The Real Story Behind Jay-Z's Weight Pushing

How am I posed to believe Jaz or DeHaven when it's clear that Jay didn't put them on when he got on?
Originally Posted by SylvesterMcGrizzly

at the end of the dont even matter how big or insignificant Jay was in the drug game, look where he at today...yes maybe jay didnt look out for all those who put him on and helped him rise up, but goin and making books and dd's jua make a %%%$% look real salty...and my thing is at this point who cares?

Originally Posted by CertifiedFlyBoi23

After Marcy, the two of you headed to Trenton.
Yeah. I wasn't going to school. My basketball coach in high school recommended me to go to Trenton High, which had a great basketball program. I moved to Trenton in '88, and it was just like an open drug market out there. I couldn't even focus on the basketball when I saw that market. So I got settled in there. I went back to New York and talked to Jay. He wasn't doing nothing, he didn't have no money in his pocket, he wasn't feeling school, neither, so I asked if he wanted to come live with me.




Further proof that the majority of these kids are far from stupid, but they're sadly misguided.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Who cares about these dudes man. At the end of the day Jay is one of the most talented rappers of all time, there isn't much they can say or do now

I agree. No matter what dudes try to say about him, at the end of the day..he's Jay. He wins, the end.
i'm a jay fan and all but i dont understand half of you. ross got caught "lying" but hey who says he cant nickle and dime will being a c.o. andeveryone yaps about it but jay takes someone elses storyand is brough up and no hate towards that? what happened with the "codes" and taking care ofyour peeps. while jay doesnt and turns his back on everyone(biggs, jaz-o, de-haven) rick ross is actually still taking care of his peeps and hood. just statingmy 2 cents.
Originally Posted by loonyrobert

i'm a jay fan and all but i dont understand half of you. ross got caught "lying" but hey who says he cant nickle and dime will being a c.o. and everyone yaps about it but jay takes someone elses storyand is brough up and no hate towards that? what happened with the "codes" and taking care of your peeps. while jay doesnt and turns his back on everyone(biggs, jaz-o, de-haven) rick ross is actually still taking care of his peeps and hood. just stating my 2 cents.

I been saying this about Jay for years.... But I dont know dude personally so at the end of the day it REALLY doesnt matter to me

But just by all of the stories over the last few years Jay=Great Talent/Businessman but a %%+### up individual

The *@**!+ up $$+@ he does gets swept under the rug because he's Jay
Yea Jay does have a track record of crappin on his so called homeboys. It seems like he's turning into one of thoseold rich dudes who would rather have a bunch of yes men around him than have his real boys there who will tell him if he's right or wrong. I remember 50Cent said in an interview one time that alot of people really don't know how ruthless Jay-Z really is. He said he was cut throat..

I guess it really is lonely at the top huh...
This rap @+%% has warped some of you +$@%+@ minds...arguing over who's taking care of who when ya'll really don't know what the truth is. Onceagain...ya'll only connection to these +$@%+@ is MUSIC. That's it. It's a little too much speculative commentary going on in here.
Every time I watch a Jay-Z interview( especially most recently 20/20 and that European joint) I could just tell son is full of +%#%. But when it comes tomusic, lyrics, son is on point. And if he was just an observer of his friends that just makes more sense why his lyrics on reasonable doubt were so lucid anddeep. Personally I can stand Jay, but his music was on point and expressed things that happened in the streets.
If anybody takes rap lyrics at face value, you a fool. [Phonte]Point blank, period.[/Phonte]
Why are people mad at Jay for leaving his old people behind him? If either of them were in Jay's position they wouldn't have came back and got him.

control your own destiny. I dont even like asking anybody for money.
nobody said jay was the best sister use to tell me stories about him from back in the he was cool and all but an iffy dude....i dontkno him so i cant call it...but just because u dont look out for everyone dont make u a scumbag....and its always gonna be he say she say....its verylame...everybody throws shots at the throne when they are down and out
The thing is, u guys act like these are people who use to just chill with him for a sec or a drinking/smoking buddy orsomething. These were supposedly his best friends. I know if I had a half a billion, none of my best friends or family would be starving. I mean dude said heand his aunt took Jay in and everything. I know there's two sides to every story but all these people who claim Jay is a sheisty individual and friend allcan't be wrong. There's got to be some merit to it...

All in all though, I still dig his music and business savvy..
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