the thread about nothing...

I nearly blurted out "****!" at work when the page loaded and I saw these glorious mammaries... 
So a job opening posted up within my company in Fairfax and may consider applying , VA. Anyone live in or near that area? Cost of living expensive? Areas I should avoid?
Morning Tan

Already annoyed.

Coworker: Saw the tunnel was closed yesterday how did you get home
Me: Had to take 95
Coworker: Wow that sounds like a really long way
Me: Na added 3 minutes to my trip
Coworker: That was quicker then going the beltway around to Browning highway then back down into the city
Me: Uh what that is way out of the way it was either 95 or 295...not riding the beltway around
Coworker: Are you sure i don't think that sounds faster at all

What are you google? Are you google Maps? Do you have traffic alerts and recollection of traffic patterns from yesterday at 4? Oh you don't...well i had a literal GPS telling me the best 3 options and yours wasn't 1 of them. So i am confident saying you are wrong.
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