The Official PlayStation 3 | ViTA Thread Vol. Plenty of Life Left

I just feel tht any1 who really wanted to lay diablo already did it.

also lets not act like activision/ blizzard is going to give sony anything exclusive. That makes no sense for them
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Obviously its Bungie...

What has Bungie been doing? You forsaked the best FPS ever and left us to suffer. 
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A sports game would be cool.. also the mic to talk...

Sent from my Windows Surface RT.
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I disagree. Xbox has been killing PS imo for a minute now. I just stick with PS because I'm a fan boy, lol

Killing PS how.

I'll be getting this on Wii U more than likely.

Nothing as far as software has gotten me excited.

Has it been confirmed for the Wii-U>

While Ubisoft themselves haven't confirmed it multiple retailers have it listed for pre-order on Wii U.

Couple of days ago I posted a picture of the ad for Watch_Dogs that's coming to "All Home Consoles".
******g traitors Bungie
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