I really did not want to get involved with this post again but I feel I need to clear a few things up.

First, I was fired for a total of 7 shoes that I admitted to buying for my friends. Not buying multiple pairs of J's and reselling on ebay.

Second, I was told that if I had not owned the Oregon Lebron's that I would still have my job today.

Bottom line is by owning those shoes I did nothing wrong. I can sell anything that I own. I'm not complaining or whining. Life goes on.

I was just sharing my story.
Let's be honest. He was selling the shoes bought with an employee discount on NT. Although it was nice to sell them at retail to everyone here, if he made a profit then it wasn't a hook-up.

We all know the risk we run when taking advantage of a situation for personal gain. Putting the Lebrons up wasn't the brightest thing to do, as there are other more discreet channels that could have been used.

Oh well, DJ hope you land on your feet. Maybe you'll get a second chance. You've still got your connections for shoes.

Restoring order to the Shoe Game​
Expect the Unexpected​
I was known by most people there for being a big collector and a shoe head.

word spread arround...

i think you deserved it.

people like you who blabber too much about:

1. im a big shoe head/collector
2. IM ON NIKETALK PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kills it for me.

look, if you just shut your mouth, do you think this would happen? how about if you told your connect not to tell anything...would this happen?

or basically...

keep your mouth shut about being a shoehead/collector and being on you think this would happen?


thats why to be an NTer nowadays suck. everyone is a so-called "shoecollector"...everyone claims "they know a lot"...everyone claims "i have a sick collection".

shut your pieholes...dont talk about being a shoehead/collector in public. usually the people who complain that "theres so much people collecting now" are the same people who spread the word arround. to this day ive never talked about NT in public nor said i was on NT.


before getting at me...the ebay thing isnt my focus here. im talking about the possible causes that mightve helped to it.
^^^Just to maybe clear that up.
Nike actully got my personal info from Ebay and that is how they knew it was my auction. Not by me running my mouth and bragging i'm on NT.
If your job meant a lot to you, you should not have taken ANY risks to lose it. Face it, it's your fault you got fired. Everyone breaks the rules, but you got caught.
^^What ya'll do not understand is that if I would of known I was going to lose my job for selling those kicks I would of never done it.

I never knew that it was that serious and if ya'll say you knew it was your lying.
if ebay gave out your personal info, to anyone, you need to get a lawyer and sue the heck out of ebay. there is no way that they can be allowed to disclose your personal info anyone, it is a breach of privacy.
By selling those U of O Lebrons DJ did absolutlly nothing wrong. At that point they were his shoes to do what he wanted with them. The person who gave them to him is the one who was selling shoes that should not of been selling.
He knew he could get in trouble for putting those up on ebay of all places. He even said so, that's why he put up a little 3 day auction. Somebody hooks you up and you thank them by exploiting the product and putting them on ebay risking that guy's job. If it was ok to sell the shoes on ebay the guy would have sold the shoes himself.

Didn't even hear about this until someone called me and told me. I'm a little conflicted about this, because I see both sides of the coin.


There is a lot more in the inner workings of Nike that most people don't see (will never see) regards to the fake shoes and also PEs being leaked and whatnot.

So I won't comment on that...but I'm sorry to hear that Digital, hit me up if you want to chat.


Jocelyn = Dopeness on a stick.
Niketalk Rules of Conduct
Email: [email protected]
Website: RETROKID! / SoleCollector
W.T.B.B. Indeed.
so then why change the topic ta just DELETE?

i thought it was an interestin post and a good warnin so this doesn't happen ta anyone else but what in this thread made you decide ta have it removed?
There is a lot more in the inner workings of Nike that most people don't see (will never see) regards to the fake shoes and also PEs being leaked and whatnot.

So I won't comment on that...

Why did you even say that?

Because...well...because there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes, and most people just blast Nike for it, when it's sometimes unwarranted. Sometimes it is deserved, but sometimes it isn't...I don't really know what to say, so I won't say anything. Also, I don't know everything that goes into it, so I can't comment on that either. What about fake Louis Vuitton stuff? Purses, clothes, etc?


