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When I walked into Sony’s Gamescom booth to get some much awaited hands-on time with From Software’s Bloodborne, I had conflicting feelings. On one side I was hyped, but on the other hand I was a little afraid of disappointment. After it was leaked as “Project Beast” the hype about the game had grown exponentially, and very few games manage to match that kind of hype with actual substance, even more so with a limited demo.

I had seen the game’s graphics two days before at Sony’s press conference, but the impact with an actual screen in front of my eyes was unexpected. Bloodborne  really looks amazing. And it isn’t just a matter of pixels and polygon count. What really stands out, much more than in From’s Souls games, is the art direction.

Bloodborne‘s world and its inhabitant are depicted in a delightfully creepy, beautifully coherent and simply fantastic way. A Victorian city devastated by a deadly plague isn’t certainly an easy subject to depict, but the artists at From Software and Sony’s Japan Studio created something that can only be defined as a work of art.

And if the devil is in the details, Bloodborne   is the devil incarnate. Both the environments, the characters and the boss encounters are designed with great attention to every little etching, pebble, ornate railing and scrap of cloth.

All those lovely details are embraced by just the perfect lighting. While many talk about 1080p and 60 frames per second, few realize that the single most relevant element to how spectacular a game looks is lighting, and Bloodborne does lighting perfectly, enriching the already beautiful environments, and bathing characters in an eerie light that makes them look even more terrible and wretched. The fact that torches are a relevant part of the game’s combat makes their dynamic lights even more important, especially since there are dark rooms that need to be illuminated, and those are the most terrifying of them all.

While the visuals honestly surprised me, the gameplay didn’t, but this isn’t a bad thing. The reason I wasn’t overly shocked is simply because it’s quite familiar to anyone that played Dark Souls II. The pace is in most cases quite deliberate, with enemies executing slow and ponderous attacks that do a great job in making them feel threatening and imposing.

But you shouldn’t be tricked by the enemies’ apparent sluggishness. The main character isn’t much faster, and that’s what makes the combat tactical and extremely fun. You have to think ahead and plan your moves carefully, while often being ready for the unexpected. Bloodborne isn’t a twitchy game, but it requires skill, timing and a lot of “playing smart” to succeed.

The demo was most probably toned down in difficulty, as most challenging games are on a show floor, but it still required a lot of dodging and rolling, and most definitely to keep constantly in motion. Ebb and flow is the key, and you’ll pretty much move around like a boxer, lunging in to strike and then pulling out as quickly as you can, again and again. Just standing there and hacking away will get you killed very, very fast.

One of the elements that might throw veteran Souls  players a bit off is the lack of a shield or any kind of parry mechanic. There’s no turtling in Bloodborne, and the player is constantly encouraged to keep his offensive up. The “regain” system dictates that when the player is hit, there’s a small window of time in which he can strike back. If he succeeds, he’ll be able to regenerate some or all the lost energy, if not, it’ll be irreparably gone.

The presence of regeneration in the game may raise some eyebrows, but it just makes perfect sense. You can basically consider it the opposite of blocking. While the Souls games rewarded turtling, often even too much, in Bloodborne  you have to be reactive not only before getting hit, but also afterwards, getting those quick counterstrikes in before the window expires. It’s exhilarating, and it helps a lot in keeping up the pace and urgency of the battle.

last but not least, the transformable weapons, torches and firearms give the game’s combat a lot of depth. If you want to really get the most out of your fighting abilities, you’ll find yourself switching often. Shooting your gun to stagger an opponent, then landing a special attack with the long version of the melee weapon, followed by a series of quick combos with the short version.

Of course there are many more variations, and Bloodborne‘s arsenal, even in its limited demo incarnation, provided a lot of freedom, which unfortunately was interrupted by the limited time at my disposal. I definitely left wanting more… A lot more.

Ultimately, my experience with Bloodborne was without a doubt one of the most exciting and fulfilling between all the demos I tried at Gamescom, if not the best overall. If I had to choose a game of the PlayStation line-up that has the most solid potential to be a real system seller, that game would be  Bloodborne.
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Man can't wait for Bloodborne! I just know it will be flames :pimp: and is deep down coming to NA? I hope it does I'm pumped for that as long as I can play it :lol:
Bloodborne is just looking better and better! The hurt on my wallet this fall will be happily welcomed
I don't know about the GTAV remake. It was a great game but I don't think it was good enough for me to spend another 60 to play the story again. Only thing I would look forward to is online and so far the boys I played with last gen don't have a PS4 yet.

Bloodborne though. :pimp:

Just finished the first DLC for Dark Souls 2, gotta start on the second one now.
Delaying The Winds of Winter even futher :smh: :lol:

Any word of any Madden 15 bundles comin out? It's about time I plunge into next gen.
Rumor has it that the GoT Telltale game will revolve around Deepwood Mott and Stannis. Either way, top 5 most anticipated game for me. 
Delaying The Winds of Winter even futher

Any word of any Madden 15 bundles comin out? It's about time I plunge into next gen.
No Madden PS4 bundle.

Grab the white Destiny PS4 bundle and trade or buy Madden. I am positive someone would be willing to trade Madden for Destiny. 
Props/Hate to @iYen  for 99Gamers 

My backlog has more than doubled. Just finished trading a bunch of PSOne games. Currently have Force Unleashed, RDR, and Dragon Age II on the way to me. 

Got Diablo III today. 
 This game is unbelievable. And it's not even the Ultimate Evil Edition. 
Part of the reason why I'm trying to avoid Destiny for awhile is my backlog. Quite a few of them are JRPGs so that alone is about 40 hrs a piece. Currently playing through Tales of Xillia 2 with Lightning Returns and FF X-2 HD waiting in the chute. Also plan on giving Kingdom Hearts another chance since I couldn't get into it back in 06.
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For the most part, yeah. The big releases are usually spaced out well enough for me. Mind you, I don't play a lot of the annual franchises. It's not that I'm not playing multiple games at a given time, but I don't have 5,10,20 games I bought but haven't got to yet.

And I guess not being an RPG player like ^^^^ you guys helps keep me on track as well.
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Part of the reason why I'm trying to avoid Destiny for awhile is my backlog. Quite a few of them are JRPGs so that alone is about 40 hrs a piece. Currently playing through Tales of Xillia 2 with Lightning Returns and FF X-2 HD waiting in the chute. Also plan on giving Kingdom Hearts another chance since I couldn't get into it back in 06.

nope tex we want you on destiny. GET IT!!!
Yeah, but it's not like games get more expensive as times goes on, so a good deal today will be even better once you finish the games you have.
Very valid point. I can't speak for anyone else, but in my case I hardly ever actually get around to playing ANY of my games so a backlog is inevitable just by having PS+.

I imagine the convenience of having the games you want already in your possession appeals to some as well.

Really, we're probably just hoarders though.
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