This is my last point, and I'm officially retired...

My advice -- Wisen up folks. Take actions over words. Don't be blinded and brainwashed.

Passion? Enthusiasm? Plllleeeeeaaasssssssseeeee
Give me a break...

Give credit to RockDeep for providing one of the best statements in this thread (yes, I read it all in detail):

But its always about and always will be about the Mighty Dollar... I know that.. Meth knows that and Professor knows that.... as do alot of you on NT...

If you don't think "It's NOT in there"...


In the words of Flavor Flav (in Heavy D's song 'You Can't See What I Can See'), "You blind baby... You blind to the facts... You blind..."

Sincerely, thanks Niketalk ("Digital Jordan" especially) for such an insightful post.
" The situation just got serious..."
Wow...this is thread is It's amazing what one post could do. I hope everyone that made/making a big decision really thought about it before they came to their conclusions. It would be a shame if all this happened just because people caught feelings...
^what are you talkin about?They banned niketalkers?

No. people who were banned from HERE have gone over there and intergrated their hate for niketalk with the decent people in the begining.

They use to not hate niketalk so much like they do now.
For Trade or Sale: DS Olympic VII retro size 12: Looking To Trade For DS X Retro Steey Greys size 12 or 12.5 ezinbox me or email me [email protected]
This is how the Lutheran religion came about. It's how many tribes, religions, professional teams and such came to fruition.

Australia, was created by all thieves, murderers, miscreants and such being placed on an Island by Britain...

They Hosted the I think they are doing well for themselves.

I like pudding.

Marketing and Product Placement You Need Me.​
......Not Just A Sig.​
Count Rockula
thanks, that made my day.

a lot of interesting things going on in here... countries have gone to war over less. hopefully there is no long-term damage.

p.s. can we archive this thread? please?

and i'm still unable to read between the lines. i think i'm just a little slow. :frown:

"I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance." ~ Socrates
Ben Gordon - 2004-2005 6th Man of the Year​

s. All my pairs are from differant people and the Oregon team is NOT the only people to receive them. Maybe the NCAA should of looked into that before going after the team.

As far as the fakes go I actully asked the people who talked to about that. They told me they do look into it but do not have the money and people power to really do anything about it. I did not get the feeling they really care.

All I know is I worked real hard during the year I worked for that company and it all ended with this. I will prob never ever be able to work for the company I wanted to work for since I was 11 years old.
[/quote]ed posting. When I used to just lurk circa 2000-20002, It seemed helpful, insightful, all that. Now, it's filled w/ scammers, and wannabe suburban thugs who know nothing about being thorough. Everybody wants to be in someone's book or paper trying to be famous.

It's only shoes..................

Be accountable, be a man, and act grown for once. Kev said it better than all

The more i think about all this the more it bothers me.

Feels like it's not the websites themselves that changed or the rules of the game or the staff here. It's the people buyin shoes that changed.

Like when i was a kid and japanese anime was all cool and no one really knew anythin about it. Then years later crap like pokemon makes it not only mainstream but so hyped lil kids and their moms wait in lines all day ta buy some lame cards. Half for the kid and half for mom ta ebay

Feels like the same thing happened with shoes.

Instead of somethin people collect and enjoy it turned into hype. If you need an example looks at the 12 ta 16 year olds waitin in line for days for the alt 13's.

Back in the day the only way ta get some shoes was ta trade. Which was not only fun but exposed us ta one another in a positive way. Kids in the game don't trade now. They just have their parents buy extra pairs for them. And i don't care what anyone says, if somethin is handed ta you over and over you don't respect it or enjoy it as much as somethin you earned yerself.

Seein the shoe game go this way shoe companies are takin full advantage. Limited releases, online only releases, lasered numbered releases. And it's not just nike or jordan. Adidas does it, reebok does it, dada used ta do it. But you can't blame a business for makin money cause that is what it is there for in the first place. They aren't takin advantage of these kid collectors who's parents have unlimited funds. They are just meetin demand.

So who do you blame for the way things are goin?

If you are buyin shoes just cause they are limited then why not just blame yourself.
^^^ What does that whiny rant have to do with this post?