Jocelyn = Dopeness on a stick.
Niketalk Rules of Conduct
Email: [email protected]
Website: RETROKID! / SoleCollector
W.T.B.B. Indeed.
so then why change the topic ta just DELETE?
I felt that I was put on trail by a few people that were accusing me of reselling product not suppose to be sold. Like I said I was told that if not for these shoes I would still be a Nike employee even if I hooked up some people with shoes. This post was not made to cry about losing my job. I felt that this was something that affects the whole shoe community so I did what I thought at the time was the right thing to do and share my unique story.

I will take this as a L and move on. I have dealt with much harder things in my life then just losing a job. I have a wife and two kids who are everything to me so I really have nothing to complain about. Sure as I look back now I may have made a bad decision in putting the shoes up but I did not brake any rules in doing so.

All I want to do is put the shoe game behind me and move onto bigger and better things. It was fun while it lasted but I have to admit going thru all of this has really made me lose the love and passion I once had for this hobby.
All I want to do is put the shoe game behind me and move onto bigger and better things. It was fun while it lasted but I have to admit going thru all of this has really made me lose the love and passion I once had for this hobby.

That is pretty sad ta hear.

For me, nothin else that anyone could ever say or do would make me stop carin about my shoes. Nike is a huge faceless corporation and MJ himself isn't exactly a nice guy. But that has nothin ta do with how i feel when i unbox and lace up a fresh pair of ultraposites and feel all unstoppable or when some kid looks at the PE's i'm wearin ingame and just stops and stares.

If a couple Nike suits changed how you feel about shoes so totally then not only did they WIN but it seems they managed ta break you pretty easily.

Of course Nike doesn't want collectors, they want sheep who don't care about quality or rarity and just buy whatever they churn out.

Nike doesn't need or want you at all.

But maybe people like us do...
Nike doesn't need or want you at all.
But maybe people like us do...
Honestly, thats how Ive come to look at it. Beyond a handful of a genuinely good people, it seems that Nike as a whole doesnt harbor a great deal of respect for the dedicated sneaker head, much less the online sneaker community.

In most cases, when were not being underestimated, were being taken for granted. Were played for fools or just plain played. Whats worse, many of us play ourselves.

Though I understand the ambition, it still irks me to see so many people using their voices online to jockey for the attention of Nike executives in sycophantic fashion, to make statements contrary to their own interest as fans in the slim hope of impressing someone out in Oregon. That, or everything is tempered by politics.

Again, I can empathize, because I've met a couple of people who work for Nike over the years and you don't want to hear people call your friends out of name, but at the same time:

Nike pays out millions and millions of dollars each year to make sure that their needs and interests are well served and well protected.

I can understand loyalty to a cause and loyalty to a person, but I can't understand loyalty to a company above loyalty to one's peers.

At days end, the only person truly looking out from the end consumer IS the end consumer.

Theres so much talent here, theres so much knowledge and passion here

I just wish more of us would use this community to work together to try and make things better for all those who share our excitement, who share our enthusiasm for sneakers and athletics.

We have to pull for ourselves, because nobody else will.

I have been following this post and so many people have said some valuable things, Manglor has an excellent point by stating:

"Nike doesn't need or want you at all.
But maybe people like us do..."

Digital, after all these years of you having a passion for kicks, it won't die out that easily so maybe you need a lil break, but is all that happened to you worth giving up something you hold so dear? Not trying to criticize I just hate to see people give up something they love maybe without having to.

I wish you and your family the best Digital, maybe somewhere you can keep a lil ember for the love u had for kicks. God bless dude.

"tear away the sheets you breathe from coma.
open to the curse we live to sever,
and portray a life to close the portals to the ones bent on betrayal." Breath From Coma by Hopesfall
I would like to argue that a reasonable person should have been able to foresee the potential consequences of taking the actions you took. I feel that DJ claiming negligence in the loss of his job is pretty weak. While it was not illegal for you to sell the shoes once you owned them, you should have known that it was for the person that sold them to you, or the person that sold them to the person you got them from. And if you are then in turn going to sell goods that were not intended to be sold, in a public international marketplace, I think you should have recognized that there may have been some backlash. Claiming negligence is a cop out. There is a black market for this kind of stuff, and the people that exchange these types of goods know that. The fact that you ever got your hands on them should have been a secret to everyone but those who saw you wearing them. And yes you got in trouble for reselling, not being a collector. You mistake in my simple opinion.

