Gotta be kidding with all of this. Really not gonna let your kid go to college, just gonna hand them the money? So they can be walking around like spoiled kids offering nothing to society?
And the 10% part, you're not giving the whole $400 mil back tot he church. What's hard about letting your church be able to fix the building up or donate to the outreach program they run.
Why make them go to college? For what? Just get them some basic management skills mentoring with a success corporation. and who says we suppose to offer something top society..LMAO
My child would be contributing to society. 40 million worth
If I won that lottery my i swear i wouldnt even make my kid go to school after the 8th grade. Pay someone successful or enroll him in top notch intern program. really I wouldnt care whatever he want to do as long he is happy doing it