The Official PlayStation 3 | ViTA Thread Vol. Plenty of Life Left

that marlins stadium is the most fruitcakinest stadium in the bigs
They got it wrong with the new Miami stadium.

There usually only about 10 fans in the whole stadium during games
Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by MR J 858

Loved this game and spent a ton of quarters playing it in arcades in Las Vegas while my parents gambled in the casino.

Glad I have PS+ and don't have to buy it

God I wish I knew how much money I spent playing both this, TMNT, and other arcade games while my mom, grandma, and uncle did that.


I know this and X-Men arcade, Run N Gun .
Originally Posted by PO2345


What's the easiest route to obtain the harder trophies on L.A. Noire? (Finding Cars, Landmarks, Crime Cases, Etc)

Need some tips. I'm almost near Platinum, but I have a LONG way to go...

^ same thing I used. Just start in the NE corner and work your way down. It actually doesnt take alot of time once you start them.
Originally Posted by PO2345


What's the easiest route to obtain the harder trophies on L.A. Noire? (Finding Cars, Landmarks, Crime Cases, Etc)

Need some tips. I'm almost near Platinum, but I have a LONG way to go...

Just do a search on youtube for the car collector, golden reels trophies.
Originally Posted by swendro88

Dark Souls is a lot different from those games you mentioned. There are no quest. There is a small cast of npc's and no dialogue trees. The story isn't told through cutscenes. It also has a great online component. GOTY 2011

   Skyrim says "Hi"
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Supreme, I am going to try for the Platinum trophy, but once I get that and yous till want it, I'll definitely sell or trade.
The plat is gonna take a while but some of these trophies look like fun though. you get a trophy for beating Don Tonberry which is sure to be interesting.
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by swendro88

Dark Souls is a lot different from those games you mentioned. There are no quest. There is a small cast of npc's and no dialogue trees. The story isn't told through cutscenes. It also has a great online component. GOTY 2011

   Skyrim says "Hi"

Skyrim also says, " Oh, you own a PS3. Well, enjoy the first 10 hours of our great game, then watch as it deteriorates to a powerpoint presentation."
You cant give game of the year to a game that is functionally broken.
whats wrong with Skyrim on PS3? i was going to cop within next in a couple of weeks after finishing up plating FO3..
If your save file gets over a certain number (around 6000kb) it just lags almost to a stand still. Its horrendous.
They are patching it.... only 3+ months later. 
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

If your save file gets over a certain number (around 6000kb) it just lags almost to a stand still. Its horrendous.
They are patching it.... only 3+ months later. 

Im almost finish the game but its next to impossible to play for more than 5 mins before it freezes. So i recommend not start before they release the patch because it will just get you pissed when you cant complete the game

Chris- Take your time, im about to start cross edge
Any word Sony coming out with a backwards compatible slim anytime soon ?
God I'm getting tired of replacing my 80gb after it gives me the yold and the last one I got doesn't play ps2 games just ps1 smh
Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

If your save file gets over a certain number (around 6000kb) it just lags almost to a stand still. Its horrendous.
They are patching it.... only 3+ months later. 

Im almost finish the game but its next to impossible to play for more than 5 mins before it freezes. So i recommend not start before they release the patch because it will just get you pissed when you cant complete the game

Chris- Take your time, im about to start cross edge

Suuuper under-rated game. I loved it. If you like it, try Record of Agarest War (a PSN title) Record of Agarest War Zero (disc based sequel) and Vandal Hearts (PSN title)
Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Any word Sony coming out with a backwards compatible slim anytime soon ?
God I'm getting tired of replacing my 80gb after it gives me the yold and the last one I got doesn't play ps2 games just ps1 smh
It's way to LATE in this console generation for that happening. Also the fact that HD Remastered collections have sold very well and also now that PS2 collections are being offered on PSN.
Equals zero chance of backwards compatibility being offered again on the PS3 Slims. 
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by swendro88

Dark Souls is a lot different from those games you mentioned. There are no quest. There is a small cast of npc's and no dialogue trees. The story isn't told through cutscenes. It also has a great online component. GOTY 2011

   Skyrim says "Hi"

Skyrim also says, " Oh, you own a PS3. Well, enjoy the first 10 hours of our great game, then watch as it deteriorates to a powerpoint presentation."
You cant give game of the year to a game that is functionally broken.
I was going to start playing it after the tourney 
. Still in plastic.
Originally Posted by The Dauqs

Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

swendro88 wrote:

Dark Souls is a lot different from those games you mentioned. There are no quest. There is a small cast of npc's and no dialogue trees. The story isn't told through cutscenes. It also has a great online component. GOTY 2011

   Skyrim says "Hi"

Skyrim also says, " Oh, you own a PS3. Well, enjoy the first 10 hours of our great game, then watch as it deteriorates to a powerpoint presentation."
You cant give game of the year to a game that is functionally broken.
I was going to start playing it after the tourney 
. Still in plastic.

Return it for Dark Souls. DO IT!!!
Originally Posted by swendro88

Originally Posted by The Dauqs

Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Skyrim also says, " Oh, you own a PS3. Well, enjoy the first 10 hours of our great game, then watch as it deteriorates to a powerpoint presentation."
You cant give game of the year to a game that is functionally broken.
I was going to start playing it after the tourney 
. Still in plastic.

Return it for Dark Souls. DO IT!!!

Dark Souls is one of the most over-rated below average linear RPGS of this generation. Skyrim is 10x better. Granted I own it on PC and not PS3.
Rage is also a good option if you are a fan of Fallout 3. Not amazing, but has that same feel.
I'd say its alot like a cross between Fallout 3 and Borderlands.
^ Didn't get an invite but I've been hearing it's good so far.
It needs to be on the Vita as well though.
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