The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

Fallout 4 is not for me. Now I remember why I didn't finish fallout 3, i get bored within a hour of playing it.

Black ops 3 is dope. Will get a lot of play this winter.

Will re-buy Bloodborne and GTAV from Walmart BF.

Yeah, I just don't get the Fallout hype. I bought it and have played an hour or two, it's ok, but no where near worthy of the hype it receives.

You didn't get the TPAB hype, either, until you spent more time w/ it.

I suggest doing the same w/ FO4 and then maybe you'll see the light, good sir.
still salty about last years... would not attend again

gonna need to purchase fifa 16, FO4, and upgrade my Hard drive (any info on this?  need at least 2TBs)

anybody who has GTA 5 on both consoles chime in...can I use the same character on each console?
I had gta v on 360. I imported my charater to ps4. I had gtav on xb1, I was forced to create another character. Due to already importing my character to ps4.

I could only import my character to pc.
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Oh, that :lol:


Fallout 4 Ships 12 Million Copies in One Day, Breaks Records

Fallout 4's launch was a huge success. Bethesda announced today that the game shipped 12 million copies worldwide for launch day alone, "representing sales in excess of $750 million." In addition, the game is generating "record sales" at brick and mortar stores and across Xbox Live, PlayStation Network, and PC.

Bethesda did not say how many of those 12 million copies shipped to retailers were actually sold through to consumers. The $750 million number likely represents the total possible revenue, if indeed all 12 million were actually sold. We've contacted Bethesda in an attempt to learn more about Fallout 4's performance.

Shipped not sell through but still very impressive.

COD, Fallout and Star Wars are going to be cleaned out this holiday.
Ps4 has no games

While Nintendo out here flourishing :pimp:

Doing 45 minute presentations on EXCLUSIVE games releasing :pimp:

They have to be exclusive because no third party studios are willing to support them.
Not true
Some DQ games are on the way :pimp:
And ff explorers
And in their defense
Third parties kinda screwed themselves with all that shovelware they were making
Ps4 has no games

While Nintendo out here flourishing :pimp:

Doing 45 minute presentations on EXCLUSIVE games releasing :pimp:

They have to be exclusive because no third party studios are willing to support them.
Not true
Some DQ games are on the way :pimp:
And ff explorers
And in their defense
Third parties kinda screwed themselves with all that shovelware they were making
While I'm excited for.many of the games they announced, don't act like majority arent remasters/remakes i.e. DQ VII, DQ VIII, Twilight Princess, VC support for Pokemon R/B/Y. Then you got DLC for Smash. Other than Fire Emblem what other games worth mentioning did they talk about?
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