Even at one point I thought it was animation but it wasn't. Reality hit me hard even after I graduated. I was in the percentile of not using my degree for anything that I learned. There is so much to graphic design aside from just the graphics point. You have to be a businessman/woman, know how to set schedules. manage different projects and meeting all of the clients requirements. I am just not that type of person work wise and it ultimately steered me into a more boring profession.

I am older now (33) and do insurance for a living. Coming from a creative background, it literally is the worst thing ever with just doing monotoned work and pleasing higher ups. It does pay the bills for sure and I do believe do a degree, I get paid more than the average graphic designer and I am sure I work way less hours as well. From doing insurance, I have actually met a couple of fellow photographers with a 100% of them doing only wedding type gigs. Hate it or love it, weddings just pay that well and clients are willing to fork over good money as longs your work is solid. Even I could balance out my job and being a photographer no problem and make a dual income which is such a dream come true for many but I find I still want to keep this hobby an art form and steer away from it being a business.

I my advise to you if you are welcome to it is go to school for something on the safe side (hate to say it, business is always a good look regardless) and do the photography thing on the side. Being a photographer just doesn't take a lot of knowledge and going to school for it almost seems like a waste. You just have to shoot and gain the experience and even like graphic design, your work speaks volumes rather than just your degree. I mean I am sure people on here make a good coin off photography but I wonder how much people can really make annually. Plus as you get older, having insurance and even a 401k is really important and being a freelance photographer, you would have to pay all that out of pocket. Some things to think of anyways but also if you are seriously the ****znit and people want to pay top dollar for your service, then just be a full-time photographer.
Appreciate the input as always @Fongstarr. Looking at what I want to do (nurse possibly or EMT/Physician Assistant) I would also like to do something with cars. Being a full time photographer for a wheel company or something along those lines is to me a dream. I'm nowhere near as good as some of these people that shoot for big wheel companies like @qu1ckst3r but if one day I could do what they do and have another side job (something in business perhaps) then I would be set. Interesting how you got into your current job with the degree that you majored in. I'm looking into other doors that can open up with a bio degree besides going into the med field.
I see a lot of posters posting photos from Flickr.

Can I ask what makes you guys use that service?

Are there other online photo services you guys use?




Macro shots on the rx100. Still messing with it.

Which model is that? i,ii or iii?
Appreciate the input as always @Fongstarr. Looking at what I want to do (nurse possibly or EMT/Physician Assistant) I would also like to do something with cars. Being a full time photographer for a wheel company or something along those lines is to me a dream. I'm nowhere near as good as some of these people that shoot for big wheel companies like @qu1ckst3r but if one day I could do what they do and have another side job (something in business perhaps) then I would be set. Interesting how you got into your current job with the degree that you majored in. I'm looking into other doors that can open up with a bio degree besides going into the med field.

I believe Quick has a daytime job as well. I want to say in the nurse field but I'll let him chime in on that if he reads this. Don't settle yourself short on things. Go after what you love but be realistic as well. I should have never majored in design but it got me a degree which got me an interview ironically to get the insurance job. It did its job I guess.
I believe Quick has a daytime job as well. I want to say in the nurse field but I'll let him chime in on that if he reads this. Don't settle yourself short on things. Go after what you love but be realistic as well. I should have never majored in design but it got me a degree which got me an interview ironically to get the insurance job. It did its job I guess.

Appreciate the insight and thanks again Fong! Needed that
Finally ordered a new tripod. I feel more excited getting new photography gear than shoes nowadays. Anyone else feel the same?
^^^That looks like a nice setup. I really need a better tripod but just hate investing in one that is so expensive but I need to shut up and do it already cause the one I have is just not sturdy at all.
i know it's been talked about throughout this thread...but tryin to get some suggestions on a good camera backpack
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