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Just got home... anything interesting from TGS?

Not much really. I missed some of it cuz I had to go to work but apart from some interesting VR stuff and some release dates. nothing missed really.

We'll see what comes from the show floor.
I've always wondered about this, but what's the deal with JPN/Asia using "O" for go and "X" for back, while in the US/EU, it's the opposite. 

I'm used to the JPN/Asia format.
I've always wondered about this, but what's the deal with JPN/Asia using "O" for go and "X" for back, while in the US/EU, it's the opposite. 

I'm used to the JPN/Asia format.
This always throws me off whenever I play FF VII
I've always wondered about this, but what's the deal with JPN/Asia using "O" for go and "X" for back, while in the US/EU, it's the opposite. 

I'm used to the JPN/Asia format.
 Different culture is the obvious logical reason....but 
Because in the Japanese mindset X means "no, bad, wrong, or cancel" it is the perfect label for the PlayStation's "back button" in the home market. But outside of Japan, there is no implicit negative association with "X." So when Sony swapped the default functions for the X and O buttons for the PlayStation's international release, they probably thought there would be no problems caused by the change.However, when Western games come to Japan, the game buttons are often still mapped to the international format. Thus, when Japanese people try to play Western games, they can't get used to the idea of X meaning "yes" and O meaning "no." To put it another way, it'd be like going to another country where on the traffic lights red means "go" and green means "stop." For the Japanese, the Western controller layout is more than a change of button mapping; it's something fundamentally culturally counter-intuitive.
As big is the Final Fantasy brand is, I don't understand why Square NA doesn't release bundles/LE consoles like that. I'd probably cop that if I knew I could get it for retail.
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