the thread about nothing...

Last day of school is tomorrow 
It's so frustrating to talk to some girls
that feeling when i'm trying my best to talk to a guy like a bruh, when in reality i think hes soooooo cute. 
 it's frustrating, but i'm gonna just go with the flow. i don't wanna be so obvious and look thirsty. 
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Everyone's scared to seem thirsty and that's the problem.. Me? Idgaf, call me thirsty. Ima go ahead and shine with this here personality of mines and make you wanna remember me
Hope stretching myself to be tall every morning and night pays off

I Remember reading or watching someone using gravity to their advantage. Like they'll hang themselves so there legs are dangling and let gravity stretch it outt. I'm not sure if worked or not though but let me know if you get any results.
In Charlottesville, VA where for the past two days I've been having meetings at Monticello. 

Jefferson was a hypocrite to the highest degree. 

I roamed around Mulberry Row for a while as well. 
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i'm self conscious :frown:

F society man. It sucks that you can't truly express how you feel because society makes it seem like it's something that you're not. Thus making you not truly genuine. Because you're holding back and not expressing all of your emotions homeboy can find that as a turn off, but if you did express your true feelings be genuine and all maybe you guys could been happier together.

Think about this way, say you stay playing this game by suppressing some of your emotions with homeboy, but miraclusly you guys do get together. You're defintely going to tell him how you felt in the beginning when you're more comfortable, but the only reason you're not doing it now is cause society deems you as being "thirsty" whereas in reality you're just being genuine.

Just my .02
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Whats up with this dude in these new McDonalds commercial?

Besides the flammingly obvious, this dude is a total cornball.

What the **** is up with that goofy *** shake he does when he's talking?!?
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