China PEs.
Wore them in a few games + at the game at the drew
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I was doing well today until I remembered I didn't have the OCs...

Nice chinas. I was never completely sold on them but I can't deny they look clean.
^ The Grinches generated so much publicity when they came out on that particular Holiday & one of the first pairs I remember in which everyone instantly went from hated it to love it. Anyone outside of the whole shoe culture would instantly acknowledge them as well. 

Big Stages rank up there though in sentimentality as they'll most likely end up being his last championship shoe. 
The Grinch is the peak mass appeal for the kobe line. Much like the South Beach 8 was for the Lebron Sig line, the Grinch pushed the Kobe sig line into the public eye. Unlike the South Beach colorway Nike didn't kill the Grinch colorway with poorly executed sequels. Wish I could find a pair in my size for less the $600, smh!
Yeah I agree it's kind of a mass demand/appeal type of thing, like with the South Beach 8s. Technically speaking, neither shoe is particularly rare, but they're both very widely known, whether or not you're into bball shoes, which raises demand (and prices). I remember when the Preludes were dropping, and someone didn't even know what the Big Stages were :smh:...but I bet you he knew about Grinches

I also remember the Grinches being featured in different mainstream articles and on TV during the Xmas day game, so there was maybe also some wider publicity from that. You also didn't see a lot of mostly volt shoes (at least back then), and with how people have increasingly loved loud and flashy shoes, the demand has steadily climbed and stayed there. It was also pretty unique for an Xmas shoe since you usually saw more red based Xmas shoes than anything else.

I will say though that I think down the line, the Big Stages might end up being worth as much as if not more than the Grinches. The BS Aways at least are already pretty close, if not already there. They're significantly rarer, and I think as Kobe's career winds down, Kobe fans especially will be more and more on the hunt for them.
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$300 for a VNDS pair is definitely a good price nowadays. Gotta be careful that they're legit though. Lot of fakes out there.
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Now that I copped a pair of Big Stage Aways, the Grinches are next on the hit list :evil:

Can't bring myself to spending $700+ on a shoe again though :frown:
Anyone have an idea what a fair price is on China VIs is? Love the grey/purple colorway....
Anyone have an idea what a fair price is on China VIs is? Love the grey/purple colorway....

keep scoping the bay... I was hunting for a long *** time. just recently copped a VNDS pair for $60 or 70... I couldn't believe it, I was ready to drop 140+. Dope shoe
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