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I have loved every COD
Same can't say I've ever really hated a COD game maybe AW since I wasn't a fan of the exo movement as much but i never understood the COD hate as a whole they all play practically the same besides some minor differences. The only criticism I can understand this the annual releases
With all these systems coming out it made me think why Sony or Microsoft never made a gaming laptop..ishh would b crazy
Ghosts is my least favorite, but I'll agree there hasn't been a flat out bad COD.

I just think they rest on their laurels too much. Any innovation is more for marketing than it is for improved gameplay.
Yea, they have all been just A+.

Damn I remember when ESF posted that video ~3 years ago :lol:

I don't necessarily hate new COD I just don't find them fun. The campaigns are decent tho.
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Ghosts is my least favorite, but I'll agree there hasn't been a flat out bad COD.

I just think they rest on their laurels too much. Any innovation is more for marketing than it is for improved gameplay.
I wouldn't say that they've rested on their laurels but they just don't have much time to develop the games on such tight schedules I remember when before they had sledgehammer games as another dev team making CODs Treyarch and IW had every other year to make a CoD game so how much stuff could they do to for each game?
That's their own fault or maybe Activision's fault for annualizing it. 

And I'd argue that COD4 - WAW - MW2 - BO - MW3 was the best run of the series, when they had those super short dev times. Once they gained that third developer, that's when it seemed like they began to look outside the series for inspiration, rather than being the leader.

The original sentiment brought up about these games getting an extreme amount of hate for no good reason is absolutely true though. 
That's their own fault or maybe Activision's fault for annualizing it. 

And I'd argue that COD4 - WAW - MW2 - BO - MW3 was the best run of the series, when they had those super short dev times. Once they gained that third developer, that's when it seemed like they began to look outside the series for inspiration, rather than being the leader.

The original sentiment brought up about these games getting an extreme amount of hate for no good reason is absolutely true though. 
I'd say it's more on Activision for annualizing the franchise I doubt the devs would have much to say in the matter once Activision saw the profits made. I feel like COD never really had a best run either it's always had a steady run imo and the 3rd dev team has been somewhat recent so it's not easy to say they've rested on their laurels when the only two games to really benefit from the extra year to develop was AW and BLOPS3 (which I thought was a very good game minus the campaign lol) and I'd say they didn't really add much to the other games some minor stuff here and there while keeping the core game elements the same. As for finding inspiration I think it's more so preference but I like that they are trying to do different things with the more futuristic stuff in the game there's only so much they could build upon with the current setting and WWII setting. I still think they are leaders in a way but the market is different now with more options for people and the franchise fatigue people have with the games
Rumor is you access MW's MP mode through firing up IW's MP.

Trip down memory lane:
1v1 me noob
realizing how racist white people are when no black people are around
nobody backed out, because shipment was the next map.
being in the party chat after your connection inturupts during a shipment match.|I  
mile high club
falling asleep while in a match because you've been on so long.

No other cod I've played that I say that for.
COD2's the closest

This is true except for the racism part.

Halo 2 was the first of that :lol:
Mads Mikkleson in Death Stranding? NICE!

Hannibal actor Mads Mikkelsen appears to have a role alongside Norman Reedus in Hideo Kojima's mysterious PS4-exclusive Death Stranding.

The acclaimed director tweeted the following photo from a motion-capture studio working on the title:



Not much on its own, right? But then a fan of Mikkelsen posted the following Instagram photo of himself with the Danish actor wearing the same orange hoodie with a grey lining.

This alone could be a coincidence, but the fan posted a few more details of his exchange with Mikkelsen. It turns out he ran into the actor in Sheffield where he was "acting in a video game."

Furthermore, he stated it was "a Japanese game".

Kojima at TGS


Cod 4, was the greatest. No Russian? I can't wait to play that again, the ac130 in single player? Shoot. The only thing I hated was the machine gun turrets with infinite ammo/no cool down time..... And martyrdom. So many choppers and air strikes lost to martyrdom.

Edit: crap, I just realized I mixed the 2 games up.
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