the thread about nothing...

My gf just took a job offer after being unemployed for 3 months! I don't have to pay all the bills now! So freakin excited and proud. That is all
^^ thats wassup, where at if you dint mind me asking?

BAy area just seems like the ppl are better there then Socal. Idont know **** abou cali tho.
How you make that mistake, yet spell synonym correctly?

They on that NT ****.....

Autocorrect. I take it you've never worked in an academic setting. You'd be shocked to see how many people, grown adults even, think cinnamon begins with an S. Not saying the screenshot is legit, but autocorrect combined with stupidity (or even an honest mistake) can make blunders like that happen.

One of my clients was arrested last night for selling a cigarette to someone outside of port authority while waiting for a bus to arrive, at least that's what she said happened. Also read an article about a woman arrested near Columbus circle for offering to sell an iphone 6. Was not aware you could be arrested doing this. Not stolen items but things you paid for legally.

You can be arrested for anything. Whether or not you are charged with a crime and prosecuted is another story. Their reasoning, at least in the case with phones, is that its impossible to track the sale and receive taxes on it. But the same is true for just about every business -- the state doesn't audit every business, it'd be impossible. They use fear of the police and scare tactics to get people to plea down to lesser chargers (tax evasion versus a small citation) and have them on their merry way. Cigarettes are regulated and have the potential to kill, so I can understand why they are illegal to sell without a license.

They know that the people they target can't afford lawyers. Most don't even bother to call one. Cops are out here literally stealing billions of dollars worth of currensy, possessions, and and even homes from people. Makes me sick.

Ive never heard of either one of these. Is this new?

Just like getting arrested for writing letter and catching planes. :smh:

No. Civil forfeiture, imminent domain, and other tactics have existed for a long time. It wasn't until recently that Americans stopped fighting against them, though. People have been arrested for writing a letter, or catching a plane. Ask one of many immigrants who come to this country that have a cousin of a friend that knows someone in Libya. There stories of people getting jammed up in interrogation rooms for just living next to someone. Its real outchea.

America, as a whole, has to come to a realization that our military industrial complex, which now includes the police forces of metropolitan cities and small towns alike, has a stranglehold on our country. They are enforcing laws in ways that were never intended, and are getting more powerful because of it. Americans today can be arrested and spend time in jail for having done absolutely nothing wrong. People being taken out of house and home for just knowning somebody. There are debtors prisons. America is not a country that lives up to its ideals.
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Just saw Khalid in that nice 2 door rolls Royce. He was getting a speeding ticket. I would've circled back and got a pic for NT but too much traffic.
Question for you harley ridin bad *** mofos.

You have a harley. Cool.

Do you feel the need to have everything you need harley davidson?
Never seen a harley driver tht didnt have stickers wallets mugs posters tattoos all kond of ridicioulous stuff just cuz its HARLEY. aight bruh, we get it, you wana be a hells angel. We dont need to know you have a fetish for harley davidson.
So they let me go after I got back from vacation. I'm trying to get unemployment cause the let me go maybe with un probable cause. I submitted my vacation slip in 3 months prior to vacation date and he just looked at me and said no verbally and and also said " we will revisit this as the dates get close witch he never did and never gave back my slip. So I believe he didn't follow the company policy of filing my vacation slip. So I went, came back and let me go. I gave him 3 months to get his stuff together before I go and he he didn't. And while I was gone his best buddy that was with him in the navy got a week off un paid and he hasn't even have 90 days with the company and still came back with a job. So im going to call HR and talk about before I file.

My question is what you think my odds are in gettin unemployment? Hopefully I get a good aoumnt so that I can go back to school.

Why is he the first result when I search his name??? [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
dad from 7th heaven :x
So they let me go after I got back from vacation. I'm trying to get unemployment cause the let me go maybe with un probable cause. I submitted my vacation slip in 3 months prior to vacation date and he just looked at me and said no verbally and and also said " we will revisit this as the dates get close witch he never did and never gave back my slip. So I believe he didn't follow the company policy of filing my vacation slip. So I went, came back and let me go. I gave him 3 months to get his stuff together before I go and he he didn't. And while I was gone his best buddy that was with him in the navy got a week off un paid and he hasn't even have 90 days with the company and still came back with a job. So im going to call HR and talk about before I file.

My question is what you think my odds are in gettin unemployment? Hopefully I get a good aoumnt so that I can go back to school.

Don't call HR. Their job is to protect the company from litigation, not to protect you.

Just file. Tell unemployment your story. If your job.denies you, appeal with your case.
Don't call HR. Their job is to protect the company from litigation, not to protect you.

Just file. Tell unemployment your story. If your job.denies you, appeal with your case.

I was think about that also. I just don't know what to put down on the statement when I file. Terminated due to unsigned vacation slip?
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