The Race Card....Stop

Originally Posted by eaalto

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by kix4kix

You never hear "I didn't get the position because I'm white".....

Actually, you do hear that. My uncle was denied a position as a firefighter, that went to a less qualified black man, because of affirmative action. He outscored him in all categories, but the black man still received the position because of affirmative action.

Stop using the race card.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by eaalto

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by kix4kix

You never hear "I didn't get the position because I'm white".....

Actually, you do hear that. My uncle was denied a position as a firefighter, that went to a less qualified black man, because of affirmative action. He outscored him in all categories, but the black man still received the position because of affirmative action.

Come to think of it you're right...

I had a kid in my class that claimed he missed out on a scholarship and a chance to get into the school of his choice because of affirmative action....Yes, he was white...

Stop using the Race Card.
Originally Posted by LAzianBoi

yea i agree black people use the race card too much.. shiit, u know wht i go thru in daily basis for being asian.. dont think so.. honestly if ppl gunna go use the race card, its just the "blaming game"

theres no one to blame but your $%%#+%! self
Stop using the Stupid Card.
Originally Posted by eaalto

Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

Originally Posted by southzeztpdot

Originally Posted by eaalto

Says the people who determine who is more qualified for the position, based on their qualifications. I'm not saying that the black man was less qualified because he was black, I'm saying that the black man was less qualified because he was less qualified. This is one isolated situation, I'm not talking about some broader issue. I was just responding to "I didn't get the job because I'm white" comment.

So you have no real proof that he was less qualified?


This is something that happened 30 years ago, and didn't involve me. My uncle scored higher on the examinations. What is the issue here?

The point is that affirmative action places less qualified people in positions because they are at a "disadvantage."

Why are you arguing in favor of affirmative action? It reinforces the idea that whites are superior, and that minorities need a handicap.

If anything, affirmative action should be structured to assist the impoverished.
If you don't like it....LEAVE AMERICA. Stop being Unpatriotic.


Do better and stop blaming affirmative action. You white people need to get over it already.

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by eaalto

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by kix4kix

You never hear "I didn't get the position because I'm white".....

Actually, you do hear that. My uncle was denied a position as a firefighter, that went to a less qualified black man, because of affirmative action. He outscored him in all categories, but the black man still received the position because of affirmative action.

Come to think of it you're right...

I had a kid in my class that claimed he missed out on a scholarship and a chance to get into the school of his choice because of affirmative action....Yes, he was white...

eaalto: that's not what affirmative action is

affirmative action is giving preference to a member of a protected group ONLY WHEN that person is AS QUALIFIED OR MORE QUALIFIED.

AND...companies aren't required to use affirmative action unless they are forced to by the gov't.
This thread really got off point.

I'm just going to concede because I really don't care that much.
Originally Posted by eaalto

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by kix4kix

You never hear "I didn't get the position because I'm white".....

Actually, you do hear that. My uncle was denied a position as a firefighter, that went to a less qualified black man, because of affirmative action. He outscored him in all categories, but the black man still received the position because of affirmative action.
White people need to get over themselves and stop complaining. Did your uncle show you his and the black dude's scores? Didyour uncle even see the Black dude's score? How did he know dude got a lower score, unless he just assumed or some other White dude told him?

OJ didn't play the race card, either. His aquittal had nothing, I repeat, NOTHING to do with his race. The card he played was called the "VeryRich Celebrity" card.

White people are always talking about how minorities are taking their jobs and this and that. If you couldn't get that job or into thatschool, it's not because some Black person you have never met who you assume isn't as smart as you (supremacy??) got in simply because their black. Maybe you just weren't as qualified as you thought. Please let me know if you've ever got a college rejection letter that read: "We are verysorry, but due to affirmative action we had to give your spot to Tyrone Williams, an underqualified black man who just happened to mail his application at theexact same time as you."
just in respect to the comments about losing jobs to people less qualified:
i believe that all jobs should go to the best qualified individual regardless of race, religion, or sex.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

where we will have to agree to disagree is the effectiveness of it. When used I don't think it does anything. (Hence why intelligent people don't use it)...That is what urks me, is the when whites point it out as if it does enact something. There lies my hang up.
I never heard anyone say someone used the race card by term in anything other then small situations. And it was effective in the small situationsi seen it used in.

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Do better and stop blaming affirmative action. You white people need to get over it already.

i like how all 4 of your post denounced anyone who spoke for any race other then black. And i dont know if this post i quoted is sarcastic or not but i hopeit is, if not its definitely ironic.
OJ didn't play the race card, either. His aquittal had nothing, I repeat, NOTHING to do with his race. The card he played was called the "Very Rich Celebrity" card.

You might pull a muscle you are reaching so hard. The O.J. jury was as biased as a white jury against a black man in the old and modern day south. For those ofyou asking for an example of someone playing the race card look up David Brewer the Superintendent of Los Angeles Unified School District. He just got boughtout of his contract. That guy should have never been hired, he is unqualified for that position and then played the race card when he started getting pressuredto resign. It's not his fault though the LAUSD board should have never hired him, he has no educational background what so ever.
Originally Posted by sendtheroses

just in respect to the comments about losing jobs to people less qualified:
i believe that all jobs should go to the best qualified individual regardless of race, religion, or sex.

As do I
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