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When playing games like GOW or RDR2, my PS4 Pro sounds like a jet engine. I have to wear a headset to be able to concentrate on the game itself. I have tried cleaning the fan and a few other things, but nothing seems to work.

It occurred to me today that I never tried lowering the resolution from 4k to 1080p. Boom, PS4 Pro is damn near silent when playing those games. I am not a fan of this solution, because it defeats the purpose of having a Pro, but nothing I have tried works. Any of you guys have the same issue when playing at 4k?
Try playing it on a launch ps4
My fan blows loud as hell
And my disc eject button constantly beeps nonstop
If ps5 gets ps2 bc with game discs
I’m saying **** it
And buying nba street vol 2 from anywhere I can find it
I don’t care of the cost
When playing games like GOW or RDR2, my PS4 Pro sounds like a jet engine. I have to wear a headset to be able to concentrate on the game itself. I have tried cleaning the fan and a few other things, but nothing seems to work.

It occurred to me today that I never tried lowering the resolution from 4k to 1080p. Boom, PS4 Pro is damn near silent when playing those games. I am not a fan of this solution, because it defeats the purpose of having a Pro, but nothing I have tried works. Any of you guys have the same issue when playing at 4k?
That's what my 1st Gen Pro sounded like. The new one is pretty quiet.
Free from the library. I never completed Sekiro but playing fallen order made me appreciate it more and go back to it. The worlds are so much more rich and immersive and feels like they’re made with more love and doing it for the art and craft in mind. One thing that was nice imo was the way that the swing of the lightsaber felt, and the fluidity of the animations. Having those in a more Arkham style setting instead of a bootleg fromsoft/tomb raider one would have been nicer. But this is just my opinion there are people like AZ that got further in and felt the payoff was worth it.

Thanks for the feedback flyeed flyeed I'm waiting to cop Fallen Order on discount as mentioned earlier. Game looked like it lacked a certain polish on reviews and videos. I think a sequel should tighten out some of the issues and/or game mechanics.
When playing games like GOW or RDR2, my PS4 Pro sounds like a jet engine. I have to wear a headset to be able to concentrate on the game itself. I have tried cleaning the fan and a few other things, but nothing seems to work.

It occurred to me today that I never tried lowering the resolution from 4k to 1080p. Boom, PS4 Pro is damn near silent when playing those games. I am not a fan of this solution, because it defeats the purpose of having a Pro, but nothing I have tried works. Any of you guys have the same issue when playing at 4k?
Try playing it on a launch ps4
My fan blows loud as hell
And my disc eject button constantly beeps nonstop

AZwildcats AZwildcats depending on your technical skill I would look into having the internal fan cleaned/serviced. Additionally you'd also want to replace the thermal paste on the CPU as well as the thermal pads for the memory with something far more efficient. If you're really feeling adventurous you can replace the thermal paste with liquid metal but do your homework and take the necessary precautions.
AZwildcats AZwildcats depending on your technical skill I would look into having the internal fan cleaned/serviced. Additionally you'd also want to replace the thermal paste on the CPU as well as the thermal pads for the memory with something far more efficient. If you're really feeling adventurous you can replace the thermal paste with liquid metal but do your homework and take the necessary precautions.

That is definitely beyond my technical ability. There is a shop close by me that might be able to do it though, I'll run it by them. I'm willing to try anything at this point, at least until the PS5 is out
Finished the Fallen Order campaign. It was fun, enjoyable and the story was great. Still need to finish exploring the other planets so there still stuff to do.
I heard that rumor before and I hope it's true. Most importantly though would be PS4 to me. I have all other PS consoles.

It better have the emotion engine of the PS2 and not the emulator crap.
I think we all know PS5 will have BC to some degree. I’ll be shocked if it’ll support EVERY PS1-PS4 game. Are they going to rerelease every game digitally or will we have to hunt down discs?
I’m hoping for complete disc backwards compatibility. If I can use all my old discs and they allow memory card attachment so I can access all my past game data. I have way too many PS2 games just sitting at my parent’s house.

I am really interested in these no load times and games with no installs as well. Didn’t realize how prevalent it was in games of today.
One feature that PS5 should have is auto sync from the cloud. That is one of my favorite features from Xbox One. Being able to jump from the living room Xbox to the bedroom Xbox and picking up where you left off is too clutch.
Another leaked dev kit pic.From reddit:

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