the thread about nothing...

Happy new year fellas!

Came back at 5am yesterday and i feel like a piece of **** now
Wow Uncle Grandpa x Steven Universe

Garnet + Amethyst = Nikki Minaj

I'm too through with these new cartoons.
This. I had no idea that she was sick

Me either. I'm not going to front like I was a huge fan, but she could sing, and she conducted herself with such class, and we don't see that now with male or female performers. It's about raunch and brands and image. It just really blows because although she had her own demons, she handled it all with class.
Drunk driver almost crashed into my mom's car this morning on her way to work 

Driver ran a red light at high speed while my mom was crossing the street, if my mom didn't hit the brakes right on time he would've crashed right into her at more than 100km/h.

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Drunk driver almost crashed into my mom's car this morning on her way to work :smh:
Driver ran a red light at high speed while my mom was crossing the street, if my mom didn't hit the brakes right on time he would've crashed right into her at more than 100km/h.

guess we'll see you at service on sunday then mate.
make sure you have enough for the collection plate and we dont have change.

Today is a good day.

did a innocent young lady who decided to turn a new leaf and become a "bad" girl for the new year use her lips to molest your testicles?
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In other news, my new appointment at the Ghent university hospital has been scheduled for the 20th of January.

Hopefully the further muscle biopsy tests have provided a diagnosis, or at least a step towards a diagnosis.

The doctors are now looking at auto-immune disorders too as the preliminary biopsy results didn't show anything out of the ordinary.

Their findings, or rather lack thereof, would suggest an auto-immune disorder though I'm not sure if that's any better or worse than a muscle disorder.

I'm going to try going to the gym again starting next week. I've been complaining for several months about my painkillers being far too weak for the pain I experience 24/7 and since I'm already on the maximum daily dosage of my current opiate painkiller (Tramadol) I'm going to ask for Oxycontin or Morphine on my upcoming appointment at the hospital.

The specialists there seemed less opposed to the idea of stronger painkillers. I've been taking 25% more than the max dosage of my Tramadol for a week or 2 now (with general physician's approval) and I feel a lot better. It's nice that I don't wake up in the middle of the night anymore due to intense pain in my legs.

It's still pretty terrible but at least somewhat bearable now.

The only downside is I occasionally get a little nauseous now due to the high dosage of Tramadol. Upgrading to Oxycontin or Morphine would be more cost efficient and the equivalent dosages would also be relatively low dosages for either of those opiates, thus resulting in less side effects.

Looking forward to getting out of the house again and actually enjoying my time outside without excruciating pain.
You need to get off the pharmaceuticals ***** a slow contract death
Easier said than done when you're in excruciating pain literally every second of every day.

I've tried to quit the painkillers, eventually I gave up because the pain became too unbearable to continue.

I had only tapered down 25% and I could barely sleep due to the pain. I'd wake up multiple times per night in agony.

The withdrawal effects weren't really that bad, I used Kratom. It's a natural herb that isn't related to opiate painkillers in any way but interacts with the same receptors in the brain. It basically tricks your brain into thinking you're taking an opiate painkiller.

Essentially what it does is it relieves your withdrawal symptoms. If I take my pills as little as 30 minutes later than my normal time I start getting the hot/cold sweats and electric shocks in my brain and hands. With the kratom I didn't have any of that. The kratom itself isn't really addictive and you can just stop taking it whenever you're finished tapering down the painkillers. I would not recommend cold turkey to anyone btw, even with kratom it's absolute hell. 

Of course it doesn't replace the pain relief of an actual opiate painkiller so as I decreased my painkiller dosage the pain got worse.

People often tell me how terrible opiate painkillers are etc. but they also seem to forget the reason why I'm prescribed said painkillers. That's something that really annoys me.

I'm not prescribed a maximum dosage of a mid-tier opiate at 21 years old for no reason.

Same thing with my sleeping medication. I've been prescribed sleeping meds since I was 19 because my insomnia was so bad it had a significant effect on my daily functioning and I became a danger to myself and others. I couldn't concentrate, large gaps in my memory, ...

I remember getting ready for school one day, hopping on my bicycle and the next thing I know I'm a few miles further in a ditch, bruised all over.

