The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

I also don't get how a monsignor got arrested and sentenced for covering up sex abuse this week and that barely made news compared to this. Figured it would be a considered a bigger headline since the members of the church have been covering up and committing abuse for the last several decades. 
Af1- sad the whole world is ran on social media. Real news fails to exist
Right? I'm a Catholic and it's just said that these priests have used their power, especially a religious position of power, to prey on little kids. That is what irritates me the most, exploiting people's faith in God.

But that's a whole nother can of worms that I won't go into in this thread. O'Brien was just on ESPN talking about the whole thing. Even though he chose to come here, I kind of feel bad for him. He probably had no idea that it would become THIS BAD
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Right? I'm a Catholic and it's just said that these priests have used their power, especially a religious position of power, to prey on little kids. That is what irritates me the most, exploiting people's faith in God.

But that's a whole nother can of worms that I won't go into in this thread. O'Brien was just on ESPN talking about the whole thing. Even though he chose to come here, I kind of feel bad for him. He probably had no idea that it would become THIS BAD

Man...u have no idea the delusion surrounding some in the PSU fanbase. I said from the jump that this was going to be one of the least desirable jobs in the country, but folks maintained that a high-profile hire aka. Urban Meyer, would take the reigns after Paterno. After everything that has unfolded in the past couple of months, I am now not surprised in the least at the warped mentality of those who still can't grasp the magnitude of what happened on their campus.

As far as McGloin...that was real admirable of him to make a statement about staying. However, I'm willing to bet that there weren't any teams after his services to begin with LOL. Let's see if Silas Redd follows suit. Then THAT will be big for the program.
Man...u have no idea the delusion surrounding some in the PSU fanbase. I said from the jump that this was going to be one of the least desirable jobs in the country, but folks maintained that a high-profile hire aka. Urban Meyer, would take the reigns after Paterno. After everything that has unfolded in the past couple of months, I am now not surprised in the least at the warped mentality of those who still can't grasp the magnitude of what happened on their campus.
As far as McGloin...that was real admirable of him to make a statement about staying. However, I'm willing to bet that there weren't any teams after his services to begin with LOL. Let's see if Silas Redd follows suit. Then THAT will be big for the program.
I'm hoping Redd stays man but I doubt it. Dude's an NFL prospect. I read an article saying that any players who are good enough to go to the league should definitely transfer, which from a football standpoint I agree with. Penn state wasn't that good to begin with and theyre only going to be worst this year. They better get on a better team so it doesn't hurt their stock
Jeez those are some asinine tweets. Sadly not surprising

And the delusion is not limited to some of the PSU fan base, the same reactions, denials, etc would happen at any major program. People are engulfed by athletic programs and it becomes like a family member to them that they would defend with every breath. Our world isn't smart if you haven't noticed
Af1- sad the whole world is ran on social media. Real news fails to exist
Actually Social Media has forced so called "real news" to step their game up.

Social media enables EVEN FASTER communication and the relaying of breaking news. 
Actually Social Media has forced so called "real news" to step their game up.

Social media enables EVEN FASTER communication and the relaying of breaking news. 

Couldn't agree with this statement more.

Lulz at coaches from other schools waiting in the parking lot of the school's football building waiting to talk to players to recruit them.

I don't think it's set in for the students & alumni...That school is forever branded by allowing children to be raped & covering up. When someone hands over a resume with psu on it, there will be a pause & thought about the scandal. It may even legitimately prevent them from getting jobs.

Is anyone really suprised by those tweets? I'm not.
Actually Social Media has forced so called "real news" to step their game up.

Social media enables EVEN FASTER communication and the relaying of breaking news.

And social media has also allowed even more laziness from the media section that isn't involved in breaking news.

Before social media these journalists and columnists had to put in up athletes, follow up those calls, do some digging, try and get good quotes and scoops. That made for relevant story telling and we all won.

Now with social media these journalists have decided that what an athlete or celeb tweets in 2 seconds and under 140 characters is an actual quote for the record and basis for a news story, or a quote for a news story. They just monitor Twitter like it is news worthy and they are 14 year old junior high kids.
Couldn't agree with this statement more.
Lulz at coaches from other schools waiting in the parking lot of the school's football building waiting to talk to players to recruit them.
I don't think it's set in for the students & alumni...That school is forever branded by allowing children to be raped & covering up. When someone hands over a resume with psu on it, there will be a pause & thought about the scandal. It may even legitimately prevent them from getting jobs.
Is anyone really suprised by those tweets? I'm not.
That's what I thought. But I was able to get a co-op even in the wake of the scandal. There actually has been an increase in the number of co-ops and internships during this scandal because a lot of companies have tons of alumni who especially want to help Penn State students.

There have been A LOT of alumni contacting the career center asking how they can help. 
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we are penn state...get the eff outta here with that s#$t. It's that culture that allowed this atrocity to occur in the first place. Do yourself a favor, retire that statement. You morons have no idea how indignant that sounds. Start anew you dbags....For godsakes, please take down that bastard's name from the library...I hope he's rotting in hell.
we are penn state...get the eff outta here with that s#$t. It's that culture that allowed this atrocity to occur in the first place. Do yourself a favor, retire that statement. You morons have no idea how indignant that sounds. Start anew you dbags....For godsakes, please take down that bastard's name from the library...I hope he's rotting in hell.
Woah, where did all this anger come from? You alright man, did someone strike a nerve? Do you even know where the "We are.." chant originated from?
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I'm aware of how the statement started, but it sounds so repugnant in the aftermath of this atrocity. Most of your alumni & student body has yet to collectively say, "you know what, we failed miserably at every turn in this. We accept the punishment handed down by the ncaa & recognize it could've been & should've been much harder. We will use what happened to tear down everything that led up to this point & start anew."

