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never played borderlands, would the telltale version be worth it to play? I copped the telltale collection and thats the only one I havent played yet.

I'm late but hell yea... Tales of the borderlands is one of the better games I've played recently... Everything about was just cool IMO. Story was good and the characters were enjoyable.
Did you just :smoking to the idea of paying a monthly fee to play games you ALREADY OWN?

I mean, I heard of being a fanboy but... wow :x :rofl:
How about you know...using it for games you don't own like @OddAndTwisted below.

PSNow was never touted as Sony's solution for BC on the PS4. PSNow is meant to be like the Netflix of games which is why you can play games on Vita, PS3, TV's with more devices to come. Thinking of it as BC is short sighted.

does this mean i can finally play the ratchet and clank games i missed after ps2? :nerd:  how much is it??

I wouldn't mind being able to play some PS3 games on PS4 but it's not a must have. Statistically most people don't even use BC. 40M PS4s out there, I doubt people are buying them to play PS3 games.

Just like empire, I've bought the same FF games across at least 4-6 different consoles and I do it again on PS4 if they added trophy support. I don't why people feel entitled to BC on every new console. Keep your old console and play them old *** games or pay to play on new hardware.

If you already own the game then keep the console to play it on. I actually think BC is going to fade out with the way remasters have been lapped up.
I like to wear earbuds inside the Gold Wireless so I can play my own music, or listen to podcasts, from my phone and hear the game audio.  Now THAT **** hurts my ears after about an hour.
Run spotify while playing games
Spotify and Shareplay are two of my favorite features of PS4.

I missed the PSNow Convo after my little joke but personally I'm not a fan of it. If I could pay like a slightly higher premium for PS Plus for the year membership I would consider it. I would love to play Crash again lol. For folks who missed those golden eras however the program is great for them. But like said above I was never a huge fan of BC or PSNow services, I want to play new games for this gen. We have a lot of fire in store, especially with numerous delays announced recently, plenty games have been rushed in 2014 and 2015 but this year and next year are going to be groundbreaking years for this gen.
Did you just :smoking to the idea of paying a monthly fee to play games you ALREADY OWN?

I mean, I heard of being a fanboy but... wow :x :rofl:

$8.50 a month to play some of my favorite games like Crash Bandicoot, 2Xtreme, Marvel Vs. Capcom hell yea.

not like some of you fanboys who are excited for BC on xbox to play something that was on the 360.

i still have MvC but my PS1 didnt stand the test of time. alot of you "fanboys" are clamoring to play games for a system most of you still have..

youre arguing paying to play games from a 2006 system to like a 1996 system. stop it bruh.
Oculus Rift is $599 / €699 / £499. :x :x :x

I hope PS VR is no where near that price. Too rich for my blood.
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$8.50 a month to play some of my favorite games like Crash Bandicoot, 2Xtreme, Marvel Vs. Capcom hell yea.

not like some of you fanboys who are excited for BC on xbox to play something that was on the 360.

i still have MvC but my PS1 didnt stand the test of time. alot of you "fanboys" are clamoring to play games for a system most of you still have..

youre arguing paying to play games from a 2006 system to like a 1996 system. stop it bruh.
BRO u did not just say 2xtreme. on EVERYTHING i want the ps1 games to come in so i can go back and play 3xtreme with the bike, skateboard, and skates. *daps* its one of the main reasons i hope they bring in ps1 games. i also wanna play the old dave mirra/matt hoffman games. yoooooooooo i hope they do it
BRO u did not just say 2xtreme. on EVERYTHING i want the ps1 games to come in so i can go back and play 3xtreme with the bike, skateboard, and skates. *daps* its one of the main reasons i hope they bring in ps1 games. i also wanna play the old dave mirra/matt hoffman games. yoooooooooo i hope they do it

you be knowin'.. :smokin

you remember Medievel?? id love to play that again.


now that i think of it i think i still got it. bout to put my PS3 BC to work! :lol:
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If I order a PS sub card, will the code be sent to me or do they send a actual card? I don't see on the site about it.

Edit: The store is Newegg btw.
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I was actually eying Transistor looking through the PS store and considered it. If I don't find something else, I will swoop it up.


Yall got a game recommendation for $20?
dragon age inquisition

shadow of mordor

cod advanced warfare

infamous 2nd sun

far cry 4

battlefield 4

dark souls 2

battlefield hardline

tomb raider
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