Im lucky I only hurt myself at that time but a few days later I also cycled into an old man waiting at a red light without me having any recollection of what happened.

Neurologists examined my brain and eventually concluded that my insomnia was the problem. At the time it usually took me about 5-6 hours to sleep in. I had to get up for school at 6AM each morning so that doesn't exactly leave much room for actual sleeping.

I was prescribed sleeping medication and all those symptoms went away.

Pharmaceutical drugs aren't always bad. In my case, I wouldn't be able to live without them.
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Easier said than done when you're in excruciating pain literally every second of every day.
I've tried to quit the painkillers, eventually I gave up because the pain became too unbearable to continue.
I had only tapered down 25% and I could barely sleep due to the pain. I'd wake up multiple times per night in agony.
The withdrawal effects weren't really that bad, I used Kratom. It's a natural herb that isn't related to opiate painkillers in any way but interacts with the same receptors in the brain. It basically tricks your brain into thinking you're taking an opiate painkiller.
Essentially what it does is it relieves your withdrawal symptoms. If I take my pills as little as 30 minutes later than my normal time I start getting the hot/cold sweats and electric shocks in my brain and hands. With the kratom I didn't have any of that. The kratom itself isn't really addictive and you can just stop taking it whenever you're finished tapering down the painkillers. I would not recommend cold turkey to anyone btw, even with kratom it's absolute hell. 
Of course it doesn't replace the pain relief of an actual opiate painkiller so as I decreased my painkiller dosage the pain got worse.

People often tell me how terrible opiate painkillers are etc. but they also seem to forget the reason why I'm prescribed said painkillers. That's something that really annoys me.
I'm not prescribed a maximum dosage of a mid-tier opiate at 21 years old for no reason.
Same thing with my sleeping medication. I've been prescribed sleeping meds since I was 19 because my insomnia was so bad it had a significant effect on my daily functioning and I became a danger to myself and others. I couldn't concentrate, large gaps in my memory, ...
I remember getting ready for school one day, hopping on my bicycle and the next thing I know I'm a few miles further in a ditch, bruised all over.
Im lucky I only hurt myself at that time but a few days later I also cycled into an old man waiting at a red light without me having any recollection of what happened.
Neurologists examined my brain and eventually concluded that my insomnia was the problem. At the time it usually took me about 5-6 hours to sleep in. I had to get up for school at 6AM each morning so that doesn't exactly leave much room for actual sleeping.
I was prescribed sleeping medication and all those symptoms went away.

Pharmaceutical drugs aren't always bad. In my case, I wouldn't be able to live without them.
What happened?
What happened?
My pain isn't caused by an accident or anything like that. It's a symptom of a disease that's still being diagnosed. Doctors say it's either a muscle disease or an auto-immune disease. I recently had a muscle biopsy to help find a diagnosis. The results will be discussed on my appointment on the 20th.

I've been struggling with the pain for almost 2 years now but until a few months ago nobody could figure out why. In October 2015 I was referred to a special team of doctors who try to diagnose unresolved cases and they made some progress at long last.
Since the a few months ago I also started getting muscle cramps to the point of losing the ability to perform certain activities. I can no longer ride a bicycle for example, my legs completely cramp and just give out after a few seconds. Even walking up a set of stairs causes pretty strong cramps in my legs.
You know that intense "burn" feeling you get towards the end of an exercise in the gym or other strenuous activity? I get that just from walking up a set of stairs now.
It's starting to happen in my arms as well now, like when I'm petting my cat or washing my hair, showering, ...

I described my symptoms to that team of doctors I was referred to and they ordered a bloodtest for some substances that aren't on standard tests. I took the blood test and went back home but was later called back to the hospital for a second test because one of the values on my test results was off the charts high. The doctors thought it had to be a lab error but the second bloodtest gave the same result.
My CPK levels were 75 times higher than a normal person. The average value is about 190, mine was a little over 15000.
Based on those bloodtests they ordered a muscle biopsy and are looking at muscle diseases and auto-immune diseases.
My new appointment on the 20th of January is to discuss the results of that biopsy, which I don't know yet at this point.
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