The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

Honestly having a wired connection is the way to go if possible. If not, you may have to drop some bread to grab a decent wireless router.

Or, use these.

Honestly, I was looking to drop $150-$200 on a wireless router but my friends think I'm crazy lol I'm still confused on how the power line works. All i know is that it is about the same price as a cheap router. The router I have is pretty old and overheats a lot. So is it worth it to buy a brand new one instead of a power line?
You know... I'd rather we knew nothing about the remake, they made it and then released it. Like at e3 they just show a trailer and say... its ready for download now. That would have been the dream.


Latest news is a buzzkill, I'm just going to focus on XV and KH3.
You know... I'd rather we knew nothing about the remake, they made it and then released it. Like at e3 they just show a trailer and say... its ready for download now. That would have been the dream.

I used to think that way but games are not Apple devices :lol:
You need to build that hype train. Games released by stealth do not do well.

Look at the Sega Saturn as an example of that.

When they announced Forza Horizon 2...:wow:
They announced FH2 in early august, I think.
Demo came out in late aug.
Game was out in late September.:smokin

I HIGHLY prefer games to be announced like this.
We've seen Uncharted at psx twice now...

You can't really apply that to all games.

Street Fighter V was announced last December and the marketing has been great.
Character reveals in major tournaments and press conferences, 3 public betas and playable builds in games conferences.

That's a lot better than a 6 month announcement to release window for this game to build up the hype and also since the game will have a competitive scene.

For the majority of games though, I agree 1 year tops. You can get away with 2 years for like Final Fantasy,Gran Turismo or The Last of US.
The games that Ubisoft for example creates though, the hype takes a hit when it takes too long like Watchdogs and The Division

Bloodborne and Fallout 4 did it well. Announced at E3 and the game was out in less than a year.
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I might be wrong but I think you can only download the beta if you bought the Uncharted Collection.

There's a overview option to get it under Uncharted Collection on the homescreen dashboard.
I might be wrong but I think you can only download the beta if you bought the Uncharted Collection.

There's a overview option to get it under Uncharted Collection on the homescreen dashboard.
Yeah that's how you get it.

My Uncharted Collection PS4 came with a little card detailing the instructions.

If it was a code I would've gladly given it out, since multiplayer isn't my thing.
Games now:
Halo 5
Gears ultimate
Forza 6
Rise of the tomb raider
Minecraft: Xbox one edition
Also killer instinct

Cup head

Halo wars 2
Gears of war 4
Quantum break
Scale bound
Crackdown 3
Should I continue????

Now do the same for ps4
*activates suspension of disbelief* yea man i know everybody must be going crazy over halo wars, crackdown, and recore, and have been raving about killer instinct. totally believe this.
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SELING MY BLOPS FOR 40 + shipping. X1 version tho
*activates suspension of disbelief* yea man i know everybody must be going crazy over halo wars, crackdown, and recore, and have been raving about killer instinct. totally believe this.

Crackdown >>>>

IJS. Other than that, Meh. I'm, excited about Quantum break and Gears 4, but as M$ already stated. Multi-plat is the way of the future for them. I agree, I don't even touch my PS4 anymore, not to say it's not a GREAT machine. All my friends are on X1 and the fact that I can play from my PC helps a ton. Playing Fallout 4 on PC while still connected to Xbox live and in a Party chat, then at a moments notice load up a stream and play some quick Gears of War matches >>>>> Anything PS4 has to offer. The level of flexibility is REAL.
Games now:
Halo 5
Gears ultimate
Forza 6
Rise of the tomb raider
Minecraft: Xbox one edition
Also killer instinct

Cup head

Halo wars 2
Gears of war 4
Quantum break
Scale bound
Crackdown 3
Should I continue????

Now do the same for ps4
*activates suspension of disbelief* yea man i know everybody must be going crazy over halo wars, crackdown, and recore, and have been raving about killer instinct. totally believe this.
Actually those games you mention all have very strong communities...except for recore.

Ya'll keep entertaining Nawghty tho keeps the thread interesting compared to a bunch of "What If" Final Fantasy talk.
2 1/2 weeks left before my PSN expires. Feeling like that deal will never show up :lol:
VII is great. I'm not going to use the LB option or no encounters, but 3x speed is a great addition. 

Just a Junon now. Trying to enjoy it all again rather than rush through. 
That should be a option for every pre-PS2 port. Speeding through random encounters is necessary if you've already played the game before.
You know... I'd rather we knew nothing about the remake, they made it and then released it. Like at e3 they just show a trailer and say... its ready for download now. That would have been the dream.

I used to think that way but games are not Apple devices :lol:
You need to build that hype train. Games released by stealth do not do well.

ITS FINAL FANTASY VII. That game doesn't need hype. If they would have just popped up with and said FF7 remake out... NOW! PSN would have crashed because of how many people would have been trying to buy it.

You saying it like this is Littlebigplanet or something. This is the most overhyped game in probably history.

You can't really apply that to all games.

Street Fighter V was announced last December and the marketing has been great.
Character reveals in major tournaments and press conferences, 3 public betas and playable builds in games conferences.

That's a lot better than a 6 month announcement to release window for this game to build up the hype and also since the game will have a competitive scene.

For the majority of games though, I agree 1 year tops. You can get away with 2 years for like Final Fantasy,Gran Turismo or The Last of US.
The games that Ubisoft for example creates though, the hype takes a hit when it takes too long like Watchdogs and The Division

Bloodborne and Fallout 4 did it well. Announced at E3 and the game was out in less than a year.

Okay a year or 2 is reasonable. Just mad we won't get the full game for years.
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Lmao Yall blocked him again is this the playstation or drake thread. Video games shouldn't have folks in their feelings that much to block a man's opinion on a message board. Why not just block him if you didn't like what had to say, also corny in my book, it's the Internet it shouldn't have you in your feelings. But whatever back to FF 7 talk...
Lmao Yall blocked him again is this the playstation or drake thread. Video games shouldn't have folks in their feelings that much to block a man's opinion on a message board. Why not just block him if you didn't like what had to say, also corny in my book, it's the Internet it shouldn't have you in your feelings. But whatever back to FF 7 talk...

How do you know anyone reported him. Most people took his crap in stride and joked along, but that doesn't stop a mod (those people that enforce the rules on NT) from noticing that his only contributions were derailing discussion.
Lmao Yall blocked him again is this the playstation or drake thread. Video games shouldn't have folks in their feelings that much to block a man's opinion on a message board. Why not just block him if you didn't like what had to say, also corny in my book, it's the Internet it shouldn't have you in your feelings. But whatever back to FF 7 talk...
We blocked him?

One of the most active threads in the history of Niketalk and you don't think mods run through here once in a while?

You know HOW MANY versions of him have been through here since the PS3 launch and never been banned? 

I did not report him, nor do I know who (or if anyone at all) did, but you can't honestly believe typing a variation of the same phrase multiple times a day without any input or addition to the thread is "sharing opinions". It is trolling, pure and simple. Hell, it happened to him once and he was back to the exact same thing hours later on a new account.

You have a problem with the thread banning, hit up a mod.

The only one in here catching feelings appears to be you, caping for your e-friend who helped you get some Gears kills. 
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Lmao Yall blocked him again is this the playstation or drake thread. Video games shouldn't have folks in their feelings that much to block a man's opinion on a message board. Why not just block him if you didn't like what had to say, also corny in my book, it's the Internet it shouldn't have you in your feelings. But whatever back to FF 7 talk...

A mod posted on this page. How do you know he didn't ban him for his trolling.
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