the thread about nothing...


If you’re not opposed to second hand tech, apple has “apple certified refurbished” on their website. You can pick up things that are in great shape at like 10-15% off.

Check out slickdeals and bensbargains, sometimes they will post apple-based products that are being discounted at big box retailers

i think i get a $100 gift card on the purchase of an ipad since i work in a school; you could use that gift card to purchase the pen pro. If you’re located in the bay area/northern california, I’m down to link up and help an NTer get a deal
I appreciate the offer bruh thats dope of you! I'm in Colorado, they hooked me up with a "government employee" discount for working for the county he said it was close enough 😂. Heads up for anyone else looking to buy anytime soon it's 10% or $50 off $500+ for government employee discount. Once again though thank you for your offer!
Yall really think Thugger should be free after being directly involved in murdering people?
I think it’s fairly obvious based on the available evidence that Thugger is very likely guilty, though I strongly disagree with song lyrics being allowed as evidence and serving as “an overt act in furtherance of the [RICO] conspiracy” in the trial.

So yes I do believe he likely belongs in jail but that doesn’t mean I won’t miss his music.

That being said, defendants have rights and the judge has grossly violated them in that ex parte exchange and the discussion that followed. I assume that, if anything, the judge in this trial will be reassigned but perhaps we could see a mistrial.

For the judge to pull a stunt like that during a high profile televised trial is wild. Makes you wonder how many less fortunate defendants he’s possibly screwed.
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