The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

Believe me nothing sucks more than knowing all this went on when you attended a school; it makes me think different about all those football games and times up there when this was going on under our nose. I didn't go back until this year because I was disgusted by everything.

Hell I used to see McQueary at bars on the regular but I can't act like Joe Pa didn't just push this aside for his own agenda.

Joe Pa was Penn State; whatever he said went. You can't be naïve to that fact.

I am very proud of my school for the aftermath of all this and the healing process and still 100% proud to be an alumni but a very small group of individuals let thousands of students, alumni and people in the community down.
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Were you born in the 20s? I'm not being sarcastic; I'm asking for a reason I'll end with in a sec.

I really think you're undervaluing exactly how much a head football coach at ANY school knows about, ESPECIALLY a school like PSU.

That is a reckless assumption that isn't backed up by any of the evidence, the idea that Joe knew anything about a NON-employee he had no connection to the football program is simply untrue.

Joe Posnankis book describes Joe as being pretty isolated especially as he got older.

Joe fired Sandusky, then 4 years later these allegations come up, making it seem like he knew Sandusky intimately or beyond football is a mis characterization of their relationship.

But do I, myself, know how much they are aware of? No, just as you weren't born in the 20s.

You don't think thats a false equivalence? I think there is far more documentation on the development of our society understanding of child molestation. Then there is of what Joe Paterno knew and didn't know at given point in time.

But in any case where a child is traumatized, I'm siding on the side of the child, and I will hold in contempt any- and everyone who could have done something to stop the traumatization and didn't.

And again, if JoePa's own grandkids had been one of Sandusky's victims... one of his own kids' kids... he would would have went far beyond "reasonable and appropriate." He wouldn't have stopped until he was DAMN sure ne shenanigans were taking place, not just vaguely positive that most likely nothing too bad is really going on.

Well thats an easy stance, but you don't think that this is poor method of evaluating what actaully happened?

"Here was a man who built a sophisticated, multimillion-dollar, fully integrated grooming operation, outsourcing to child-care professionals the task of locating vulnerable children—all the while playing the role of lovable goofball."

Sandusky fooled Law enforcement, parents, friends, family members, his wife.

But Joe Paterno should have known?

Personally I just don't think that makes sense.
Hell I used to see McQueary at bars on the regular but I can't act like Joe Pa didn't just push this aside for his own agenda.

Joe Pa was Penn State; whatever he said went. You can't be naïve to that fact.


what agenda is this? aid a child molester? You really belive that?

1. Joe was focused on football, like completely, this idea that he would be aware of the goings on of a non employee he disliked in the first place MAKES NO SENSE.

2. Joe was penn state football.

what agenda is this? aid a child molester? You really belive that?

1. Joe was focused on football, like completely, this idea that he would be aware of the goings on of a non employee he disliked in the first place MAKES NO SENSE.

2. Joe was penn state football.

No I don't believe Joe Pa was aiding a child molester but I do believe he thought it would just go away on it's own

No Joe Pa WAS Penn State not just football; he WAS Penn State...I went there I would know
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Hell I used to see McQueary at bars on the regular but I can't act like Joe Pa didn't just push this aside for his own agenda.

Joe Pa was Penn State; whatever he said went. You can't be naïve to that fact.

what agenda is this? aid a child molester? You really belive that?

Move on with the following confidence: that the facade was well-built, that the appearance that he had done everything required was convincing appearance, or at least convincing enough to for the "He was just an old fogey" defense.

Some people move on through life knowing everything around them is dandy; some people move on knowing that everything isn't dandy, but nothing can be pinned on them and it looks like they did everything "reasonable and appropriate." Yes, I absolutely categorize him in the latter.
No I don't believe Joe Pa was aiding a child molester but I do believe he thought it would just go away on it's own

No no, you believe he knew that Sandusky was molesting children, and therefore since he was "the god" of penn state he also must have known the charity for at risk children, how jerry sandusky set up pipeline of youth he could abuse on and off campus.

joe MUST have known all these according to you.

Either he's the god of Penn State or maybe juuust maybe he's football coach, an old football coach.

No Joe Pa WAS Penn State not just football; he WAS Penn State...I went there I would know

You obviously don't know because its not the case, I don't care what the perception of Joe is practically no evidence shows he had control of anything beyond the football program, thats all he ever cared to have control over.
No no, you believe he knew that Sandusky was molesting children, and therefore since he was "the god" of penn state he also must have known the charity for at risk children, how jerry sandusky set up pipeline of youth he could abuse on and off campus.

joe MUST have known all these according to you.

Either he's the god of Penn State or maybe juuust maybe he's football coach, an old football coach.
You obviously don't know because its not the case, I don't care what the perception of Joe is practically no evidence shows he had control of anything beyond the football program, thats all he ever cared to have control over.

what?!? he was told that Sandusky was showering with a boy on a Friday night in the showers...are you kidding me man?

He WAS Penn State; they tried to freakin fire him in 2005 and he basically said no so let me say it again, Joe Pa could do WHATEVER he wanted at that school.

Move on with the following confidence: that the facade was well-built, that the appearance that he had done everything required was convincing appearance, or at least convincing enough to for the "He was just an old fogey" defense.

