The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

I skipped on the PS4 Ratchet and Clank games. Hope I didnt miss too much. Want to jump back into the series
A crack in time is a must play.

I've still got Into the Nexus to play but to be honest the one coming out is a reboot so its a good starting point.

So happy that FF7 is being re-made. This game probably won't be out for a year or two huh? =(

My guess 2017 since that would be the 20th anniversary.

So 2016 FFXV, 2017 FFVII - Re and 2018 KHIII

holy **** 2018 for kh3? im not mad since i know its being worked on as we speak. just kind of surprised. i guess they announced it when they started work on it so i guess it makes sense.
EA Investing In New Projects, Not Remasters Like Mass Effect 
Good Guy EA. 
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why can't they just give us TRUE next gen games? lol

too busy working on HD remasters because backwards compatibility is a preposterous concept. LMAO
I'm looking forward to replaying these this holiday.

god of war 3 remaster

tearaway remaster

uncharted 1-3 remaster

ratchet and clank remaster
Honestly they really didn't "announce" too many remasters. Most were talked about after conferences or before. Is TearawayUnfolded an actual remaster?
i thought we'd get something on GOW3. not mad though, i was happy with what was presented.

i wanted to see a few others like...

Mighty No.9
Until Dawn
Transformers Devastation
Rainbow Six
holy **** 2018 for kh3? im not mad since i know its being worked on as we speak. just kind of surprised. i guess they announced it when they started work on it so i guess it makes sense.

Mid-2017 is what I'm imagining at this point. I know it was supposed to be early 2017, but this seems more realistic.
I think the pup boy already sold out on BB.
Glad I got mine. Anyone else's reservation ticket say "Zero Dark CE"? I asked about it and he said that thats whats been happening all day. The sku number does match up tho. When I google it the correct game pops up

[rule]Rise of the tomb raider petition

No need to sign the petition. Game is already coming out for PS4. Not that these petitions do anything.
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lol @ remake debates
too busy working on HD remasters because backwards compatibility is a preposterous concept. LMAO

Try rewriting the code so the PS4 can emulate the Cell's architecture it's not easy compared to the 360 to Xbone.

I wouldn't be surprised if they get to emulate PSOne/PS2 games at some point, but the ps3 they should just offer PSnow for free with plus.
Why has TLG taken this long?is there something the developers are doing that's groundbreaking or that hasn't been done?
Why has TLG taken this long?is there something the developers are doing that's groundbreaking or that hasn't been done?
PS3 wasn't powerful enough for what they wanted so the technical difficulties wasted time. It then got moved to PS4 once the devkits were available
Why has TLG taken this long?is there something the developers are doing that's groundbreaking or that hasn't been done?
PS3 wasn't powerful enough for what they wanted so the technical difficulties wasted time. It then got moved to PS4 once the devkits were available
Not to mention the falling out the creative director had with Sony, which eventually got patched up. 
Glad to see the 20th Anniversary controller will be released this september. Closest thing I'll get to the 20th Anniversary PS4. lol.
Honestly they really didn't "announce" too many remasters. Most were talked about after conferences or before. Is TearawayUnfolded an actual remaster?
kind of but they reworked some new features to accomadate for the ps4 from the original game on the Vita.
View media item 1586978
To start with, the world is, like so many other games, an open world that’s yours to explore. But it’s the beauty of the world that sets it apart. From the way the flowers move as Aloy (the main character) sneaks through them to the vast, distant, cloud-covered mountains on the horizons, everything has a very natural splendour that just made me want to rip the controller out of senior producer Lambert Wolterbeek Muller’s hands and go exploring.

“This is just a very tiny part of the world,” the art director Jan-Bart van Beek explained, as Muller panned the camera across the machine-populated grassland shown in the press conference. “All of this is freely explorable. You can go anywhere, you can go up the mountains, you can follow the rivers, you can explore all the fields. And it’s not just the natural world. There are tribes as well, even cities.”

View media item 1586979
To start with, the world is, like so many other games, an open world that’s yours to explore. But it’s the beauty of the world that sets it apart. From the way the flowers move as Aloy (the main character) sneaks through them to the vast, distant, cloud-covered mountains on the horizons, everything has a very natural splendour that just made me want to rip the controller out of senior producer Lambert Wolterbeek Muller’s hands and go exploring.

“This is just a very tiny part of the world,” the art director Jan-Bart van Beek explained, as Muller panned the camera across the machine-populated grassland shown in the press conference. “All of this is freely explorable. You can go anywhere, you can go up the mountains, you can follow the rivers, you can explore all the fields. And it’s not just the natural world. There are tribes as well, even cities.”

But before she can go find any such cities, Aloy has a more pressing task - collecting resources from the machines. In this is the game’s core hook, a Monster Hunter-like cycle of taking out foes and using dropped parts to upgrade your gear.

There’s a real sense of immediacy here in Horizon. You don’t actually need to kill machines to get resources from them; if you’re good enough, you can shoot what you want off them. Muller demonstrated this by placing a well-aimed arrow in one of the green tanks on the back of the small raptor-like machines, sending it fleeing for safety but leaving a handy item in its wake. More impressively, weaponry shot off machines can be utilised immediately, like a large minigun-type thing that Muller took off the big Thunder Jaw.

Beyond such scraps, Aloy is armed with a bow and a few utility items (with more to be unlocked later on). I was shown three different types of ammunition for the bow: electric arrows don’t do a huge amount of damage, but can paralyze enemies; armour-piercing arrows likewise don’t do massive damage, but are good at shredding armour to expose weak points; and the rarer explosive arrows that do big damage.

The game is designed with synergy between arrow types in mind; success will depend on using things together. The scarcity of explosive arrows means that you need to make the most of each one. You don’t want to waste them by missing or shooting at armour, which is where the other arrows (and the Ropecaster gadget) come in. Expose a weak point, stun and/or tie the enemy down to limit its movement, then place an explosive arrow for maximum impact.

View media item 1586980
“That’s just one of the many ways of taking this down,” van Beek said, after Muller had slain the Thunder Jaw. “It’s really about using the right tools for the job, about using your weapons smartly in combinations with the environment.”

“And of course, learning all this as you progress through the game,” Muller added. “Because you won’t know all this at the start, you have to learn and discover this. That is actually one of the key things about Horizon; it’s not only a beautiful world, but one filled with mysteries. Mysteries for the player to discover.”

I'm reading all the right words.
Also the story and gameplay are in good hands:

View media item 1586981
View media item 1586970

Anyone tried the play station vue app? Can I finally cancel time warner? I mainly just use it for sports.
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