I'm so sick of all these people claiming to be og's in the shoe game and hating it know. If you do not like kicks or the direction the game is moving then just quit.
Did you not read WHY prof and method man got into it here?

Cause Meth doesn't like how the shoe game is goin and cause prof doesn't like what meth had ta say.

The rant has everythin ta do with this post even if it's not the iss vs. nt stuff everyone seems ta wanna hear |I
your post was insightful, but what do you mean the only way u could get certain shoes back in the days was to trade?
i live in a pretty small city that would never get altitudes so my only way of gettin them would be resellers.
They shootin, nobodies dyin/
somebody better put somebodies body/on somebodies iron/
sometime soon or somebody lyin/I ain't buyin that stuff yall shovlin/
I ain't duckin from nothin cousin/ I'm to tall to act small- HOV
I'm so sick of all these people

Pepto makes something for that....

I am sick of people being so sick of everything. I appreciated the remarks you made Manglor. It actually hits home in more areas than shoes like you said.

I have an original Star Wars Pillow Case from when I was 8 years old...being a Star Wars OG.. many folks my age had the entire Sheet Set and Pillow Cases.. well since I am 32 now.. .some of those things didn't make it this far...

Anhoo the point is.. some lady found out thru general convo I had one still and offered me big cheese for it. Big Cheese for a Pillow Case I have slobbered on, Fornicated and skeet skeeted most likely in some odd way on...

But just because eBAY is what it is...she wanted to make a quick buck.

Anyway that was from me pissin back then... now everyone is just having a pissin contest. Just enjoy your shoes... Just like life.....The shoe game has it's checks and balance's.

There can be no Force without the Dark Side.
No Good without Bad.
Light without Darkness.

Pudding without a Spoon to eat it.. ok..that didn't make sense..but if this Post ever gets least people can say what the hell was he talkin about after all the seriousness eh?

Holla and I like pudding..may the Force be with you Anikan.
Marketing and Product Placement You Need Me.​
......Not Just A Sig.​

Some kellogs cereal recently comes with star wars light saber spoons. Like the handle looks like the swords in the movie and the spoon is clear and it light up different colors.

So i'm usin one the other day and some kid is all...SELL ME THAT! and i'm all...ummm..go buy some cereal. And he says i have the "rare green color". And i start laughin cause this kid is tryin ta buy the spoon i am usin ta EAT. So he drops a 20 and i say no thanx. Then he drops another and i hand him my spoon go ta the store ta buy a few more boxes of cereal 0]

your post was insightful, but what do you mean the only way u could get certain shoes back in the days was to trade?

Before the days of eBay people still made rare shoes. And no matter how much you could get for a certain pair it wasn't worth it cause buyin the same pair again was so hard. So you traded. Face ta face, or a friend of a friend of a friend helped you out. Now you can get any shoe you want if you have enough cash. And that doesn't make the shoe game any worse. Just makes it a lot less fun.
And no matter how much you could get for a certain pair it wasn't worth it cause buyin the same pair again was so hard. So you traded. Face ta face, or a friend of a friend of a friend helped you out. Now you can get any shoe you want if you have enough cash. And that doesn't make the shoe game any worse. Just makes it a lot less fun.

BINGO! Of course this was the pre-eBay's just not the same anymore.
side note---if you're eating a pudding pack and find yourself without a spoon just take the wrapping top and fold the two ends into a triangle and use it as a wonders for me
As Rock said, Manglor, it all has it's checks and balances. You say it's a bad thing that people can find anything they want now .. why?

It does take away from the allure, but you can't sit back and tell me that every original shoe is "easy" to find by any means. OG Jordan I/II/III are all still just as hard to find. OG Adidas Forums are just as hard to find. OG Air Force III's are still just as hard to find. Same goes for a lot of older vintage shoes.

What I'm sayin is that while it has shifted focus on what shoes "used to be" to us, it has also brought a lot of stuff out into the open and made it a little easier to find. If anything, we should be glad the shoe game is getting as much respect now. We *****ed and moaned when it didn't, and now we ***** and moan that there's "too much" publicity on it. Pick and side and stick to it. Honestly. If it weren't for eBay, hundreds of people would not have found certified grails. I ain't talking Altitude 13 or Supreme Dunk grails like I've seen some people mention. I mean, vintage goodness like the things I mentioned above.