Some people move on through life knowing everything around them is dandy; some people move on knowing that everything isn't dandy, but nothing can be pinned on them and it looks like they did everything "reasonable and appropriate." Yes, I absolutely categorize him in the latter.

You and everyone else are concocting a massive conspiracy, in order to find some to blame for the collective failure of a community.

This is the problem with conspiracy thinking, it takes a level of competency that normal people simply don't have. Look no reasonable interpretation of the evidence supports what you're saying, but I get how people feel and I understand how it looks Joe is a ready made scape goat to give closure to a horrible situation.

Its not fair tho, ill leave it at that i guess.
listen man; the bottom line is Paterno was informed about this incident and he could have stopped anything further and he didn't

He was still a very, very good man when you look at his body of work but he would be saint like had he stopped Sandusky after McQueary informed him of what he saw.
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Move on with the following confidence: that the facade was well-built, that the appearance that he had done everything required was convincing appearance, or at least convincing enough to for the "He was just an old fogey" defense.

Some people move on through life knowing everything around them is dandy; some people move on knowing that everything isn't dandy, but nothing can be pinned on them and it looks like they did everything "reasonable and appropriate." Yes, I absolutely categorize him in the latter.
You and everyone else are concocting a massive conspiracy, in order to find some to blame for the collective failure of a community.

This is the problem with conspiracy thinking, it takes a level of competency that normal people simply don't have. Look no reasonable interpretation of the evidence supports what you're saying, but I get how people feel and I understand how it looks Joe is a ready made scape goat to give closure to a horrible situation.

Its not fair tho, ill leave it at that i guess.
Well, except for the fact that he expressed knowledge of Sandusky showering w/ boys.

That's why people keep mentioning that little tidbit.
The funny thing is you're claiming that people are jumping to conclusion that he knew, you're doing the same thing in the other way "he didn't know".

Bottom line his quote was "he could've done more", that's all you need to know.
what?!? he was told that Sandusky was showering with a boy on a Friday night in the showers...are you kidding me man?

you can't remove that from its context and expect that to work as an argument, EVRY case of a child molester has head slapping moments that look obvious in hindsight. You can't forget the persona that Sandusky created for himself, adopted many many children, very physical, was known to always have them around. Its not as if him ebing in a shower with child was so shocking, then when you add in McQueary's lack of clarity, and Joe Paterno's age and are sensationalizing a fact.

mcqueary changed his story multiple times, and it suddenly got a lot more detailed and explicit the more crticsm mquceary took in the media.

He WAS Penn State; they tried to freakin fire him in 2005 and he basically said no so let me say it again, Joe Pa could do WHATEVER he wanted at that school.

this doesn't contradict anything I saidm he was in control of the football program: Sandusky was no longer apart of that.
Well, except for the fact that he expressed knowledge of Sandusky showering w/ boys.

That's why people keep mentioning that little tidbit.

never mind that fact that Sandusky adopted children all the time, if I make it father and son is it starts to seem less weird maybe?

hmmm...its almost as if child molesters are good at convincing people their physical contact with isn't inappropriate.

Watch Deliver Us From Evil and see if you come away with impression that all those parents "should have known"
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Every case of child molestation has headslapping moments that look obvious in hindsight...

... OR...

... no reasonable interpretation of evidence supports what's being said against him?

Here is the difference, you are alleging a larger conspiracy that requires multiple complicit people, rather than a groupe of people making a series of mistakes that always happen when some manages to rape multiple children.

but lets say I assume.

-Joe suspected what had happned when he heard the shower story
- Joe wanted to protect the penn state brand by some how burying this story.

Okay so what does Joe do now? He goes and tells his superior Tim Curly and says what?

a. Jerry raped someone in a shower and then leaving it up to tim.
b. working with or instructing tim to figure out how to protect the brand

1.A seems like a very poor method of burying a story, telling your superior without instruction or command?? Why would do that unless, you assumed that he would get to the bottom of what ever the issue was? If we assume that he knew it seems and he wanted to cover it up option b is really other only reasonable next step in what happened.

So you instruct or work with tim to make this go away?

1. wouldn't any cover up have to involve mcqueary, wouldn't mcqueary have to know about the fact they were trying to cover it up, if so wouldn't he testify to this fact
given how bad he looks already?

2. If tim commanded Curly to do this, why would he agree to it? Tim would be taking all the risk joe none, he would have to assume if **** hit the fan that Tim would be resonsible? lets say he did agree. since **** did hit the fan why wouldn't Tim just give up paterno especially now that he's dead, to get himself out of trouble?

you would need multiple people to consistently make decision against their own self interest for this to happen.

and I think its fair to say that it isn't reasonable to believe people would act that irrationally that many different times in order to make Joe Paterno look unscathed.
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Couldn't read the whole article. Disgusting and disturbing.
I read it.

Jerry's step-son was explaining that he was sexually abused by Jerry, and that he honestly believes that Jerry thought that Jerry was acting out of love.

And people want to act like this dude Jerry ain't crazy af, like he deserves a defense.
never mind that fact that Sandusky adopted children all the time, if I make it father and son is it starts to seem less weird maybe?

see sanscummys stepsons allegations above ^

seem less weird still ??????


may he rot in hell eternally with all his supporters
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Jerry Sandusky straight outta True Detective

Probably got their own carcosa somewhere in a Pa cornfield
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