The Official Write Your Own Bot/RSVP Thread - Asking to buy one = Restricted from thread

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what browser?

Last week I tried with Safari and chrome. It was weird. I wasn't able to click on anything on the top half of the page. I had to scroll the page down to get the link I wanted to select below the search field in order to click on it. Even after getting the fire reds in my cart on Saturday morning I couldn't click the check out button. I had to open nikes website in a new tab and navigate to my cart that way.
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Anyone applying for the Head Coach gig at Nike Lenox?

Same people hating on twitter.  Gonna be the same people trying their luck manually with the hashtags in my Twitter feed.
Same people hating on twitter.  Gonna be the same people trying their luck manually with the hashtags in my Twitter feed.
i know i'll be following it.. took me 5-10 sec just to locate the correct circle last time
Last week I tried with Safari and chrome. It was weird. I wasn't able to click on anything on the top half of the page. I had to scroll the page down to get the link I wanted to select below the search field in order to click on it. Even after getting the fire reds in my cart on Saturday morning I couldn't click the check out button. I had to open nikes website in a new tab and navigate to my cart that way.
Its still messed up. When i checked earlier i was at my job and they use an older version of IE. Thats probably why the website had a different look earlier. I thought it was fixed. Lol
What are you toasting to? Didn't see anything in the tweet about one of those names being yours?
these destroyer guys really need to get out and get some fresh air.

dudes acting as if they have nuke launch codes.
Somewhere along the way the fact that all of this effort is over the opportunity to give a multi-billion dollar company more money has been lost.
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How effective do you guys think an RSVP program running an a single computer would be against all these RSVP service sites? Not talking about accuracy. Not that I have anything against these "services", but it's like you gotta e-camp now just to get an order on these RSVP sites. They sell out fast.
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What are you toasting to? Didn't see anything in the tweet about one of those names being yours?
these destroyer guys really need to get out and get some fresh air.

dudes acting as if they have nuke launch codes.
Somewhere along the way the fact that all of this effort is over the opportunity to give a multi-billion dollar company more money has been lost.
We have an overlap. He's taken care of.
How effective do you guys think an RSVP program running an a single computer would be against all these RSVP service sites? Not talking about accuracy. Not that I have anything against these "services", but it's like you gotta e-camp now just to get an order on these RSVP sites. They sell out fast.
I tried e-camping this summer when I was off of work and learnerd the hard way that fat meat is greasy. With nike chicago they always tweeted after 4 PM so no need to camp all day. Striking out when you ecamp sucks. Only pair I RSVPed for manually was the DB 95s and I believe that is just because they were not *** hyped as other releases. I give up and will throw an extra $30 bucks somebodies way for as long as rsvp exists when something I really want comes out. I really don't like driving in the city to pick up kicks so I don't see myself using the services too much. Maybe for the elephant print 5s. No need for me to use them for general releases, just the Nike store HOH exclusives that I'm interested in that don't release in my area. 

When is the restock coming September or October?
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See this is where i have a problem....Why do people think that ES is some kinda RSVP god or something like if when the red Octobers come out hes gonna get all of them....really? All i have to say is come October I'm going to have it on smash just like the champ pack.

Since people wanna act like im not helping them as if they would have had a chance without me or some other service I shouldn't even RSVP them i should just pay people that don't care about sneakers and buy EVERY single pair at NikeNYC and 21 Mercer.
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We have an overlap. He's taken care of.
What does that even mean?

Please clarify so I don't have to speculate, are you saying that if the rsvp system currently in place stays the same your going to start rsvping for your stans and fans?

If that is what your saying then I really don't see how you can consider yourself any different from Juaninzze or Memphis.
We have an overlap. He's taken care of.

What does that even mean?
Please clarify so I don't have to speculate, are you saying that if the rsvp system currently in place stays the same your going to start rsvping for your stans and fans?

If that is what your saying then I really don't see how you can consider yourself any different from Juaninzze or Memphis.

:lol: dudes been riding him hard doe
Memphis!!! Damn you took the words from my brain man.....thats everything i wanted to say and ES knows your right that's why he blocked you but its all good.

On that note let me clear something up since people think i hate ES for some reason. I Don't.

Hes a smart dude and i know this because we slang a few mentions back and forth on twitter when he first blew up. I look at him as competition and he knows I'm one of the few sites that actually knows what I'm doing as opposed to some of these other sites that have no clue.

I look at him as purely competition like any other site that might get the jump on me because he makes me work harder. If he takes pairs from me that's like another site taking pairs from me, i don't hate the dude its just dislike the way he comes off in his posts sometimes like hes doing the world a favor.

I feel that Memphis pretty much said everything i wanted to say.I f anyone has anything to say or wants to ask me anything (doesn't wanna argue either) please let me know.
Stop fronting. If you could have a monopoly on this RSVP service, you'd take it. 
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