The Official Wiz Khalifa & Curren$y LIVE IN CONCERT.. Still No release date, Also this will be an AL

^^^ that's indicud.

it is out, though.
:x :rofl: ^^^^

i definitely dig this, its got that classical beats which i guess goes hand in hand with the original cover that the album had. I was disappointed though, had high expectations special for it being an EP that was over half year long overdue. Overall i enjoy it, im sure once I can :smokin i'll be liking it more ha. Looking forward to How Fly 2 if it happens
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:rofl: @ waiting over 18 months for these 6 wack *** tracks.

Wow. And I usually mess with Spitta's tapes, they have a chill vibe to them.
But Cabana is absolute garbage...what the hell is Wiz even saying?

Dissapointing to say the least, and i promise im really not tryna hate even though it sounds like it. I was excited :smh:
I distinctly remember someone here who said he was on tour (not performing obviously but apart of entourage) with wiz or spitta or something saying that this mixtape was going to change the game

Haven't listened yet but these reviews do not seem change the game esque

Seems like they just quickly threw something together for tommorow's festivies

why is four hundred and ten plus ten censored lmfao?
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This EP too sample-focused, it's like they made it to get in trouble. Besides Blend it doesnt rly stand out much
That tracklist had me geeked :lol:

About to peep this though... Kinda bummed at only 6 tracks, but hopefully that just means How Fly 2 is coming out in the near future. :nerd: I know it didn't take THIS long for only 6 tracks :lol:
very happy with their direction on this project

70s hustling music presented fused with this generations flow

glad i bought it
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