the thread about nothing...

I saw that and immediately thought of Hank Schroeder

"GODDAMNIT MARIE They're minerals!!!"

Just got back from the gym now I'm bored
Worn twice Big Bang 9's or DS last shot 14's OG's? Both same price I can't decide
bron 9s are hideous, 14s all day

"The Jays change everything" 

Some times you got to take chances on people.  And don't always believe public perseption/social media.  "He only dates crazy chicks"  "He gets into fights"  Sound like real gossipy things to say about any one.  No one ALWAYS gets into fights.  And most girls can be crazy at times.  You like him give him a chance.
I only want the 14s for collection I'd never wear em. But they og and a nice piece to add which is nearly done for me. Never owned a Bron but I like bangs. I'll sleep onnit
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Tell them you're racist to ants, then in the middle of the trial, start cussing randomly, and say you saw an ant crawl past your foot.
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