the thread about nothing...

Her card declines and her bill is $250, Wyd????

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I'm reading that book now...its dangerous

I was going to let my girl read it...but after a few chapters I was looking at her like...

Fill the 5 gallon up then pour 3 gallons from the 5 into the 3. You then have 2 gallons left in the 5. Empty the 3 and pour in the 2 gallons from the 5 into the empty 3. Then refill the five and use the 5 to fill in the remaining 1 gallon of space in the 3 gallon jug. And there you have 4 gallons in your 5 gallon jug.
Fill the 5 gallon up then pour 3 gallons from the 5 into the 3. You then have 2 gallons left in the 5. Empty the 3 and pour in the 2 gallons from the 5 into the empty 3. Then refill the five and use the 5 to fill in the remaining 1 gallon of space in the 3 gallon jug. And there you have 4 gallons in your 5 gallon jug.
Lol wut?

Cmon b...its common cents....put the empty bottle on the scale....fill it up with the 5 gallon joint till it hits 4 gallons...#elementryMydearWatson
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