The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

I love how rating the FF catalog pops up every 3 months without fail. 

I still remember the hate XII got, and now its lauded as top 5 in the series.

... VI is the best, IX is my favorite, and IV is under-rated.
C'mon yall.. 7 is the GOAT and I love FF6. FF6 isn't even the best SNES squaresoft game imo :nerd:
Yea. In VI the villain is by far the best in the numbered series, the cast of characters are classic, the battle system is almost perfect...
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One thing that shows I've reached maturity is not getting involved with "Best FF" discussions anymore.
You know the argument as gone on long enough once someone calls Sephiroth a momma's boy :lol:

I used to get so involved but all I do now is celebrate the strength the strength of the series.

We are almost up to 15 games and all of them before it are good games, yes even XIII, while being low on the FF scale is still a good game overall and that's not even including the spin offs.

Celebrate the franchise and be hyped for FFXV.
Best believe I will be taking a week off work. Took me 3 weekends to finish off Uncharted 4 and avoid spoilers. That ain't happening with this game.
Chrono Trigger is the GREATEST RPG but we was specifically talking Best Final Fantasy. Not Best SNES Squaresoft game. Stop changing the subject, b.

I didn't realize how smart and amazing of a person you were. My deepest sincere apologies.. may i travel back in time and relocate my poor choice of words... but nah bro, FF7 > CT

:smokin :nthat:

Nah bro these clowns have nothing on Zidane. He had a tail bro. Still waiting for that DBZ crossover.

Crying :lol: :rofl:
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