the thread about nothing...

What's the point of a judge giving someone 263 years in prison or even 100 plus years that's overkill AF just give the person 50 years.
By the time he gets out he is going to be old and life gone already
always thought it would be lightweight cool that if you do get sentenced an insane amount it carries over into your next life or whatever. then again thats what hell is for if you believe in that
actually I didn't know there was a new TAY for this year my bad. I thought you were referring to the (now) old one
Do it! Traveling is such a learning experience.

Where are you planning to go?
I was originally planning to go to Brazil for the Rio games but probably gonna go to Japan and Hong Kong instead. Europe is still a possibility too.

Dope stuff!!

Let us know what you up to.

What's the point of a judge giving someone 263 years in prison or even 100 plus years that's overkill AF just give the person 50 years.
By the time he gets out he is going to be old and life gone already

They dont want some people to ever get out.
You know what they say about the crazy ones.. :evil:

missing out b.

always on da hunt for a jav with a young lady stuck between an elevator or in a wall or some other contraption being taken advantage of instead of helped.

this young lady would be perfect for one


Lol I saw this earlier. People were Photoshopping her IG pictures into nudes. Lol. Feels bad though.
missing out b.

always on da hunt for a jav with a young lady stuck between an elevator or in a wall or some other contraption being taken advantage of instead of helped.

this young lady would be perfect for one

Crazy thing is, she went to school all that time, spent tens, maybe hundreds of thousands in tuition, and became a doctor, just to ruin her career in a matter of minutes. Everytime a potential patient Google searches her name, that video and potential charges will come up, even before her practice does. It's sad story and a life lesson for others at the same time.
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Crazy thing is, she went to school all that time, spent tens, maybe hundreds of thousands in tuition, and became a doctor, just to ruin her career in a matter of minutes. Everytime a potential patient Google searches her name, that video and potential charges will come up, even before her practice does. It's sad story and a life lesson for others at the same time.

Got it's own thread now. And they say TAN kills potential threads.

But yeah I don't really sympathize with her because as drunk as I've gotten I've never had it escalate to this sort of behavior. She's 30 years old, she should know how alcohol affects her by now. If she can't hang, don't drink.
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