The official reason he was fired was for hooking people up with the discount because they could not get him for owning the Lebron's.

just wow.

i seriously doubt prof. k will get banned for havin opinions opposite of anyone here includin Meth.
Cyjack makes some good points.

And i dont see him getting banned for that post. He expressed his opinions in a polite, articulate way.
I would like to argue that a reasonable person should have been able to foresee the potential consequences of taking the actions you took. I feel that DJ claiming negligence in the loss of his job is pretty weak. While it was not illegal for you to sell the shoes once you owned them, you should have known that it was for the person that sold them to you, or the person that sold them to the person you got them from. And if you are then in turn going to sell goods that were not intended to be sold, in a public international marketplace, I think you should have recognized that there may have been some backlash. Claiming negligence is a cop out. There is a black market for this kind of stuff, and the people that exchange these types of goods know that. The fact that you ever got your hands on them should have been a secret to everyone but those who saw you wearing them. And yes you got in trouble for reselling, not being a collector. You mistake in my simple opinion.
Exactly. Look I got nothing against trying to make a buck, do what you gotta do. But don't cry negligence and victim when you get caught up, that's just weak. He knew what he was doing, he knew he could get in trouble for it, he brought it on himself. Take the consequences like a man. Don't cry about the shoe game being crooked, he did it to himself.
what cyjack said needed to be said.

and again, this all never would have happened if DJ hadn't thrown the kicks up on the 'bay...plenty of NTers would have given up their left nut to just have them, you shoulda just kept it in the fam, cuz.

it's also funny to see how certain people go back and edit their posts when their positions become untenable.

there are more important things in life than getting e-fame from posting kicks, or making a few, or a few hundred bucks off another sneakerhead's love for shoes... quit blaming nike for what happened, sure they did you wrong, but you gave them a reason to... take responsibility for your actions, man.

Our parents came to this land escaping persecution, poverty, and hunger. Hunger..they were very, very hungry. They wanted to live in a land that treated them as equals. A land filled with hamburger stands. And not just one type of hamburger, many kinds, with different sizes, toppings, and condiments... This is about achieving what our parents set out for. This night is about the pursuit of happiness...
- Kumar -
Honestly Meth, you seem to have caught some sort of messiah complex recently. In many of your posts over the past few months you've indicated a view of yourself as some sort of annointed representative of the "sneaker community" -- a lonely warrior looking out for shoeheads when no one else is.

cyjack, I'm not mad at you. But you really have no clue. Meth is more than just a NikeTalk administrator. He's literally the person that, if he stopped caring about the hobby, about the quality of this messageboard, and what this board provides for sneaker heads, this place would come to a complete halt.

So whether you want to give respect where respect is due, you are straight comin' sideways with all that "Messiah complex" crap. Rarely does he ever ask for props or put himself on a pedestal unlike some attention and respect whores that most of you worship.

Good post cyjack. Needed to be said.

what cyjack said needed to be said.

Why did it have to be said? To put Meth in his place?

His statements only inflict damage "if the shoe fits".

Get back in your lane.

"You have been led to believe that mediocrity is excellence. Uh uh.
Is Excellence."​
All I can say is wow...
I read this post from the beginning, and my first thought was "how lame of Nike to fire dude for owning some PE's."

The more I read on and saw how DJ was getting flamed and ripped for putting them on Ebay the more I laughed.
If a guy can get a matter how he gets it (as long as its not illegal), he has the right to do whatever he wants to do with those shoes. Nike may not like it, but once the shoe leaves their warehouse or their authorized retailer, they have absolutely no control over where their shoe ends up.

If a college player sells a PE for income, that is an NCAA violation so that's a different story. That situation has nothing to do with Nike, but it is between the athlete and his school.

From my understanding, people that work for Nike use their discount for friends and family members all the time. If this is something that people are gererally fired for, then there is a vaild reason for termination. If Nike usually looks the other way (as most companies do) then you have an issue. As a manager, I would say the most important thing is that you treat all employees consistantly. If you fire one person for breaking a rule, you should fire everyone that breaks the same rule. To not follow that model is very unprofessional.

Personally, I think Nike was way out of line for firing someone over this. Is that going to stop me from buying Nikes? No way. I love the shoes and other products.

I am amazed to see how this post has turned into personal attacks and accusations between NTers and heavyweights in the sneaker community.

*cant we all just get along*

Completely agree with Bastitch.

I'm too lazy/tired/sick to make a long post about how I feel on the matter, but here's what I see:

People associated with or have benefited from Nike at some point in their life are defending them like a family member.

People who are passionate about Nike shoes, but feel like they've been jerked around by a company that shows no respect for a large contingent of consumers who worship their product, are pissed.

