the thread about nothing...

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Bored at work
Dont judge

tell me why me and my cousin was chilling smoking last night and i ask him what he is watching he shows me his phone and its this **** right here. He said same **** you did he fascinated by it lol

just crazy how some people dont pick at some of them and wait for it to get to a size where they have to go see the dermatologist 
Da gentrification getting serious.
Jenner lookalike mami just walking on da block like she got blessed with a pass from da don like she aint food.
Followed by a tree hugger mami that seems to have gotten off bout 10 stops too late off da L.
I have one. It has to go tonight. It's on my nose. Out here looking like the wicked wizard of the west. :smh:
Been working 12 hours per day for the last 3 days.

I feel like an investment banker :lol:

Tomorrow at 5h00 i'm done and i ain't doing **** after that.
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