The collective attitude of the school is simply disgusting.
I'm aware of how the statement started, but it sounds so repugnant in the aftermath of this atrocity. Most of your alumni & student body has yet to collectively say, "you know what, we failed miserably at every turn in this. We accept the punishment handed down by the ncaa & recognize it could've been & should've been much harder. We will use what happened to tear down everything that led up to this point & start anew."
The collective attitude of the school is simply disgusting.
I completely agree with you on this. I have yet to find people who agree with the sanctions. The funny thing is that yeah, it is devesating but it has not effect on our lives whatsoever. It has no effect on our education, nothing. And the idiots who are still rallying behind Paterno and complain sooo much about this is ridiculous, I can't even go on facebook because it's all I see. And these are the same people who chant "We Are..." and don't really know what it means. It means that we are one collective family and that we're all on this together. And that means, they represent the entire universe through their words and actions. And these idiots are the ones running their mouth on twitter, facebook, the internet, and news media outlets making ALL of us, students and alumni, look dumb. It is extremely frustrating 
Someone in this thread mentioned this but here we go....

Opposing Coaches Hung Out Today In A Penn State Parking Lot, Hoping To Poach Players

At a press conference on Monday, NCAA president Mark Emmert emphasized that Penn State was being slapped with unprecedented sanctions because "our goal is not to be just punitive, but to make sure the university establishes an athletic culture and daily mindset in which football will never again be placed ahead of educating, nurturing, and protecting young people." Gotcha. OK, then.

How's that message being received, now that it's been, oh, 50 hours or so for it to sink in? Well, Lane Kiffin already made it clear he wants Penn State's star running back. And now Penn State coach Bill O'Brien told ESPN that every one of his players has been contacted by other schools, and that some have been offered up to 50 other scholarships. The NCAA's sanctions allow PSU players to transfer without having to sit out a year, and the schools must inform Penn State of their intention to pursue players, which has resulted in a flurry of faxes and emails to Penn State's compliance office.

Here's more from the ESPN report:

At noon Wednesday, several groups of coaches from opposing teams were waiting in the Lasch Football Building parking lot to recruit Penn State players.

"Our players are in our building right now and they don't want to leave the building because there are coaches from other schools in the parking lot waiting to see them," said O'Brien, who spent the morning at ESPN's Bristol, Conn., campus.


As they boarded a plane Wednesday morning to go to Bristol, O'Brien and his colleagues walked past a group of six coaches carrying University of Illinois bags and suitcases. A Penn State official told that no words were exchanged between O'Brien and the Illinois contingent. ... Illinois assistant athletic director Kent Brown acknowledged a group of Fighting Illini coaches are on Penn State's campus to recruit "a player or two — maybe more."

Just so we're clear: None of this has anything to do with those other coaches placing football "ahead of educating, nurturing, and protecting young people."
Someone in this thread mentioned this but here we go....
Yeah it sucks but that's just how it is. Even though Penn State hasn't been good in recent years, they still have quality NFL ready players and trying to poach them would just be dumb is reporting that psu faced a 4 year death sentence & larger fine had they not agreed to the sanctions. I wish the ncaa had the balls to levy the death penalty anyway but for 5 years. They should NOT be allowed to earn any dough from the program for several years. The sanctions as they stand now allows the dirtbags to get ticket sales & tv money.
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People were probably just as bad 100 years ago. Twitter just gives more idiots a platform to spew stupidity.
the delusion is not limited to some of the PSU fan base, the same reactions, denials, etc would happen at any major program. People are engulfed by athletic programs and it becomes like a family member to them that they would defend with every breath.
This is an understanding that too few people are operating from.
"Our players are in our building right now and they don't want to leave the building because there are coaches from other schools in the parking lot waiting to see them," said O'Brien, who spent the morning at ESPN's Bristol, Conn., campus.

Opposing coaches setting up shop right on the campus of Penn State..............can't knock the hustle.
Opposing coaches setting up shop right on the campus of Penn State..............can't knock the hustle.

Just like PSU did when SMU got the DP..

speaking of which. Does anyone have this on DVD or DVR? the 30 for 30 = Pony Excess.. The clip where it shows the players being recruited by other coaches, I thought I saw a clip where a coach is in the parking lot taking to a football player, and its looks like Sandusky.
You are completely misrepresenting my opinions, I will reiterate.
I believe that they have been punished, Sandusky is in jail, curly and spaniers lives are ruined and will likely go to jail, national shame, plus Pennsylvania cutting there budget by like 50%.
all of this amounts to punishment, all more severe and significant then asinine sanctions.
correct me if im wrong but doesn't the NCAA basically run ALL of sports in the college world? and if so, wouldn't that mean that PSU abides by NCAA rules? ....if those are true then i believe that you are not seeing the bigger picture here...the NCAA has to save face and be strong about this because it is one of the most touchiest subjects (no pun intended). NCAA let them go easy if you ask me....those defending the player's rights are pretty much oblivious to this whole thing. Who knows how far this really goes? and who else is involved? im from Philly, i dont go to PSU...i have friends who scream WE ARE PSU....but what does that even do for them? lol. What angries me even more is the 18-21 year-old know-it-alls who stood next to the statue tryna' protect it.....bro, this dude covered up everything for YEARS....not covering up insurance fraud...not hate crimes....not drug abuse..... MOLESTING CHILDREN. Paterno deserves to rot in hell. let's see if all that covering up can give him some AC in the hot box down below....doubt it. good riddance.
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