The Official PlayStation 3 | ViTA Thread Vol. Plenty of Life Left

Originally Posted by sole vintage

[h2]EA tries to manipulate Battlefield 3 scores in Norway[/h2]

On October 18th, 2011 in News

There have been some unfortunate developments with EA Norway and the way they’ve been handling access to Battlefield 3 review copies. According to Norway’s top news outlet, NRK, EA has withheld review copies of Battlefield 3 to reviewers whom they thought would give the game a bad score. A number of Norwegian gaming outlets, including popular ones like and GameReactor, have been refused review copies of Battlefield 3 due to their review scores of past Battlefield games.

Furthermore, EA inquired potential reviewers of Battlefield 3 to see whether they were Call of Duty fans, whether they played the beta and if they were frustrated with the beta. You can see the full list of questions above.

EA’s actions in this case have been criticized by Norway’s top journalists, like Gunnar Bodahl-Johansen from Norway’s School of Journalism, calling EA’s actions “unacceptable
Originally Posted by Proshares

Those combat/predator challenges killed me man, couldn't get the hang of em to get the Plat.
yea the shock and awe was the worst, but for some i looked them up on youtube for short cuts
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Official - Saints Row: The Third Trailer - Shock & Awesome - Blatant Trolling of MW3 & BF3

Sorry but this game is any easy pass for me.
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