Have a nice day everyone :D

Go Ducks!

OREGON DUCKS: 2005 National Champs (thanks cheerleaders!)
PIT CREW for Life[/center]
jesus christ!! digital jordan erased his story. for all of you that are just typing responses flaming him after he edited the post please STOP HATING BECAUSE YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. DIGITALJORDAN have said plenty of times that he wasnt aware of the seriousness of some shoes and you guys keep hating on him :stoneface:
. i do not know digital jordan personally at all. i only bought a pair of h2k5's ASG from him and every post i see him in, i've never seen him babbling his mouth like you guys said. all ive seen is that he does hook us up with some releases and its not like he is selling them for raping prices he sell them for retail most of the time so WHY DONT SOME OF YOU SHUT YA'LL MOUTH AND SHOW SOME RESPECT FOR THE MAN. REMEMBER RESPECT IS A TWO WAY STREET. YOU RESPECT ME AND ILL RESPECT YOU

At days end, the only person truly looking out from the end consumer IS the end consumer.

Theres so much talent here, theres so much knowledge and passion here

I just wish more of us would use this community to work together to try and make things better for all those who share our excitement, who share our enthusiasm for sneakers and athletics.

We have to pull for ourselves, because nobody else will.

METH says it best. there is A LOT of politics that go with Nike. And like Alex said some are good and some are bad. I'm a Nike employee and I can talk about the inner workings of Nike, but it would take too much space and time. BUT, I I can get a feeling of how it feels to be let go by a company that you're so passionate about. It's unfortunate things happened the way they did.

[email protected]
This post might get me banned, but given where this place has been going, I can't say I really care all that much any more...

Beyond a handful of a genuinely good people, it seems that Nike as a whole doesnt harbor a great deal of respect for the dedicated sneaker head, much less the online sneaker community...In most cases, when were not being underestimated, were being taken for granted. Were played for fools or just plain played. Whats worse, many of us play ourselves.
Honestly Meth, you seem to have caught some sort of messiah complex recently. In many of your posts over the past few months you've indicated a view of yourself as some sort of annointed representative of the "sneaker community" -- a lonely warrior looking out for shoeheads when no one else is.

Worse yet, just like the much loved Coach Hubie, you've branded anyone who disagrees with you as a sycophant to the Swoosh.

I have much love for what you've done over the years, but, guess what, you don't represent everyone with an interest in shoes and, contrary to what your posts have implied, I don't think the sneaker community as a whole is made up of infants who need dad out there looking out for what he (i.e. you) see as being in their best interests.

Take, for example, your post above. You blame Nike for paying out "millions and millions of dollars each year to make sure that their needs and interests are well served and protected." Uh, and they're not supposed to do that? What exactly is your point? Do you mean to say that you'd be willing to do that for them?
I can understand loyalty to a cause and loyalty to a person, but I can't understand loyalty to a company above loyalty to one's peers.
And what does that mean? If someone has a different view on DJ's situation than your's they're disloyal sycophants? So now you're the arbiter of what's right and just in the world of shoes?
At days end, the only person truly looking out from the end consumer IS the end consumer.
And you just figured that out? Guess what, Nike is in business to make money. Same as adidas, same as Reebok, same as New Balance, et al. Every so often the folks out in Beaverton will put out something special and life is good, but, ultimately, they exist to get money out of people's pockets and until employees start accepting bread for payment instead of cash, that's how it's going to remain.
I just wish more of us would use this community to work together to try and make things better for all those who share our excitement, who share our enthusiasm for sneakers and athletics.
That's a nice, touchy-feely sentiment -- one worthy of a politician on the stump -- but, given that you're in the high-and-mighty position that you're in, why don't you do something about it or, at the very least, suggest something?