Three weeks ago, I found a pair of Brown patent Adidas Forums high's. I've only seen one other pair for auction in my size and DJ AM got them for well over what I got mine for. In essence, you ridicule eBay and "the shoe game" and say that's a BAD thing.

Just remember that there are pro's and con's to everything.

And rock, you already got me wondering what you smoking with the pudding and SW pillow case references .... :lol:


Restoring order to the Shoe
the Unexpected​
As Rock said, Manglor, it all has it's checks and balances. You say it's a bad thing that people can find anything they want now .. why?

No i didn't say it was bad at all.

Now you can get any shoe you want if you have enough cash. And that doesn't make the shoe game any worse. Just makes it a lot less fun.

See i said it DOESN'T make it any worse.

i personally think eBay is a lot less fun than settin up trades and goin from spot ta spot throughout the city seacrchin for certain kicks. But again thas just me. It's not bad it's just different.

In essence, you ridicule eBay and "the shoe game" and say that's a BAD thing.

No see i didn't say it was bad :b

i liked it better how it was years and years ago but that is just me. The only way the shoe game has gotten BAD since then is the amount of well made fakes they have for EVERYTHIN now. It's hard ta know who or what ta trust.

The shoe game as a whole is great. i just have serious problems with lots of the players.


Poor Hubie.......hes getting roasted in the last niketalk post post

dont post much but ive been around since nike park and remember the days of jersey joe fondly

Jersey Joe! Wow talk about memories. I forgotten all about him.

Whatever happened to him? Why did he leave?

I remember him as one of the first "main sneaker heads" and he seemed to have some "inside info" (way) back in the days.

Wow, I've been here so long, I already start forgetting things.
TJP - The Jordan Palace

Jersey Joe is now making major cake off Mitchell & Ness. He is probably one of the major distributors around in my opinion.

Anyway, Manglor, I worded my post all wrong. I do know you don't think it's a bad thing by any means that people can find things now.

Anyway, in some ways, I do agree with you and how much more fun it used to be, but I guess for me personally, it's still just as much fun. Maybe because I branched off into PE's and those are ten times harder to find. But I still have a NUMBERED LIST of things I have yet to find. Every month or couple of months, I narrow it down. And once I get done with that, there WILL be a new list to track down. That's why I haven't gotten tired of it yet. There's always one more shoe you want but can't find so you keep looking and looking until you do find it. In a way, that's no different than 10 years ago when none of this crap was around in my opinion.


Restoring order to the Shoe
the Unexpected​
This really could be "the" pivotal post of NT.

It's like someone opened up a door with the "light" in it.

It's now so clear how the shoegames has changed. It's gone from an quite unknown hobby (how many people didn't think they were the only one with their crazy shoe fetish? I know I was.) to a "exposed" hobby, and now it has just turned into a multimillion, maybe billion industrie, which makes me come to this:

They aren't takin advantage of these kid collectors who's parents have unlimited funds. They are just meetin demand.

That is NOT true. Companies,Nike/JB in the lead (since this IS NIKEtalk) realized the enormous potential of this site.

They didn't meet the demand. They created the hype. The gigantic hype surrounding shoes, limited edition, online exclusive et cetera, et cetera.

People fell for it, BIG TIME.

Do you really believe that without the existence of the Internet we would have ever seen this?

No Way. The Air Jordan line would've still been exclusive and we still have the once-a-year release of a new Air Jordan.

No, if people still enjoy it, I say "more power to you", I retired 2 years ago. Yeah I still follow it, I'm still curious. But for me personally, I don't enjoy it anymore.
Even if I could afford all those releases and boy are there many of them!

I'm not poor in any way, ut the release schedule of nike and perticular JB, has gone into the rediculous.

I know they don't care. Fair enough. Nike IS a business and they make billons of dollars. Which is what everyone would if they could, I know, including myself. After all, money is money, and money's never dirty.

But this post surely was an eye opener to me. It's almost not comprehensible. (the "shoegame")

A certain line was reached. And past.

Without wanting to sound melodramtic, I do really wonder what this will turn into, a couple of years from now.
TJP - The Jordan Palace

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