the thread about nothing...

Morning Tan,
Trying to decide what to do tomorrow since its the "most traveled day of the year". People at work acting like i will be better off walking home. Dude said it will take you 4 hours to make your 45mile commute.

Not sure if serious or just bluffin.
Still doing this movie project in class, rest of the team wanted to actually do a movie 
 trying to help out the best way I can with lines and stuff but **** just ain't working 

Kinda feel like I'm about to get kicked out 
I was wanting to see Creed, then I listened to the soundtrack. All of the Meek Mill on the soundtrack leads me to believe that he will lose not 1, but 2 fights, and die in the second one. 
Sooo weird. Guy before me at work walks out of the bathroom. I go in and the toilet bowl is filled with soap suds. Afraid to flush b/c idk what might happen :lol: .
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Sooo weird. Guy before me at work walks out of the bathroom. I go in and the toilet bowl is filled with soap suds. Afraid to flush b/c idk what might happen
 he was washing his clothes
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