^That's a real oversimplification of the matter, but I'll address it later...when I'm not so tired.
Pics of Oregons?


From my understanding, people that work for Nike use their discount for friends and family members all the time. If this is something that people are gererally fired for, then there is a vaild reason for termination. If Nike usually looks the other way (as most companies do) then you have an issue. As a manager, I would say the most important thing is that you treat all employees consistantly. If you fire one person for breaking a rule, you should fire everyone that breaks the same rule. To not follow that model is very unprofessional.

Personally, I think Nike was way out of line for firing someone over this. Is that going to stop me from buying Nikes? No way. I love the shoes and other products.

I am amazed to see how this post has turned into personal attacks and accusations between NTers and heavyweights in the sneaker community.
People generally get away with traffic violations too, but does that mean you should be excused when you get caught. That logic is so absurd it's not even funny. How about be accountable for your actions. I don't have a problem with bending the rules, everybody gotta hustle. But don't go crying about it like you're a victim when you get caught, that's just weak.
I was going to let this go.... but it's time to clear the air.


Thats twice now that youve stooped to personal attacks. I used to consider that uncharacteristic of you. You havent simply expressed disagreement in a respectful manner; youve attempted to impugn my character in rude and condescending fashion. I dont believe my conduct within this community has warranted that.

All Ive done here is express a personal opinion with my fellow sneaker fans. Thats the purpose for which NikeTalk was created. Each of our members shares this privilege. Of all the costs associated with assisting in NikeTalks maintenance, the loss of this privilege is one I wont accept.

Apparently, youre the only one here who truly believes that administrator of a sneaker message board qualifies as a lofty position.

I represent ALL sneaker fans as surely as you represent Nike Inc.

Sneaker fans didnt ask me to be their defender.
Nike hasnt asked you to defend it.

I speak for myself, as well as those who share my beliefs. I address sneaker fans, because they comprise our community. I offer my opinion because it is my right and it is opinion, not edict. You seem confused in that regard but, I assure you, I am not.

You blame Nike for paying out "millions and millions of dollars each year to make sure that their needs and interests are well served and protected." Uh, and they're not supposed to do that? What exactly is your point? Do you mean to say that you'd be willing to do that for them?
Quite the contrary, Im saying that because Nike pays millions of dollars each year to protect their interests, they dont need you or anyone else rushing to their defense, as though itll really impress them and win you a job on campus. Not everyone who agrees with Nikes decisions and enjoys Nikes products does so, of course, but apparently there are individuals here who would sooner defend Nike than defend themselves or their fellow fans.

Nike doesnt need me to defend them, nor do they need you to defend them. Those positions have been filled, so I wish people would stop angling for them at the expense of our community. Its fine to be a fan most of us here are, myself included. However, when people advocate Nike to IMPRESS Nike, it undermines our community and its integrity.

Fans shouldnt feel pressured to self-censor (beyond whats required by our Rules of Conduct, of course) to project a false sense of contentment with a company that markets its products to us.

I know that pressure exists because Ive felt it myself.

At times, because I knew that Jordan brand employees were watching, I felt tempted to tell those exercising their right to criticize Jordan brand, dont be so harsh. If you really dont like it, the best way to express yourself is to speak with your wallet as though boycotting a product for reasons unsaid benefits ANYONE involved. If HONEST opinion exists, it presents Jordan brand with the opportunity to gather unvarnished customer feedback, which it may then use to improve future product. If insiders preach reticence merely to spare a professionals feelings, customers lose their voices and companies lose the true benefit of this community.

NikeTalk wasnt created to give Jordan brand a big pat on the back. It wasnt created as a volunteer marketing tool, either. Its a community where sneaker fans may interact with one another and learn more about products of interest in a respectful environment.

Now, as it became evident that Nikes presence was adversely altering the integrity of our community, I had to make a decision:

Im a fan of Jordan brand products. Certainly, its not my preference to have Jordan brand dislike this community as a whole or myself as an individual. Those Ive met have come across as wonderful people. But am I going to let that change my allegiance or influence my opinions? Am I going to start thinking about how THEY feel first, and place their concerns ahead of the communitys?

Now, not everyone in the community has the same concerns but Ive made the decision to voice MY concerns honestly, and I think it would be in the best interest of all sneaker fans to do the same.

Not everyone here speaks freely and honestly.

We KNOW that there are individuals on this community who speak with ulterior motivation. Its apparent to everyone. Theres a subtext to certain posts, and its not subtle:

Love me, Nike! Look what a loyal fan I am, Nike! Send me free shoes, Nike! Press me to your bosom, Nike! Watch me defend your honor, Nike!

