the thread about nothing...

havent played pick up ball in a minute, let alone outdoor. nothing beats hooping in the hot sun. unfortunately, my body is gonna be sore tomorrow
i've always wanted to go play pick up ball in the states lol

might try to go there after college
My brother went to jail

Mom bails him out

Owes mom 200

Didn't pay her

Mom changing the locks

Brother moved out :pimp:
I love yall

sup papi. whats gucci.

Wasn't feeling this year's line up. Had to pass when Steely Dan was the group i was most exited about.
Bonarroo actually has a better line up for me and i'm in Cali. :smh:

whats wrong with steely dan?

I'm at this office for one reason only today and she's late. On a Monday....whyyyyy?

does wayne brady gotta djocavich?

Late birthday gift

happy bday papi.

Just killed 40 wings at hooters for $12.99

pics :nerd:

Anyone here good with Calculus (basic limits and stuff).

I have an assignment that I completed and just wanted to double check everything.

answer is always infinity.

I bought new couches like three weeks ago and they still haven't called me about delivering them

I didn't realize it took so long

pics :nerd:

What are you guys wearing this summer?

j's and speedos.

I need more activities to do.

make beats.

Bologna and Cheese will always be my *****.

@GrizzlyAnimal that you :nerd:

I just realized I don't know how to plan a vacation for nothing.

No idea where to start.

paypal me money and ill plan it for you :nerd:

I've been dragging my feet on switching careers but since I've had three patient complaints in one week I feel like the decision is being made for me. I was just employee of the month :lol: :smh:

Nothing like being prepared :pimp:
Two of my best friends just passed the NCLEX last week, you'll be fine

do you papi.

Get my paycheck with my raise this friday. Such a nerve racking thing. It's never as much as you think it is going to be. But if it is "enough" it will free my life up so much. I can actually travel and do normal adult things that i have always wanted to do but just haven't been able to.

congrats papi.

I overreact to stuff too much. :lol:

boy if you dont...

I bury those cockaroaches

pics :nerd:

Afternoon gentleman :pimp:


I wish I didn't care so much :rofl:

I know how you feel. :smh:

Rarely get mad or angry at things in general but people lying on what I say pisses me off.


Malibu's Most Wanted is still funny :lol:

always will be. b-rad the homie.

Bday weekend coming up, been hydrating all week. I know my friends are gonna try me :smh:

happy bday papi.

When you get caught with the side bae

that employed thot.
but if it wasn't for the pretty benz clean, she wouldnt want an ugly boy like me :smh:

pics of uglyness :nerd:
What happened to my guy AirAnt?

I haven't seen a YO! nor a DF!! in ages, breh.
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2015 shoe wise is a BIG ******* FAIL. Failed on EVERY SINGLE release this year man....

Bro, I saw this on Wednsday night.
Were driving down the street, we see this car in the middle of two lanes (it's like 2am) at a red light. The light turns green and everyone is just passing the car. As were passing it, we see a dude legit sleeping. Key in the ignition and everything.
How do you even handle this situation?
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