the thread about nothing...

How soon until cheerleaders dancing in tunnels for no reason doesn't exist? 20 years?
Anyone else know that neek supreme has a successful clothing brand now?

**** blew my mind when I found out yesterday.
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I'm a paper towel hoarder.

I always have some paper stuffed in my jean pockets for some reason. After using the bathroom and cleaning my hands, I always take the paper and fold it into a neat rectangle and put it in my pocket. :smh:
I'm a paper towel hoarder.

I always have some paper stuffed in my jean pockets for some reason. After using the bathroom and cleaning my hands, I always take the paper and fold it into a neat rectangle and put it in my pocket.
why the **** you out here wiping your *** with paper towels doe cuz?
Yo anyone in here try o go vegan/vegetarian? I'm about to cut out meats from my diet for a month and was hoping for some tips.

Went vegan 2 weeks.
Missed cheese like a mofo.
I ate pho with no meat but forgot the soup was beef base. Just gave up after that lol
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