the thread about nothing...

Just got back from my long vacation and I can't say I'm glad to be back in the states....really looking forward to moving abroad in the next 3-5 years. I'm just not about this rat race life anymore :smh:

If any of you have a chance to travel abroad, do it! Go out and see the much more out there. Don't get stuck in the living to work mentality. Theres so much more to life than money and materialistic possessions. Yes I know that money is important and its nice if you have it, but don't make it the most important thing in your life or you'll miss out on so much more...end rant :lol:
I swear the day I move out, I'm getting drunk and high at the same time allllllllllllllllllll night to celebrate.

I can't take this **** anymore
little man forgot to put the water in the noodles 

It wont let me embed for some reason but I love her.
So you know like people be asking me what do you does, like are you a model, are you like a comedian or something? Nah I ain't none of that. I'm a ho. I'm a stripper ho! I'm bout to Shmoney, what's popping. Ahhhaaaahhaaaahaahhh haahahahahhaha
I hate those people that don't acknowledge anyone when you walk past or see them around the office

Then they want to come by my desk and ask for favors

It's awkward
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