The smallest apartment in New York — barely bigger than a prison cell for $1,275 a month

It's perfect for college kids who get kicked out of the dorms and have parents to pay their rent like the Columbia senior they quoted.
 You could rent a whole house for that much in Texas
same in Arizona. 
Boston actually a bit cheaper than nyc in terms of other living expenses.

yea i just said 1. SF, 2. NYC, 3. BOS

still very expensive though

i know someone who goes to Boston University, last i checked it was 59k a year

the food is amazing for college food though, AMAZING
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I just meant sf is a huge tech hub along with silicon valley, nyc got wall st I don't know why boston is up there

supply and demand

limited land to build on and

high demand for housing

only thing i like about bos over NYC is its MUCH cleaner
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where you at?

my section 8 tenant rent is 850

ppl rent out bedrooms in they crib for 5-600 up here lol

Al Audi, where do you own property. I have 3 units in northern FFLD county.

as for the OP, this apt isn't worth the money, as someone else said you can find something bigger with a bathroom for around 1900 if you look hard enough.

also the apartment has a TERRIBLE layout for efficiency.
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Dam yo thats pure struggle

Can barely fit a bed and nightstand

AND theyre trying to Hype it up
Nope... i havent liveddd n NYC but i kno i never will. Aint nothin n that city worth subjecting urself to that.

Like somebody else said thats my mortgage n i got 2500 sq ft of condo cpl hundred yards from the water
i agree completely and by chance if i ended up in NYC to live id stay away from overpriced Manhattan 
This is pure gas.

You can get a nice 1 bedroom luxury condo a couple blocks away from Convent for the same amount.

This is just the extreme of the extreme for Columbia University trust fund babies.
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You can live in a luxury condo/apartment in the south and visit NYC once a month for that price.

No excuse to put up with that kind of rape :x
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This is pure gas.

You can get a nice 1 bedroom luxury condo a couple blocks away from Convent for the same amount.

This is just the extreme of the extreme for Columbia University trust fund babies.

Bahahaha at anyone with trust fund bread living n that shoe box... nopeee
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