The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

It was the right decision. Those students protesting need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

I have mad respect for that one kid on ESPN who wasn't afraid to say this had to be done. Cya late Jo remorse for you here
1. This game cannot be played truly for the greater good. By playing and allowing that red head to coach...Well, can you imagine? You're endangering lives and absolutely nothing good can come from it. NOTHING. Just opening another can of worms

2. The Penn State players themselves should forfeit and walk out on the University. If I'm a player, not only would I refuse to play, but I'm leaving Penn State. And it's NOT because of Joe Paterno being fired. I would not want to be associated with something so brutal. Someone has to step up and the players have some leverage to hopefully lighten the load a bit.

3. Going back to what I said last night. I'm truly worried about the percentage of people in the entire nation who would have acted different and I'm scared to find that the percentage is really low, as the bigger this gets, the more disdain I have towards people.

x Infinity.
Originally Posted by Newbs24

Originally Posted by Caerus

Now this Sandusky guy, didn't he adopt children?

6 and he was a foster parent.

The numbers are unfortunately going to go much higher.
one of his adopted kids played at state and is now director of player personnel for the Cleveland Browns. supposedly him and his wife weren't able to bear any children of their own.

if i were a player i wouldn't want to shower wherever those incidents occurred on campus. If they are still there, I hope they tear them down - it's that heinous of a crime.

another thing that pops in my mind what Brent Musberger said a few years ago....I hope Joepa can continue to live as long as his body or God wants, but the stress from this matter can't be good for him and it's going to be with him in the immediate future. I think part of the perceived hints of flippancy from Joepa maybe attributed to how he handles stressful situations so he can continue to live longer.

from Musberger in '08....
"This is a tough one for me because I have to say up front that JoePa is a dear friend of mine...I'll tell your listeners the truth as to why he still does it. He is fearful — and he looks back at Bear Bryant as the example — he is fearful that he would not be with us if he stepped away. He is a man that doesn't fish, doesn't play golf...he has no other interest other than his family and football. And he's just afraid what would happen with the rest of his life if he walks away from it."
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein

Lawyer for the victims saying Penn State got it wrong when they fired Joe Paterno’-lawyer-attacks-penn-state-board-111011
Is he saying what I think he's saying?
The University is %@$##%$ up. They made no effort to get in contact with the victims as far as I'm concerned. They made no effort to make things right. The only steps they have taken are literally to protect the Penn State image. Do you think they fired Paterno because it was the right thing to do? Or because they were afraid of the backlash they would receive if he was there on Saturday. 
My parents are paying thousands of dollars a year to a school that is run by a bunch of dumbasses. SMH
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by Bean Pie Slanga

Who's decision was it to wait until Paterno got his wins before dropping the hammer on Sandusky? Man, can anyone do anything right?!

that has nothing to do with Penn State; that is the DA

Couldn't they be tied in or one in the same, as some people were referring to earlier in the sense of a big football program running the town or even the state??

I haven't heard anything about a student walk out. The only collective effort the students are making are to wear blue to the game for all victims of child abuse.  Although dont expect everyone to wear blue. We cant even get out !%!$ together for a white out.
I have heard something about the alumnis walking out in protest of the University. Nothing is reallyofficial with this kind of stuff. There is just too much people to get everyone to coordinate to do something

Thanks for the update.     
Originally Posted by af1 1982

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein

Lawyer for the victims saying Penn State got it wrong when they fired Joe Paterno’-lawyer-attacks-penn-state-board-111011
Is he saying what I think he's saying?
The University is %@$##%$ up. They made no effort to get in contact with the victims as far as I'm concerned. They made no effort to make things right. The only steps they have taken are literally to protect the Penn State image. Do you think they fired Paterno because it was the right thing to do? Or because they were afraid of the backlash they would receive if he was there on Saturday
My parents are paying thousands of dollars a year to a school that is run by a bunch of dumbasses. SMH

Penn State is a brand; a business...everything is tied to money in the end regardless of the reasons they decided to fire Joe
Joe=Penn State more than Penn State=Joe

this is simply how our world works; right or wrong.
So this is how they fired Paterno:
-They got a courier to deliver a letter to his house
-The letter had a number to call
-He called and was told he was relieved of his duties

The University keeps making themselves look stupid. There would be no Penn State administration without him. They wouldn't have that job without him. And you fire him over the phone? I'm sorry but if you're going to fire him, you tell him to his face. You look him in his eye and you tell him why he's done. He's earned that right. Disgrace.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by Bean Pie Slanga

Who's decision was it to wait until Paterno got his wins before dropping the hammer on Sandusky? Man, can anyone do anything right?!

that has nothing to do with Penn State; that is the DA

Couldn't they be tied in or one in the same, as some people were referring to earlier in the sense of a big football program running the town or even the state??

