the thread about nothing...

Whats up with this dude in these new McDonalds commercial?

Besides the flammingly obvious, this dude is a total cornball.

What the **** is up with that goofy *** shake he does when he's talking?!?

Dude I thought I was the only one!

I literally wanna punch him through my TV!
tanfam, i gotta ask. i dreamt of a specific date weeks ago. the date is june 18. now that day's nearing, it got me worried sick, because i kept thinking that something bad might happen on that day.

question is, what does dreaming of specific dates mean?
tanfam, i gotta ask. i dreamt of a specific date weeks ago. the date is june 18. now that day's nearing, it got me worried sick, because i kept thinking that something bad might happen on that day.

question is, what does dreaming of specific dates mean?

To dream of a date, as in a particular, month, day and year represents the passing of time and past events. The dream may also be a reminder of a special event, appointment or important date in your waking life. Also consider the significance of the numbers in the date.
18; 8-1 = 7

omg tupac is alive loljk

thanks fam 
In an attempt to free up space on my Google account I'm deleting emails and old pictures. It's a little cathartic. I suggest you do it too if you have time to kill.
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Last week u had a dream I killed someone

Buried them in my back yard

And when I woke up the police were in my room with the body in there also.
The took me to court gave my life all I. The same day

That was a terrible morning :lol:
coming off a wedding I was in immediately followed by a 3 day work trip that was an absolute **** show.  My liver hates me and I can't wait to hear the stories/rumors that spread from the trip 
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