All I've seen from you recently has been a lot of *****ing and moaning about this and that, which, at least in my view, doesn't seem all that constructive.

So define what exactly "better" is and use this bully pulpit you've built for yourself to work towards it.

All I ask is that you try to cut down on the paternalism a tad -- as incredible a revelation as this may be, you are neither all knowing nor all seeing and your view of "better" may not be the same as the sneaker head up the street.

With that I bid you all adieu!
Well I for one.. .can resemble remarks made by Meth and resent some... not so much an attacking or defensive point of view but one of open communication....

I think Meth speaks in defense of his community as well as his own beliefs. I respect Cyjack's thoughts as well, as when you see things being said, that you don't agree with.. you gotta speak up and set the record straight.

It's not about taking sides, its about self representation and saying what you feel without thinking you will be banned or as if you represent everyone when you make a statement.

I for one.. have always used my insight and knowledge base to educate others here on the board as well as project my own business to one that is directed at the Shoe Industry...

I have my own Marketing/Business Re-Engineering Business. I do it because I do well at it, but I got into it because I love Marketing and the business that goes along with it.

I would like to think.. some of the info I spew here, is read by most but taken in by those who want to learn something. Many of the young shoe heads, can't follow what alot of us "older heads" say, because we don't include pictures with our statements and shared info...

Yet, if they took the time to actually read alot of it... they would know answers to some of the questions they ask. Many realize every company on Nasdaq and NYSE is there to make money.

Hell.. that's why I work.. to make money.. but there is a sliver of us.. who know.. sometimes the love of what you do. turns into a business.

How many of you who loved writing.. stopped loving it when the teacher told you WHAT to write.. How many loved to read books til you were told WHAT to read.

Many people in the design industry or Color Design Industry LOVE what they do.. until they are told HOW to design it... Its when your love turns to a business, that life changes...

I am sure CYJACK.. aka the Prof.. loved reveiwing shoes and giving them to the masses, but at times, feels it more a job than anything else... as well as Meth and Nelson creating this board... for the love of the shoe game..

But when when it turns into moderating and admining.. it can become much more of a hassle than you bargain for. It happens to all of us on EVERY level. Sometimes you just need to take a step back and remove yourself.. as you have seen... many many "vets" do over the years.

Hell even Alex, has conflicts of interest here, because he does deal with Nike/Jordan on a business level.. I am sure he is dying to tell you all info he has gotten over the years.. but simply can't do to rules and aggreements he has made..

In order to maintain trust... Do you all hate him or respect him for that??? Bottom line is.. Nike is a business.. and the last thing they think about is Nostalgia for the collectors.. Should that not be the last thing.. its bonus for them.

But its always about and always will be about the Mighty Dollar... I know that.. Meth knows that and Professor knows that.... as do alot of you on NT...

The other Bottom line is.. just like any other company.. In order to make a difference.. You complain. Not just here on NT.. but in person.. with letters.. Customer Service and the like.

If you don't like whats going on.. Change your loyalties.. and then maybe then.. Reebok, Adidas and all the others will step up their game.. and Nike will see their pocketbook dwindle..

But if you do as Nike expects you to do.. keep buying.. they really don't have to change their Scheme's or Tactics.. oops.. Strategies..

Me for one knows.. I don't buy what I don't want.. but I do know.. when that calls comes thru to come and help do my part.. (For the right money of course).. I will be on a plane to Portland) hint hint.. and make my way around and do what I have to... will I lose my love for this thing we call a shoe game? hell no.. But while there.. I will play the shoe game the way they want.. and put my own spin on it, while in the process. Should they never call.. it will only be their lose.

Do your part and the rest will fall in place....

Marketing and Product Placement You Need Me.​
......Not Just A Sig.​
Ehh..The Prof won't get banned for that..he shouldn't at least, he said nothin that warrants one
I got here a lil late..someone explain to me the whole story on how he got the shoes, what the hell LP is, what the NCAA did, all that.
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