the thread about nothing...

old thing I never smanged from college popped up out of nowhere on my snap and wants to go happy hour with me today ....hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I'm working remote from home and want to take a nap, but everyone wants to bother me today with a bunch of emails. :smh:
I hate tipping at restaurants!
Im cheap af most of the time.
Most I tip usually is $2.
Or I leave before the check
I love writing a big fat 0.00 on receipts after I pay for my food.

I do tip casino waiters when I get my order

Most I ever tipped is $20 to a valet to park my Benz when I ordered takeout and the public lot was packed. Dude looked at a young guy and smiled real great full like thanks man

Valet even said hold up do u want change for the $20? I said nah just **** my car so I can get home while my food is still warm
When I go out I know I'm gonna tip so I add that to what I'm about to drop in my head. Hate tipping but I think I tip okay.
Does anybody really like tipping? I don't think so. I feel like I only do most of the time to avoid the awkwardness after, UNLESS the service was really good. Then I have no issue tipping

Girl I worked with last night came to work in yoga pants. 21 yr old 5 ft 1 Hispanic with a True Apple bottom she's a virgin too but her face ok. Thin waist nice legs small **** tho. Yes I got pics but I don't dare post em here lol. Other girl I work with Hispanic but a nice apple bottom just as good as the other I don't have pics but she's pretty face hair and the whole she bang
Went out with jump off last weekend and she was holding my hand then let go and asked why are your hands so rough. I forgot to put lotion after/before outing pre work with garage help

SAME girl same night we went drinking I had munchies I said lets eat Jack in the box tacos

Girl said **** that I don't wanna eat jail food
Girl I worked with last night came to work in yoga pants. 21 yr old 5 ft 1 Hispanic with a True Apple bottom she's a virgin too but her face ok. Thin waist nice legs small **** tho. Yes I got pics but I don't dare post em here lol. Other girl I work with Hispanic but a nice apple bottom just as good as the other I don't have pics but she's pretty face hair and the whole she bang

Hmm Hispanic and under 5'2
So I asked these jews why they eat pork and these dudes told me they don't keep kosher when they are not home

Shady as hell if you ask :smh:
Damn forgot my wallet rushing out my house this morning and first thing i normally do before locking my door is check my back pocket, of course i didnt do that today. Got nothing in the work fridge either gonna be a struggle day 

Damn, you could've/should've asked a coworker if you could Venmo them. Unless they're wack :lol:
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