The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

they devaluing their brand
releasing that all in one kingdom hearts package
9 games for 49.99
deal yeah
but devalues the brand imo
nintendo would never

The PlayStation 5 SSD Could be the Samsung NVMe SSD 980 QVO

Can someone explain for the non tech savvy dudes?
You asked this 2 weeks ago

From the Wired PS5 reveal article:

On the TV, Spidey stands in a small plaza. Cerny presses a button on the controller, initiating a fast-travel interstitial screen. When Spidey reappears in a totally different spot in Manhattan, 15 seconds have elapsed. Then Cerny does the same thing on a next-gen devkit connected to a different TV. (The devkit, an early “low-speed” version, is concealed in a big silver tower, with no visible componentry.) What took 15 seconds now takes less than one: 0.8 seconds, to be exact.

That’s just one consequence of an SSD. There’s also the speed with which a world can be rendered, and thus the speed with which a character can move through that world. Cerny runs a similar two-console demonstration, this time with the camera moving up one of Midtown’s avenues. On the original PS4, the camera moves at about the speed Spidey hits while web-slinging. “No matter how powered up you get as Spider-Man, you can never go any faster than this,” Cerny says, “because that's simply how fast we can get the data off the hard drive.” On the next-gen console, the camera speeds uptown like it’s mounted to a fighter jet.

Here is the demo

It’s not just the speed that makes the SSD formidable, he says, but the efficiency it offers. Think about the hard drive in a game console, spinning like a 5,400-rpm vinyl record. For the console to read a piece of information off the drive, it first has to send out the disk head—like a turntable needle—to find it. Each “seek,” as it’s known, may entail only a scant handful of milliseconds, but seeks add up. To minimize them, developers will often duplicate certain game assets in order to form contiguous data blocks, which the drive can read faster.

But data adds up too. "If you look at a game like Marvel's Spider-Man," Cerny says, "there are some pieces of data duplicated 400 times on the hard drive." The SSD sweeps away the need for all that duping—so not only is its raw read speed dramatically faster than a hard drive, but it saves crucial space. How developers will take advantage of that space will likely differ; some may opt to build a larger or more detailed game world, others may be content to shrink the size of the games or patches.
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Reggie better have left to reanimate Satoru Iwata with Dark Magic if you think Nintendo has a snowball's chance in hell with Switch.
I have no idea. It's head looks similar to the Rath- species. where is this from?

Maybe its a Zerureusu?

I was googling MHW gifs to show a friend the game and that was one of the first ones to pop up


Oh it’s Astalos from the last game.
How far back is the backwards compatibility for the ps5? We talking just ps4 games or quite possibly as far back as the OG?

Or is this whole bundle of previous games remastered and repackaged in to one here to stay?
i feel like they been holding back BC for too long and this should be the gen they finally make it full BC
i don’t care if both systems are the same as their predecessors as long as they don’t have this nonsense where i buy a physical disk and still have to wait for it to download
Day 1 "patches".
They getting bigger with every generation.
Imagine late on a weeknight staring at an almost 3gb Grand Turismo update. Man I went to bed.
How far back is the backwards compatibility for the ps5? We talking just ps4 games or quite possibly as far back as the OG?

Or is this whole bundle of previous games remastered and repackaged in to one here to stay?

I know the big rumor is full backwards compatibility, and I'm all for it, but I'll be fine with just PS4. Practically the whole PS2/3 library re-released on the console.

I feel like all PlayStations should have PS1 compatibility though. They are basic CDs.
At least don't have it be no 3 hour download. If it takes 5 minutes, I can live with that, but these developers have really been tripping with 27gbs of downloads.

well look at the games we get nowadays, GTA, red dead, these games are MASSIVE, graphics are more detailed than ever, and now online is a big game so like someone mentioned above, day 1 patches are big, of course they can start shipping out completed games lol hopefully the next gen cuts down the loading/download times
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