I haven't heard anything about a student walk out. The only collective effort the students are making are to wear blue to the game for all victims of child abuse.  Although dont expect everyone to wear blue. We cant even get out !%!$ together for a white out.
I have heard something about the alumnis walking out in protest of the University. Nothing is reallyofficial with this kind of stuff. There is just too much people to get everyone to coordinate to do something

Thanks for the update.     
I have def. thought about that but it just wouldn't make sense to me especially considering hearing the DA talk about this stuff but you seriously never know
I think it could have something to do with the bye week; if this went down in the middle of a home football game even more chaos would ensue.  Penn State becomes the 3rd largest city in the state during football weekends.
In regards to the players not being at fault and they are the ones whom suffer, that is true but also happens all the time. The decisions of the few in power often negatively impact those who did not have any involvement. Happens in business, schools, government, just about everywhere. Not saying I think they should cancel but I would understand it. As for the PSU students on here, just be careful. Highly charged situation that only needs a small 'jolt' to really explode. Pun somewhat intended (though I hope not)
This is going to get so much worse and there's a report that years ago few Penn State players made a prank call that escalated to an abuse to well, Sandusky. So to a certain extent, we can assume that lot of people in the program knew about 'Sandusky's rumors'. I feel like this will all blow up on Joe Pa's face in a matter of days. Defend him if you want to but it'll be like Jim Tressel all over again. 
And Mike McQueary needs to stay away from State College or state of Pennsylvania as far as he could for his own safety. I can't imagine the abuse he's going to get from crowd on Saturday if he does indeed suit up to coach. 
And don't get me started on McQueary. He saw the raping. He saw that little boy look at him. He saw that look on his face, crying for help. And he turned away. Betrayed the little boy and betrayed mankind. !!@@%!! coward.

It sickens me that while he was being assaulted, the little boy got his hopes up because he saw McQueary and he saw an opportunity to be saved. And that when the coward turned around, he was sunk to an even deeper level of devastation than he was already in. !!@@%!! DISGRACE.
Originally Posted by dyyhard

if i were a player i wouldn't want to shower wherever those incidents occurred on campus. If they are still there, I hope they tear them down - it's that heinous of a crime.

I feel the same way.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Ask the kids to forfeit the season? Why?

First off, the kids shouldn't have to be asked. If I'm a leader on that team I'm stepping forward with a statement saying I couldn't play on that squad for some that are allegedly involved and that I can not support a decision to play football when it only endangers people in that environment. Then I'm transferring.
Hey af, beg to disagree with you on this: I don't care that JoePa was fired via a phone call. I honestly don't give a $&@%# how he was fired. The important thing is he was booted out. I actually would've loved it if he found out he was gone via the news.
Originally Posted by Gameover2

Hey af, beg to disagree with you on this: I don't care that JoePa was fired via a phone call. I honestly don't give a $&@%# how he was fired. The important thing is he was booted out. I actually would've loved it if he found out he was gone via the news.

I mean how else would they have done it, you know? If anyone even thinks about it, a face-to-face was quickly out of the question.
Originally Posted by af1 1982

So this is how they fired Paterno:
-They got a courier to deliver a letter to his house
-The letter had a number to call
-He called and was told he was relieved of his duties

The University keeps making themselves look stupid. There would be no Penn State administration without him. They wouldn't have that job without him. And you fire him over the phone? I'm sorry but if you're going to fire him, you tell him to his face. You look him in his eye and you tell him why he's done. He's earned that right. Disgrace.
IMO, no he hasn't.  

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by Gameover2

Hey af, beg to disagree with you on this: I don't care that JoePa was fired via a phone call. I honestly don't give a $&@%# how he was fired. The important thing is he was booted out. I actually would've loved it if he found out he was gone via the news.

I mean how else would they have done it, you know? If anyone even thinks about it, a face-to-face was quickly out of the question.
I see where you are coming from and that maybe it was the best way to do it. I respect both of your opinions greatly.
But I'm sorry, I cannot get down with the way they did it. I'm sorry, I just cannot. 
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by af1 1982

So this is how they fired Paterno:
-They got a courier to deliver a letter to his house
-The letter had a number to call
-He called and was told he was relieved of his duties

The University keeps making themselves look stupid. There would be no Penn State administration without him. They wouldn't have that job without him. And you fire him over the phone? I'm sorry but if you're going to fire him, you tell him to his face. You look him in his eye and you tell him why he's done. He's earned that right. Disgrace.
IMO, no he hasn't.  

I've respected and still continue to respect your opinions in this thread DoubleJs
But I'm sorry I am going to have to disagree with you. Agree to disagree. 
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by af1 1982

So this is how they fired Paterno:
-They got a courier to deliver a letter to his house
-The letter had a number to call
-He called and was told he was relieved of his duties

The University keeps making themselves look stupid. There would be no Penn State administration without him. They wouldn't have that job without him. And you fire him over the phone? I'm sorry but if you're going to fire him, you tell him to his face. You look him in his eye and you tell him why he's done. He's earned that right. Disgrace.
IMO, no he hasn't.  

x2 IMO
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