My earlier posts didnt stand to criticize EVERYONE who loved Jordan products, or even those who love Jordan products unconditionally.

Not EVERYONE who defends Nike does so because they think Nikes watching them. But, as Bastitch said, if anyone here thinks the shoe fits.. lace em up theyre intended for you.

Now, this isnt the first time youve tried to attack me. From what I gather, you take offense to my criticism of Nike. Im not sure why your response to this has changed, though, because Ive always criticized Nike where Ive considered it appropriate.

If it seems as though Ive rendered more criticism than praise recently, its simply because I cant agree with the direction Jordan brand has taken of late. Thats not something new, though, nor is it something Ive reserved for NikeTalk.

I have consistently expressed my honest criticism of Nike/Jordan products and decisions with Nike and Jordan brand employees. Every single Nike/Jordan brand employee I have EVER discussed product with has listened to at least one honest complaint. Im not going to pretend that Ive met every single Jordan brand employee, I wont pretend that Im close personal friends with each, and I have no desire to name-drop. If Ive met someone and talked product, Ive been forthright and honest with my criticism. Its not meant as a personal attack. Rather, its the result of my passion as a sneaker collector. That I have strong opinions regarding product and want to see Jordan brand offer the best products possible is something I likely have in common with Jordan employees.

A few months ago, I made a comment regarding Jordan brands one hit wonder technologies, i.e. the custom comfort carbon fiber insole. Apparently, these comments struck some sort of emotional chord with you.

Its odd, because I made virtually the same comments well over a year ago when the XIX, with its dubious tech flex cover, were introduced. Maybe you just didnt catch that one, because you still treated me with common courtesy back then.

In the last few years, Ive sharply criticized the pricing of the Air Jordan XVII, similar attempts to justify price hikes through packaging, the hyperactive release schedule, Jordan brands overindulgence in all things retro, and the apparent inability of Jordan brand to relinquish the past and move forward. If you disagreed with any of that back then, you didn't make it apparent. These are all themes I struck upon in the Melo 5.5 post, a shoe that certainly would appear wholly incongruent with your vision for Jordan brand, and yet you chose to shamelessly attack me as a result.

So tell me, whos really changed in the past year?

Honestly, Im not sure what Ive done to warrant your enmity, but it cant be something as frivolous as expressing discontent with Nike or Jordan brands decisions on a sneaker message board. Even ******** members have been less spiteful in their tirades.

If youd like to level with me, my inbox is open.

If youd prefer, instead, to sit here and feign civility while slinging mud, youll have to continue aiming for my back because I dont intend to respond in kind.


Kicksology and Prof. K was the reason i found this place at all years ago. It was the way A LOT of people who cared about how shoes PERFORMED instead of just looked came here in the first place. Seein kicksology die was hard but seein him leave like this is just sad.

And am i the only one who feels lately like when people say OUR community they mean MY community?
I'm sorry, but who really cares if dude left? He's a regular *** person just like me or you who put his opinions up about how he felt in shoes, except he had nice pictures.

I sometimes look at the ISS board and I swear they have a collection of the softest shoeheads in the universe gathered together for a lovefest. It sickens me...
method man- you continue to be one of the members i respect the most.

prof k- peace. good riddance.
speak softly and carry a big stick -Roosevelt

spice of life​
People generally get away with traffic violations too, but does that mean you should be excused when you get caught. That logic is so absurd it's not even funny. How about be accountable for your actions. I don't have a problem with bending the rules, everybody gotta hustle. But don't go crying about it like you're a victim when you get caught, that's just weak.
but it was used as an excuse to fire him. everyone of us does something illegal. the police could probably put most of us in prison or at least heavily fine us--underage drinking, pot, mp3's, not using a turn signal, etc.

ok, yes, we are responsible for these actions, but the governing body (nike in DJ's case) makes themselves look like fools when they allow these things to become the norm. rather than try to correct the system, they selectively go after people to try to set an example. that's why i hate riaa and that's why i empathize with DJ.

on another note.... i find this crazy but funny (the methonman/cyjack/iss saga). all i can say is that it's not that serious. i know some people's lives depend on shoes and we all love shoes, but people spend too much time worrying about what's on their feet. it's especially funny cause most people who worry about shoes probably don't even wear them.

"I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance." ~ Socrates
Ben Gordon - 2004-2005 6th Man of the Year​
I'm sorry, but who really cares if dude[cyjack] left? He's a regular *** person just like me or you who put his opinions up about how he felt in shoes, except he had nice pictures.

that's jsut plain ******ed

cyjack > you a trillion times
FOR MVP 2005-2006 season! GO SUNS!
Cyjack is different than all of us in one manner. He gets paid for his passion with shoes! So he is in fact different from us!
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