The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

I remember starting up KH and just letting it sit at the start screen so I can listen to that piano :smokin. Also a question I've never pre ordered from bestbuy but I can't miss out in that pip boy. I'm assuming you get charged when the game ships on release?
They already sold them. That doesn't mean they won't get some more stock but the initial preorders are all gone. Check the reviews on PS4 or X11 and you'll see someone post about he was able to get one after they reappeared for sale.

I seriously can't stop watching this. 

This is about the 8th time at this point. 

The authentic screaming is a nice touch 
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maaaaan i enjoyed the Playstation experience!

the theater went NUTS over TLG, FF7, Shenmue, Uncharted, Battlefront and Horizon.

Horizon and Firewatch really caught my interest.

i brought my cousin with me whos an xbox guy and he walked out a believer.

he said FF7 HAS to be played on the Playstation since he originally played it on the PS1, also said he would of got it next week had he not got his Arkham Knight Batmobile Edition pre ordered for the xbox.

i think Sony did good. talked straight games.

just got online today to see that KH3 was announced, Sony didnt show that. where can i see everything that they have releasing?

also has anyone tried the code on the tag they gave us? i only remember them saying something about getting Killstrain and a $5 coupon for the PSStore with it. anything else?
Is there any word on a bundled PS4 system+Game coming out for Star Wars Battlefront? Or any kind of special edition or new PS4?
Is there any word on a bundled PS4 system+Game coming out for Star Wars Battlefront? Or any kind of special edition or new PS4?

I can certain something will come up. This is likely to be the biggest title of the year.

So many sick possibilities. I would love to see a gold PS4 themed after 3PO.
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 [h1]Fallout 4 PC Mods Will Be Playable on PS4...Eventually[/h1][h2]"The timetable is fuzzy" for when mods will be available on PlayStation 4, Todd Howard says.[/h2]
Now, Howard has confirmed that mods will be available on PS4...eventually. Howard stressed that Bethesda and Microsoft worked together to bring Fallout 4 mods to Xbox One, and said "the timetable is fuzzy" regarding when mods will come to PS4.

Rise of the tomb raider petition
 Release "Rise of the Tomb Raider" on Ps4/PC or face a boycott on the game.
With PC mods, getting the platinum will be a joke. Kind of irritates me.

Fallout usually does their trophy lists perfectly, allowing you to experience all the hidden things while trying to go for them.
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